My Story
My Unconscious Life
1992 – 2017
My Awakening
2017 – 2020
My Enlightenment
2021 – 2024
Serapis Light
Since 2024
From my own direct experience of ascending from an unconscious Human Experience to an embodied Light Being (Serapis Light), I have identified the various stages that I went through.
There was an unconscious (Heart Closed) portion of my life. The typical human experience of unconsciousness via physical incarnation.
Then there was an Awakening Period (Heart Opening).
Then, I reached an Enlightened State of Consciousness, embodying Love and 5D Consciousness (Heart fully open).
Leaving my physical Ego (3D) and Mind (4D) behind, by going through my Heart (5D), I found my Soul (6D).
The last stage of my Ascension served to integrate everything learned and to prove myself – like a final exam & practical implementation.
I have categorized my Life accordingly. When you click the corresponding section below, it will take you that part of my life and story.
My Unconscious Life
October 14, 1992 – October 2017
On October 14, 1992, I incarnated into a German Family of 4, being the youngest of 3 sons. My given name was Dominik.
Our Upper Class standing made life materially rich, replete with BMWs, all kinds of Toys and multiple Holidays per Year.

Due to the immensity of my task that I chose before I came here and that I prepared for – being a Spiritual Leader on Earth – I decided to incarnate with an activated 5-dimensional Template while being grounded in a 3-dimensional existence.
To be clear: Obviously, I didn’t know any of this at the time. I was flying blind like everyone else who came to Earth until I had gradual Awakening moments, on a small or larger scale. I am now telling my story of living an Unconscious Life for 25 Years from my current perspective. An unconscious life experience viewed retrospectively from an enlightened perspective.
My creative powers and intelligence became active very early on. Alongside with them, I experienced my first psychic gifts and developed a keen interest in technology, music, history and language.
At the age of 5, I used my father’s typewriter from the 70s to write the weather report for my mother when I was the only one at home with her. No one had ever taught me how to read or write.
Shortly after I started going to Kindergarten, I was sexually abused by my female Kindergarten Teacher – this, together with the lack of Love I felt from my Mother due to her own traumatic childhood left me mistrusting Women from early childhood on.
In fact, the Fear of Abuse is more apt an expression to describe my feelings towards Women from here on out.
In 1999, we moved from the Northernmost part of Germany on the Danish-German border to the Dutch border in Northwestern Germany.
Due to the massive Frequency Shift in 1999/2000 at the turn of the Millenium and the beginning of a New Age, when I entered my first year of school, I felt how different I was.
As others felt that, too, I was soon the target of bullying and felt constantly alienated.
This built a lot of strength from an early age on within me, without ever resorting to physical violence which I promised myself not to enact. Unlike in several previous incarnations in much darker times where carnage was the only way, I needed to find a different and much better way to deal with abuse.
By the time I was 11, I realized how I simply do not fit in.
Due to my 5-dimensional Activation, I was looking for Love in every way I could think of it – always looking towards Girls/Women for approval and affection in whatever form I thought I needed it.
When I had my first romantic experience at Age 13 and then my first sexual experience at Age 14, I came to realize that I really did not like myself at all.
This realization, coupled with a materially rich yet emotionally dysfunctional family situation, made me want to take my life at Age 14 already.
Knife in hand in the middle of the night, with a farewell letter written, something (my Soul) stopped me – I simply could not go through with it. Yet a part of me died that night.
So I decided to completely go my own way and simply shut myself off to the World until I had found a better solution.
Successfully failing my way through school by mere intelligence, realizing how meaningless this entire system was, I became an auto-didact thanks to the internet: reading and learning English, History, Politics, Philosophy and much more until the early morning hours – to then go to school, half asleep.
While I did switch schools when I turned 15, I realized that my problems were still the same. I soon came to call school my personal Auschwitz as this is how gruesome it was to me.
Had I been less proud and heeded the signs, I would have stopped school as soon as it was legally possible (when I turned 16) and gone to Africa or Asia to volunteer and perfect my English. It also would have saved me from what was coming next.
As I chose to continue a dead-end road, I changed my attitude somewhat and became more social by participating in alcohol-drinking and partying.
After having to deal with 3 cases of cancer in my immediate family as well as a suicide in the wake of it, I found myself in an abusive relationship that just once more made it clear to me that I did not love myself. Just like my drinking and video game addiction, it was getting me nowhere.
Once I finished school, after having realized that I have a problem with false authority and witnessing what my father and oldest brother were experiencing in their careers, I knew that I could never successfully work a normal job. The system was Agent Smith and I was some form of Neo – always a target on my back, no matter what I did or didn’t do.
