Definition of Karma Karma is the sum of your beliefs that are rooted in Fear, Negativity and therefore Falsehood, disconnecting you from the Truth of your Soul and your Divine Nature. Karma is all that which is holding you back from being your True Self. Karma is not...
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How to do Shadow Work Guide – Part 2: Trauma Healing
Welcome to Part 2 of 3 of my comprehensive Shadow Work Guide. You can find Part 1 here and Part 3 herePart 2: Trauma HealingTrauma Healing is a fundamental aspect of Shadow Work, focusing on the deep-seated wounds that reside within our unconscious. Trauma can stem...
How to do Shadow Work Guide – Part 1: Ego Dissolution
IntroductionThis is the First of a Three-Part Series on "How To Do Shadow Work". This is the 1st Part on "Ego Dissolution" while the 2nd Part is on "Trauma Healing" and finally the 3rd Part is on "Karma Breaking". Consider this Guide a thorough yet still basic Manual...
Moon Phases, Cycles & Periods: The Intuitive Guide to Working with Lunar Energy
IntroductionThe moon is a symbol of feminine energy, intuition, and cycles of change. Its phases offer a powerful framework for personal growth and transformation. By aligning with the moon's cycles, we can harness her energy to set intentions, nurture growth,...
Christ Consciousness: Enlightenment through Love
Spiritual Christ Consciousness: Enlightenment through the Heart, from the SoulSpiritual Christ Consciousness is a profound and transformative state of enlightenment that emanates from the Heart and is deeply intertwined with discovering one's Soul. Rooted in the...
Shadow Work: The Path to True Enlightenment
What is Shadow Work?Shadow Work is the process of acknowledging and integrating the darker aspects of ourselves. It is about coming to terms with the fact that we all harbor both light and dark within. Our shadows are born from fear and trauma-based beliefs, often...
The 12 Chakra System: A Comprehensive Guide to Chakras as Energy Containers
IntroductionThe chakra system is an ancient concept integral to various spiritual and healing traditions, particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism. While the traditional chakra system consists of seven chakras, the 12-chakra system expands this understanding to include...
Ascension Energy Update November 2024 & US Election, Divine Justice & The End of a 12/24 Year Cycle
In this Video from November 2, 2024, I talk about the Election of President Trump before it happened, the Significance of that for the entire World, an Ascension Energy Update (the first since March/April 2024), The End of 2024 and with it a 12 & 24 Year cycle...
Healing Stones & Crystals – A Masterful Guide to Energy Transformation
Introduction Crystals are some of the most powerful agents of Energy Transformation available to Humanity at this time on Earth. For any Spiritual Lightworker, Crystals are an absolute must for Energy Transformation, Energy Enhancement & Amplification as well as...
A Powerful Guide to Spirit Animals: The Spiritual Meaning & Symbolism of Animals
Introduction: Animals as your Spiritual GuidesIn various cultures and spiritual practices, spirit animals are believed to embody the traits and wisdom of animals, offering guidance and insight to those who connect with them. Each spirit animal carries its own unique...
Dreams, Dreaming & Conscious Creation – Becoming the God in your Reality
What Dreams are (made of)Dreams are the fabric of Reality - Energy Patterns & Templates - that we create when we surrender our sub-conscious Mind and let our conscious Mind take over. Naturally, this goes contrary to current human belief (established through the...
8/8/8 – Lion’s Gate Portal August 8, 2024
8/8/8 Lion's Gate: The most Powerful Portal of 2024For the first time in Human History, the Lion's Gate Portal is being felt and witnessed by the majority of Humanity. Representing an important date for more conscious and astrologically-attuned humans in the past,...
Numerology & Angel Numbers – Decoding The Power of Numbers, Synchronicity & Spiritual Codes
Those experiencing Number Synchronicities such as “11:11” on their Clock repeatedly or receiving different bills with similar numbers on the same day already know of the amazing Power that Frequency Alignment holds.
Noticing a certain number Sequence while experiencing “Soul Shivers” is a sign of spiritual alignment that you can feel through your nervous system (Energy Meridians becoming active and firing with High Frequency Plasma).
