The Great Divide / Split in Consciousness
While I have been talking about the manifestation of a split in planetary realities since 2020, with the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025 (a new galactic cycle and planetary era), I can now conclude the exact workings, purpose and future of this planetary reality split.
This article could easily be 12.000 words long due to the immense complexity of how a reality split manifests – it reflects the very principles of creation and literally bends reality at will (due to Consciousness) to a degree that not even Albert Einstein himself could ever have dreamt of being possible. These are godlike Powers that are like mythological stories of old: Splitting the ocean and creating a Firewall to keep others away.
For the sake of education, relevancy and keeping it concise within this article: Earth no longer equals Earth.
While it certainly has always been true that everyone gets to choose their reality through their beliefs and actions, never before has it been possible to live completely isolated from ‘the rest of the world’ while still residing on Earth. Even those few hiding in a Himalayan cave for years to live a Monk Life or those hiding on an island did so in recognition and rejection of the world surrounding them.
Now, however, living in your own World requires choosing your own Frequency consciously, accepting yourself and entirely creating your own Reality (Godlike creative Powers).
This change came about first in 2012 and started to fully manifest in 2019, leading to an extremely polarized human society since 2020 that, unlike before, no longer pertained to only one country, one tribe, one ethnicity or one part of the world.
It affected everyone equally from an energetic standpoint with largely equivalent circumstances found anywhere, less local-cultural. And no one could run away from it – no matter where they went or stayed.
Those who are willing and ready to ascend to a Higher Planetary Frequency (5D baseline) are and have been separated from those who are unwilling to do so (staying stuck in 4D with 3D patterns). It is crucial to understand how this works on a basic level, what it means and how huge a difference it makes.
While the Planet has fully realized its 5D baseline in 2019 after 7 Years of establishing it since 2012 (The Mayan Prophecy of the End of the (Old) World) and has even begun establishing its first 6D Realities since April 2024, Humanity as a whole is lagging behind to a degree that is difficult to imagine and hard to accept for those who are already ascended past 4.5D.
There are those who are doing their Lightwork, mostly in a mid 4D Frequency, some are even consciously bridging the gap to 5D now.
All in all, I would estimate that portion of Humanity to be around 30%. This includes people who never heard of the term Lightwork and do not consider themselves Spiritual. Elon Musk is the prominent example of choice for a human that does very positive work without seeing it for what it truly is at this point.
70% of Humanity are still stuck in the same Old, karmically bound, suppressing their own Trauma and living in Fear.
At this point in time, there should be at least 50% of Humanity doing Lightwork to some degree.
This is based upon the Ascension Plan as of 2008. As the Universe is a place of infinite Flow, Change and Adaptation, plans have changed and Humanity is now more divided than ever.
This Divide (I called it “The Great Divide” in 2020) is necessary for Ascension to proceed as planned, allowing for everyone willing and wanting to exist on 5D+ Earth to no longer be held back (effective 2023).
I highly recommend you keep referring to The 12 Dimensions Guide to Universal Levels of Consciousness to understand this article.
Taking in these words here will help you understand your place on Earth right now, how to move forward with your Ascension and to comprehend the Significance of how making the right choices can render you progressively and positively immune to Negativity.
Earth? Different Planets, Different Realities
3D Earth vs. 5D Heart/Gaia
To exemplify the difference in Consciousness and how Ascension affects one’s Reality, using the Progress in Consciousness that Planet Earth has been going through for a sum total of about 45 years now, we will discover how vastly different a 3D Consciousness Earth is from a 5D Consciousness Earth aka Gaia (or change the order of letters and rearrange it to Heart).
3D and 5D are terms that have been used by the spiritually-awake for decades now.
As per the 12-dimensional model, 3D describes a reality based solely on Physicality and rooted in Ego – an Identity that knows I and only I. Materialism, the accumulation of “goods”, personal achievement and the fostering of egoic principles and pursuits is the sole focus here. Humanity has become increasingly aware of this being an issue since about the 1990s when Ascension had gained a foothold on and within Planet Earth (taking roots).