Lost in the trauma of seeing part of my family die, instaed of completely breaking out, I bought myself time by attending different universities.
Getting away from the Trauma and Desperation at Home helped me make more and more good decisions for myself.
However, University just proved to me what I already knew: I had no place here and this was leading me nowhere.
Then, in September 2014, my father finally died after 5 Years of Pain & Suffering.
While the loss hit me very hard, it also liberated me.
I knew that I now had to become my own man and take care of my myself in every regard – including financially.
I woke up drenched in sweat that Winter waking up from Dreams in which I talked to my father.
I saved up Money by working a student job that showed me how dysfunctional, dishonest and abusive a standard workplace/office job is.
In January 2015, on a very cold winter day in Berlin, I was leaving my apartment to get groceries. While leaving, it hit me: I absolutely hated my life. If I didn’t change my life now I may as well jump out of the window.
There was nothing about my life that I truly enjoyed. While I did exercise, taught myself a variety of skills and kept on learning more as I always had, I knew that I was going nowhere by going to university and pretending that I’m ever going to have a job, thereby betraying my Intelligence and unique gifts.
As I had done so many times in the past, I went online to look for answers.
In April, I finally found what I was looking for: South East Asia was the location, Amazon FBA (eCommerce) was the Business.
I made my decision: Before I turn 23, I will have a one-way ticket booked to Chiang Mai, Thailand, to start my 1st Online Business.
I kept it a secret from my family until later that summer. I did not expect them to meet my decision with positivity or support.
So I considered it best to keep it to myself while I am going through my own process of doubt and consideration.
I spent my last summer in Germany to then arrive in Chiang Mai, Thailand, early on the 9th of October, 2015.
With a good 10.000 Euros to my name and a suitcase of belongings, I found myself in the midst of a tropical climate and a culture I had absolutely nothing in common with.
After the first 24h passed, I quickly found my way around and got to work.
As strange as the culture appeared to be, I felt at home immediately. It wasn’t even the place itself. It was my decision to finally live my life in a completely new location that provided the opportunity to star from Zero.
I knew that this was everything I had wanted for a long time. International travel far away from home, affordable living in an excitingly foreign culture – and my own business to create my own Freedom, Purpose and Wealth.
Within a few months, I made many friends and started selling my first products via Amazon USA.
This helped me massively in relieving my social anxiety and lack of self-confidence that I had grown so used to due to my experience in life and in school specifically. I always felt like I’m not using my intelligence and gifts correctly. Now, I finally felt that I am uncovering my true potential.
In January 2016, I moved to Vietnam and started working through the whole year, taking just a few days off.
Faced with many problems getting my first product launched and having to invest a lot more than I initially planned, I almost ran out of money, I had the opportunity to prove my resolve and determination: What was I willing to give to make this work?
Once I had made all the right decisions, my first Online Business Money started flowing by the end of January.
Saigon had this very unique feeling of opportunity, development and ambition.
The French colonial influence was visible everywhere. With more cafes to choose from than Paris while most of them had good internet conditions, it was a Digital Nomad’s dream come true.
I spent 6 months of 2016 in Vietnam, making amazing friends and meeting outstanding people from different parts of the world. They were all hungry for success and creating a better life for themselves, willing to work for it and do what it takes.
By the end of the Year, having had more and more success and having built my confidence between working, socializing-networking and many hours in the gym, I needed a change. As much as I had come to love Saigon, I couldn’t take the noise and the pollution anymore.
My senses had always been quite activated so I was quite literally very sensitive. Living in a city of 10M people that operates on an organized chaos and a rather Chinese-influenced culture eventually made me long for living in Europe again.
In January 2017, I moved to Budapest, Hungary, after I had fallen in love with the city within the first 2h of visiting the summer before.
Experiencing a Strong Eastern European Winter with below 0C Day & and -20C at Night for 8 Weeks on end, all I felt like doing was sleeping, eating and watching Game of Thrones. Since I just started selling products related to GoT a few months prior, this helped me create a much better customer experience.
Once Spring came, around April, I realized that I had suppressed and ignored a fundamental problem of mine for far too long: My non-existent Sexuality and sexual function.
I hadn’t had sex in 4 Years at this point and Erections were more or less non-existent – at Age 24.
Once I finally got a Testosterone Lab Test done, the results were shockingly awakening.
Despite my exemplary Health Lifestyle – Diet, Weight Training, no Alcohol/Substances, … – I had lower Testosterone levels than an 80-year old.
After a hot and somewhat enlightening summer, in September, I both made the choice to start Hormone Replacement Therapy as well as booking a Private Tour to Egypt, including the Great Pyramid.