Chernobyl: The Story of my karmic Past Life 1959-1986, Self-Sacrifice & Dying a Hero.
My Past Life & karmic CleanseIn late October of 2018, I finally was ready to visit Chernobyl & Pripyat for the first time after much anticipation since I first learnt of it when I was 10. Barely into the "Exclusion Zone", visiting the first village, I...
The (Re)Incarnation Process: How the Soul comes into the Body
Incarnation as the Spiritual TruthUnlike various branches of Religion such as Buddhism or Hinduism would want you to believe - merely rooted in their own karmic past & dogmatic belief systems - Reincarnation is a choice you make. No one forced you to be here. You...
The Apple Branding & The Forbidden Fruit: Feminine Greed, Sin & Guilt
A Sin so Sweet...The original Story of Human Sin as per the Bible equally portrays Eva & Adam as the perpetrators of eating God's Forbidden Fruit. That is not truthful. While the Masculine betrayed the Light (and thus God) first, the Feminine betrayed Love (and...
The 7 Levels of Mastering Energy, Aura & Light Body
Understanding your own Energy (for Ascension)
Being a necessary & timely supplementation to the 12 Levels of Consciousness described as Dimensions (Frequency of Reality Creation, Time & Space, Thought & Emotion), this article describes a fundamental Truth that was last known to the Atlanteans (Energy Masters).
The 7 Levels of Power are a Universal Descriptor and Conceptualization of how much Energy can be stored.
April 2024 Ascension Update: Great American Solar Eclipse – 6D Light has arrived on Earth
March / April: 6D MetatronWith The 6D March 2024 Shift completed, we are now receiving the last Updates and Upgrades both on a planetary level as well as in our Human DNA. For about 66% of Humanity, these 6D Upgrades will manifest through their 4D Being. Another 22%...
The Dark Masculine – Masculine Shadow Archetypes
PrologueAll these Archetypes only hold true while living in an existence of below 5-dimensional Consciousness (and thus a closed Heart). Once a fully 5-dimensional existence has been reached, all these Archetypes start to become an integrative aspect of your being. Be...
The Shadow Feminine – Feminine Shadow Archetypes
PrologueAll these Archetypes only hold true while living in an existence of below 5-dimensional Consciousness (and thus a closed Heart). Once a fully 5-dimensional existence has been reached, all these Archetypes start to become an integrative aspect of your being. Be...
Sacred Masculinity – The Powers of God
This is the corresponding Twin Flame Article to "Divine Femininity - Powers of the Goddess". For Completion (from a 6D perspective) and the purpose of Ascension, there are articles on the Dark Masculine & Shadow Feminine ready and linked here as well.Sacred...
Ascension Update: The Great 6D Shift of March 2024
The Next Great Shift is hereAfter March 2020 effected the greatest Ascension Upgrade and thus increase in Frequency to date, with its completion in September of 2022, throughout 2023, we have been transitioning towards the next great Shift. That Shift is now imminent...
Divine Femininity – Powers of the Goddess
This is the corresponding Twin Flame Article to "Sacred Masculinity - The Powers of God". For Completion (from a 6D perspective) and the purpose of Ascension, there are articles on the Dark Masculine & Shadow Feminine ready and linked here as well.The Divine...
My Past Lives – A Timeline of my Earthly Incarnations
IntroWhen speaking of Past Lives in the context of this article (and generally speaking of all material on this website), I mean previous Earthly Incarnations. Earth experienced many Frequency Shifts since its First Days of Lemuria. Here, I am including all my...
The Power of Dark Retreats – Gateway to your Inner Light (My Experience)
Ancient Practice - New ResultsThe Practice of Retreating into a (Himalayan) Cave, going through the different Levels of Spiritual Initiation in the Great Pyramids, meditating in the Temples of Atlantis, or simply sitting in Nature for extended periods, a "Dark...