5D, in complete contrast to this, is a Heart-based/Love-based focus of Consciousness, while still entirely focusing on the individual experience. This is where, for the first time, “God” becomes a potential that is realized through You. Divinity is found within.
As such, 5D is where Spirituality truly begins to exist as a connection to the Divine is realized through one’s own Heart and thus becomes an embodied Reality.
The Reality and Qualities of a 5D Being can be summarized as follows: Compassion, Forgiveness, Healing, Service, Protection & Community.
3D vs. 5D continues to be used by those who find themselves in various fields of 4D (or even just higher 3D) while they can barely (if at all) speak from personal experience of what life in 5D is actually like.
While this itself serves as a motivation to reach greater heights and to discover what a truly open Heart really means, it can also be entirely misleading. Which is how I would sum up most “Spiritual Leaders” as of today: misleading. Some with very good intentions. Many others without. Give the Human Ego (3D) and the Human Mind (4D) the idea of Divinity and Power, they will think and act as if they have reached a godly state (5D+) – while still being completely out of reach from it.
For Humanity, the Shift to 5D is the final test for their species.
It is indeed ‘Do or Die’ for everyone involved.
Assessing Humanity as of right now, I can say this: Most will fail miserably. While many, especially those born after 1990, will succeed.
3D Earth -> 4D Terra
This is where Humanity currently finds itself. Even though many still operate on 3D Templates and are more 3.5D than anywhere close to 4D, the Planetary Consciousness that they live on is entirely 4D.
That is why all those who have yet to purge their 3D Templates benefit so greatly and immediately from Nature and basic Energy Practices (Veganism, Retreats, Yoga, Breathwork, etc.).
4D Terra’s focus is on Technology and its advancement, directly intertwined with Intelligence and Empathy.
That is why Humanity is going through an intense Polarization between personal enrichment and achievement (“Capitalism”) and social justice, welfare and equality (“Socialism”).
As all Planetary Frequencies have been integrated into a 4D Template as of late 2019, effectively rendering a 3D Reality non-existent (all physical energy is now in and of the Mind and thus 4-dimensional in nature), 3D Earth died between 2012 and 2020. Due to Human Inertia, Fear and a Resistance to Ascension, many humans still operate on 3D Templates that are of a 4D Mind. Especially those born in or before 1980.
Imagine running an emulation of Windows XP on a Windows 11 computer or using a Nokia 3310 in 2025 while having affordable smartphones everywhere – simply because you are unwilling to adapt to the new and significantly improved.
Or instead of taking charge of your own Health to a reasonable degree via proper Nutrition and nutritional education, you are eating Pharma’s Pills like they’re candy after visiting McDonald’s while you are on your way to getting your latest vaccine shot to then stock up on Beer & Whiskey, ready for the next Gladiator fight Super Bowl.
This being an Act of and for Unconsciousness, victimhood is guaranteed, leading to complaints about it not working properly and bringing hardship. There are no “Side Effects”. There never have been Side Effects. There are, however, Choices and Consequences.
A bottle of fresh and clean Water or a bottle of Coke? A “Happy Meal” or a well-prepared, nutritious Chicken Salad? Another 3 Episodes of Zombie TV or exercising your Body and doing a 30-minute Meditation? …
For anyone with a will to live, let alone live well, the current State of Consciousness on 4D Terra allows for the use of Technology (from Smartphones for Education to Juicers for Detoxification) to rapidly ascend to a much healthier and much more intelligent Level such as 4.0-4.4D. It truly doesn’t take much at all anymore but to give up one’s Ego and Resistance, listening to Nature and breathing Life rather than Poison.
In fact, since 2019, it is much more difficult and energetically expensive (taxing) to live in Fear and hold onto Negativity than to surrender it.
5D Heart/Gaia
For those who choose to live in Alignment with their Heart, focused on Love, Nature, Medicine, Healing, Compassion, Companionship, Unity and Community.
A 5-dimensional Planet Earth is indeed the manifestation of Heart and thus Love itself.
Everything is nurturing, protecting and powerfully integrated with Divine Templates (12-Strand DNA).
