What Dreams are (made of)
Dreams are the fabric of Reality – Energy Patterns & Templates – that we create when we surrender our sub-conscious Mind and let our conscious Mind take over.
Naturally, this goes contrary to current human belief (established through the field of Psychology) which assumes that the unconscious and the sub-conscious Mind somehow have greater Wisdom or Power than the Conscious Mind.
While this, alongside with “You only use 1% of your brain” serves the purpose of making humanity aware of their hidden potential, it is unfortuantely entirely wrong and misleading.
When you are dreaming and you do not remember what was happening at all or you don’t even know that you are dreaming at night, then you are not using your Conscious Mind and thus you are not using your creative powers as a spiritual human being.
Dreams are like pure Energy Potential that manifests itself in ways that we can think of when we are tapping into our creative powers.
The Universe provides and represents an Infinite Ocean of Potential and Power.
All Energy wants to be used in a creative-loving-enlightening-powerful way.
The Essence of your Soul can be poured into your Dreams – molding Reality in the Image of your Divine God-Conscious SELF.
Nightmares are the Inversion of your Dreams
When you experience unwanted Realities in your Dreamtime – or during your daily awake & aware creational Reality – then your Negativity, or the Negativity of others that you choose to use for your own Creation, has become the core Focus of your Reality.
If you are fighting Demons at night, reliving past Trauma, trying to outrun your Shadows, projecting current Fears into your Future or are experiencing any other seemingly unwanted Reality, then you are not dreaming.
Dreams can only exist in a Positive Frequency Field that are supportive of your Highest Creation.
From a 2020+ perspective, that is the field of 6D Frequency.
You either create your own Nightmares based on Trauma- and Karma-based beliefs or you choose to focus on Positivity and see your Dreams become Reality.
The more you practice the latter, the more you will experience exactly that.
For you to be free of Nightmares, you will have to bring those negative Frequencies into Light.
Only Shadow Work will do that for you.
Once you have sorted through that which doesn’t let you sleep at night, dragging you into the abyss of your own Negativity and unresolved karmic-traumatic Past, you will know what good sleep and true freedom look like.
Using your Dreams as a Conscious Reality Creation Tool
While Dreams used to happen in the Higher 4D Realms (Astral) until about 1998, Dream Creation has moved into 5D since about 2000.
As of 2012 and especially 2020, our Highest Creation is happening in 6D now.
In 6-dimensional Consciousness, we use Sacred geometric figures and templates to practice our Reality Creation.
For all those Humans who have not ascended yet, those 6D Creations are now filtering down to 4D and guiding them along while they are mostly ignorant of where that Creation is truly coming from (The Source is within).
Once Ascension to a Higher 4D Frequency, let alone 5D has happened, the individual becomes more and more aware of its Dream-formed Realities.
By far the most powerful Tools for achieving conscious Reality Creation are Meditation & Psychedelic Plant Medicine.

Meditation is the Gateway to your Soul
Meditation is one thing and one thing alone: You connecting with your Soul (or what many call “Higher Self”).
Leaving your current Consciousness behind – for all those below 5D in Consciousness that is the Human Ego with its very tiresome antics – to tap into your true SELF.
This is why the meditative practice of old traditions such as Buddhism, Vedic turned modern Yoga (truly a Religion) and Prayer in other Religions allows Humans to connect with what they perceive to be a Deity or multiple Deities of a Higher Consciousness.
Instead of connecting with Beings outside of you, how about you connect with your SELF instead?
After all: Who knows you better than you?
Just like when it comes to Health and seeking doctors: Why value the opinion of someone else more highly than your own?
Once you truly have established a connection to your Soul that you can easily and somewhat permanently access (4.5D+), your Reality becomes entirely different, changed forever and there is no turning back to your old ways. Or old people and old things that resonated with your Old Self, for that matter.
Think about the word Meditation: You become a Medium for your own Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions.
Truthfully, you already are but you have no way of consciously accessing let alone controlling all that through your own bodily mediumship until you have learnt to master your SELF.
Meditation can come in many ways: For many it is going into nature to enjoy the Higher Frequency of Planetary Consciousness, removed from the densely low Frequencies of City Life or the gossipy human settlements in the countryside.
For others it is practicing Yoga, playing a certain game, making Love, drinking a glass of wine, exercising – whatever allows and enables you to connect with your inner Wisdom & Strength.
A meditative practice, coupled with the right DNA Activations and energetic Guidelines, is the absolute key to your Ascension and Spiritual Awakening.
The more you practice that connection, the more intuitive and intelligent you will become.
Incorporating and integrating that into your daily existence will allow you to create your Reality in accordance with your Dreams, Desires & Soul Plan.
At some point, you get to walk Earth with your every Dream becoming almost-instantaneous Reality (due to the fact that Time is still somewhat linear on Earth and will continue to be for a long while).
Much more realistically, you will manifest your Dreams while knowing that some of them might “Years” to come to fruition.
Yet you will work on making them Reality with absolute Trust and Knowing that you will succeed.
Remember: Dreaming simply means choosing to focus on a Higher Frequency Reality.
Since you are the Creator of your Reality, only you can fulfill your dreams.
How Psychedelic Plant Medicine helps you manifest your Dreams
Using Plant Medicine of various strains such as Psilocybin, Ayahuasca or Mescaline will greatly enhance your conscious access to Visualization, Imagination and thus Creativity.
With a somewhat opened Third Eye, even Marijuana can greatly enhance the visual experience of how you perceive Reality.
When seeing more colors and more vividly, appreciating the vibrancy of Life through your own direct perception, you will gain a more positive Life Experience on a daily basis.
Healing is the same as increasing your Frequency to reach a new level of Consciousness that then allows you to see your current perspective on yourself or others.
You then can consciously change your perspective to one that is more loving, more accepting and more positively aligned with your Soul and what you came here to realize – that you are the God of your Reality.
Once you start working with Plant Medicine, especially for the right reasons – for Healing and gaining a Greater Consciousness – your life will positively change forever.
That which was once only achievable in your proverbial wildest Dreams is now bleeding into your daily life experience.
Just like Meditation affords you a more conscious Reality Creation, Plant Medicine Activations will allow you to bring your Higher Self’s Creational Templates into your current Reality.
The more conscious a Creator you become, the more you will feel like the God in and of your Reality.
Manifesting Money, Relationships, Life Experiences and Opportunities that formerly indeed felt like “just a dream” have now become your new normal.
Once you have had a Critical Mass Awakening through Psychedelic Plant Medicine, both your Dreams and your daily Reality will be more vibrant, colorful and exciting than ever.
Dream On and become the Conscious Creator of your Reality, dear Soul.