What is Narcissism? Human Ego & The Inversion of Self-Love
Narcissism & The Human EgoNarcissism, in essence, is the acknowledgment of Self in complete disconnection from Spirit. If you incarnated into an unconscious Human Experience (hint: if you are reading this, then you did), you have gone through the process of making...
Making Love – Sacred Sexuality, Divine Nature & Organic Creation
The Nature of Sex(uality)Everything in existence is sexual. Every thought you think is an act of creation. A thought is the seeding point of that which you want to create and manifest. Every feeling you feel accompanies the thought you have. Thoughts are Masculine,...
New Atlantis on Earth – The New Empire Of Love & Light
The 5-6D Empire of Love & LightWhen The Fall of Atlantis became complete, 16.000 Years ago, there was hope that - one day - Atlantis will be restored. With the 5D Shift of 2012 to Gaia, the Frequencies of the Old Atlantis have become once more accessible and...
Twin Flames – 5D Love & Twin Soul Relationships
Twin FlamesTwin Flames or Twin Souls have been a topic of conversation for many humans, usually those inclined towards the more spiritual-esoteric. The term remains elusive for many, not knowing what the significance of it is. While many claim to have experienced a...
The Human Condition – Why the Human DNA is a Prison that you must break out of
OriginsTo understand why The Human Experience is a Prison, we have to shortly go into the origins of Humanity - how it all began. The Anunnaki, God, Allah, Odin, Spirit, Enki, Enlil, ... Many attempts have been made to deduce the beginning and the purpose of the human...
Soul Contracts – Universal Contracts, Divine Agreements & Spirit’s Will
How to Guarantee Soul EvolutionBefore you incarnate into an existence that is below any Divine Consciousness (5D), you carefully and consciously map out your Soul's Journey for that particular incarnation. Depending on how challenging and intricate your Life's...
5D Humanity – What a 5-Dimensional Human Existence is like
5D Activated vs. 5D EmbodimentFirst of all, the extreme difference between a 5D Activation and a 5D Embodiment has to be made clear. a 5D Activation describes the first opening of a Human's Heart, while still being rooted entirely in their 3- to 4-dimensional...
2024 – 6D Metatron, Templates of Light & 5D Humanity
5D - 6D: The Shift from Gaia to MetatronWith 2024, we have now entered the next phase of Planetary Ascension AND Human Ascension. While the Planet is ascending further, reaching a fully 6-dimensional Template by March 21, effectively transitioning from Gaia as "Earth"...
The Truth About Time – Understanding Time as a non-linear, Dynamic Construct
Time as a Construct of ConsciousnessMany attempts have been made to measure time, philosophize about it, rationalize it, catch it, make sense of it. Time itself, just like Space, is merely a Construct. That Construct changes based on the Consciousness of the Perceiver...
Masturbation & Pornography for Self-Love, Fulfillment & Healing
Liberate YourselfWelcome to the single most shame-inducing topic in existence. Sex. More specifically, Sex with YOURSELF. Sex with another (at least in the context of marriage) has always been given a pass and somewhat accepted as a necessary Evil of the Human...
Merry Krystmas – Christ vs. Kryst Consciousness (True History)
Christ vs. Kryst - A Lesson in True HistoryThere is Christ as an external Savior Figure whose Existence has been both misinterpreted as well as misrepresented - probably more than any other story in the more recent (past 2000 Years) Earthly Human History. And then...
Earth’s Planetary Ascension Timeline – Past, Present & Future
PrologueGuiding Planetary Ascension on Earth has been my personal focus and declared goal for over 30.000 Years - before I first incarnated in Atlantis. Speaking from a Galactic Perspective, Earth's Ascension is a Manifestation of the Cleanup of the lowest Frequencies...
Coronavirus: The 2020 Ascension Shift – Galactic Node Point & The Fear of Humanity
2-0-2-0 Galactic Node PointThe Earth Year 2020 marked the beginning of a New Era. The "Age of Aquarius" is a Western-Judaic interpretation of just that. This New Era would bring an unprecedented Frequency Shift. One that would upend all Old Systems to install the New...