A 5D Planet does not know nature as danger. It is not hostile to itself. As such, 5D Humans do not know “Climate change” or any other phenomena that 3-4D humans have recently identified to threats to their existence (they are correct as their Frequency is too low to survive these energetic upgrades).
Taking this to its logical conclusion, a 5D Planet does not know illness or disease like almost all humans do now.
Autoimmune diseases (which include cancer) where the body turns against itself, corrupts itself, fights itself and starts breaking itself down do not exist anymore as they have been fully healed (5D in full manifestation).
Rather than an illness or a disease, a “flu” or other ailment is considered an invitation to purge stuck and old energy patterns before they become imprinted into DNA and have potential for being karmic once more.
From a 3D Human Perspective, 5D Earth is pure Paradise beyond Imagination.
Abundance, Flow, Love and Power permeate its Existence.
Fear and Anxiety are but distant memories.
While Planet Earth has reached this state fully with the End of 2019, Humanity has yet to catch up.
To experience this consciously and credibly, working with Plant Medicine with the right intentions and the correct guidance will enable any Human Being to experience 5D and the Consciousness of the Plant being a direct Representative of that.
6D Soul/Metatron
A Planet Earth that is fully representative of the Soul and its 6-dimensional Template has only recently emerged (2024) and is in its absolute infancy stages.
From my own personal experience, I can only describe this Level of Planetary Consciousness as one of Divine Light.
Everything is Light. All Shadows have been transformed.
All Beings that reside here are Ascended Masters – who have become much more powerfully and easily accessible than ever before as there is now a Planetary Consciousness within Earth that can hold their Frequency.
Rather than having to channel them with great skill ‘from the great beyond’, they are now a Reality manifest on Earth that can be accessed directly. The same goes for The Akash / Domain of Light.
6D Metatron is a Sanctuary of Peace, Light & Creative Powers that could only be dreamed of thus far.
Being Fully Enlightened and having become an Ascended Master, you are now God|dess in Human Form.
There is nothing you cannot do and nothing you cannot reach.
You are still bound by Natural Laws as any individual experience.
However, without any time nor space constraints, your Imagination is the limit.
It will take at least until 2050 for 6D Metatron to become the prevalent and dominant Frequency on Planet Earth. And even then, it will only be accessible for those who have ascended to a sufficient degree to be here.
Realistically, for the next 200 years or so, 5D Gaia will be the Baseline of Planet Earth.
6D Metatron will remain an idea space of possibilities until Earth is ready to go 100% galactic and travel at the Speed of Light (6D Speed, not 3D) to merge with its Galactic Core.
While the last 25 Years alone have proven that Consciousness is Key and always is the defining factor for any Creation, everything that happened since 2012 and 2020 specifically has been decisive in determining who gets to live how and where on Planet Earth.
Everything is falling into place and the Law of Resonance allows for Frequencies to fall into place where they belong.
While many amongst Humanity are still occupied playing their 3-4D Ego Monopoly Games, others have moved on from that and are actively co-creating a 5D+ Reality that emerges and looms ever brighter on the Horizon of Human Possibilities.
The sick get sicker, the healthy get healthier.
The conscious become more conscious, the unconscious become more unconscious.
The poor get poorer, the rich get richer (beware of what you consider wealthy, though. For most billionaires are anything but).
Rarely has there been a spectacle like it presented itself on Earth in recent times.
However, this is all only just the beginning.
Heed your Soul’s and your Heart’s Wisdom and choose accordingly: How do you want to live? What is your How, your Why, your When and Where?
Not too long from now, there will be those on Earth who can choose to live forever and sustain their bodies with Pure Light while others will decay in absolute misery – unteachable and unstoppable on their path to meeting the end of their dead end road.
For you, Dear Lightworker, this means that you have to not only become more compassionate than ever before – but also more ruthless and determined than ever before.
Do not allow anyone to drag you down and pull you under.
You came here to see your Soul’s greatest potential manifest – not to live based on someone else’s fearful belief system.
Fight for the Life that you want and desire, reject The Matrix of mental and physical slavery, break free from Negativity.
Life itself is Positive. Death is Negative.
It is your Life, it is your Choice.
So make it count.