The Truth about Money – Self-Appreciation, Gratitude, Love
Money is GodLiving in an Age of Human Consensus that Money equals God, it can be very difficult to navigate one's life in the absence of Money. Due to the externalization of inherent value by humans (I am not worth anything so something in the outside world must be),...
A Guide to Psychedelic Plant Medicine – Earth’s Healing Agents
OverviewThe World of Plant Medicine is as vast as Nature itself. For every disease, there is a natural remedy or adjuvant. In this Guide, we are going to focus on what is known as Psychedelic Plant Medicine, also called Sacred Medicine, Master Plant Teachers and other...
My 1st Hero’s Journey: Fighting Evil, Dying & Reincarnating, Walking 5D Earth, meeting Aliens & Intergalactic Portals
September 17, 2018 - The Day I discovered my Sacred MasculinityDuring my 2nd Retreat, this time 'Deep Immersion', longer and more medicine options, I felt that San Pedro would bring me the experience I needed for my next breakthrough. The 2 Nights of Ayahuasca before...
The Law of Forgiveness – The Secret to Freedom & Unconditional Love
Free Your SELFForgiveness is one of the most misunderstood concepts in human existence. Many believe that Forgiveness means waiting for someone else’s approval. For someone else to release and relieve them of their guilt. The Priest says “Lord X forgave you” and the...
A Basic Guide to Karma – Definition, Types & Stages of Karma
DefinitionKarma and karmic beliefs are rooted in Fear and can thus also be translated to "false beliefs" or "illusions". To visualize Karma, imagine an artificial dam that is built into a flowing river of cosmic-amazing-divine energy. Just like fresh water in a river...
The 12 Universal Laws – Divine Laws that rule Everything
12 Universal LawsTo keep and assure Divine Order and thus an Energy Flow that is a direct representation of Source itself, several Energetic Templates (10-dimensional in nature) have been put into place across all Universes, i.e. Manifestations of Creation of any...
Leadership – How to Be a Good, True & Powerful Leader
The Definition of a LeaderA Leader of is someone who, through his own life experience, knows how to show others the way that they intend to walk. Someone can be a leader of a trade, a political party, a war or any other endeavor in which others choose to participate...
Ayahuasca – A Powerful Guide to Healing with DMT Plant Medicine
Part IAyahuasca - Spiritual Healing MedicineAyahuasca. The name itself carries a lot of power that makes many either think very fondly of healing Trauma or that induces a very deep fear of exactly that trauma which needs healing. Ayahuasca is like a magical passphrase...
Duality, Polarity & Unity – Understanding States of Energy & Frequency
Adding to the center piece of this website – The 12 Dimensions and Universal States of Consciousness – this article deals with the different states of Energy manifest.
Energy can manifest in a dualized, polarized or unified way.
These different states can manifest only according to their level of consciousness associated with them – as explained in the 12 Dimensions article.
How to truly Become a Power-Full Woman – 9 Steps to Feminine Empowerment
1) Reject FeminismFeminism has been by far the worst thing that happened to Women in the past 60 Years. The core idea of feminism is centered around a superiority complex of women over men — while being rooted in the fear of Inferiority, of powerlessness, of...
The Judas Archetype: How & Why Unresolved Trauma turns into Karma & Betrayal
If you've ever felt betrayed by someone you considered very close and dear to your Heart, you know what a disgusting and heart-wrenching feeling this is.Examples of Treason & Betrayal1) Being cheated on by your partner and finding out. 2) Karma Cherry on Top:...
Shadow Work: What you Fear, you shall Become
The Gift of FearHave you ever wondered what the purpose of Fear might be? Fear guides you towards and into your deepest Shadows. So that you can experience them. Live through them, learn through them, eventually become them - to accept them entirely as a part of your...
The 12 Dimensions – A Spiritual Guide to the 12 Universal States of Consciousness
This serves as a foundational piece of information that accurately reflects the 12 different levels of consciousness that exist in the Universe.
While the Universe is of course not limited to these frequency bands expressed as dimensional realities, this accurately describes the jumps in consciousness made when going back and forth (or down and up) from one Dimension to another.