I had no idea that this was to be the beginning of the End for who Dominik once was…
My Awakening
November 2017 – December 2020
When making the decision to go on this very expensive trip to Egypt, I had no hesitation. There was such a strong call for it, I simply could not deny it.
Having been extremely rational in recent years, I could not explain this feeling – yet it overpowered all my doubts.
After visiting various Tombs & Temples as well as The Sphinx itself, something changed in me when I entered the Peak Experience of the Trip: The Great Pyramid.
Once I returned to Budapest, my Hormone Replacement Delivery from the UK had arrived.
Just a few days after that, it was Black Friday.
When I started my Online Business, I had the goal of making an average of 10.000 USD per Month Profit while having everything on autopilot.
Between Black Friday & Christmas, I multiplied that several times over.
On December 19, I made more money in 1 Day net than most full-time working Germans make in an entire month.
All the while I was visiting the Opera with my Brothers, doing no work whatsoever.
While the feeling was great, it also made something obvious to me: 10.000 or 10 Million – I couldn’t care less about Money if it doesn’t derive from something I truly care about in my Heart.
After a very emotionally stressful beginning into 2018, I made the decision to visit a destination I had been longing to see for myself since I was a child watching Animes: Japan.
Leaving Europe in late January for Chiang Mai, Thailand, I returned to the place where it all had started. Now being on Hormone Replacement Therapy (hCG), I went through extreme mood swings and feeling irritation.
Having taken a blood test in Budapest just before my departure, I realized that while my testosterone was in a very healthy range considering statistical data of men my age group, my estrogen (or more specifically Estradiol aka E2) was extremely high. Countering that with the appropriate medication (Aromatase Inhibitors), it made me truly sympathetic and feel compassion for women. Due to my body adjusting to this hormonal treatment and me having to monitor myself based on blood work, mental clarity (or lack thereof) and my emotions, I realized how volatile a woman’s body is throughout her period.
While I spent a great month of February in Chiang Mai between working at coffee shops, meeting good friends and enjoying the rapid-continuous development of the town in the wake of Digital Nomadism becoming more and more accepted, it made me realize once more that I no longer have any business living or staying here for more than a few days to a week.
Come March, I visited Da Nang in Vietnam for 2 weeks. Shortly upon my arrival, I went through a massive purge.
Feeling like I had yet another episode of my somewhat traditional Vietnam food poisoning – shaking uncontrollably in bed, covered in winter clothing while the temperature never dropped below 26C – turned out to be a necessary detoxification and depletion of the old from my body. It forced me to slow down and, for the first time since I started being in Business, I chose to watch Netflix and just lie in bed.
Stopping in Taipei/Taiwan for 4 days which served as a great transition from Chinese-Vietnamese culture to Japan, I was ready for the trip I had been dreaming of for 15 years or so.
Japan was when I truly felt a Spiritual Awakening happening that was lasting and so obvious that I could no longer distract myself from it. I just felt a sense of Peace that I never knew before.
For over 3 Weeks, I had the most amazing time of my life and naturally stayed away from work and my laptop, other than checking emails and watching Japanese Anime.
The moment I arrived was the time that Sakura (Cherry Blossom Season) began. I spent an amazing 10 days in Tokyo, eating my way through Sushi and many other delicacies that felt purely cleansing and replenishing to my body, especially after what I had just experienced in Vietnam.
Between Kyoto, Himeji, Hiroshima and Kanazawa, I felt very powerful changes in my reality. Little did I comprehend at the time that those were already my past life rememberings becoming active in the now.
Almost every day for my whole stay in Japan, I walked a minimum of 12, all the way up to 23km per day. This allowed me to process so many emotions while feeling absolute peace, beauty and even bliss (the very essence of Sakura in Japan).
Flying out from Osaka to Lisbon, I was about to spend a month with a very good and dear friend whom I had met through my Hormone Health Journey.
Living just outside Lisbon, 6 days out of 7, we worked and worked out. Having his expertise and guidance at my side, I broke through to a completely new level of muscle fiber activation and thus workout intensity.
After attending my first wedding and seeing my brothers in Poland, I returned to Budapest, signing another 1-year lease.
After having good results with hCG, I decided to drop it and go straight to therapeutic Testosterone, keeping my levels at a high natural range without having any interest in going the steroid route for the “Gym gains, Bro”. Even though I had opened my mind to substances of various kinds, I was still strongly opposed to any ‘drugs’ or substances in general that did not serve a positive purpose.
All I was interested in was my health and optimizing my energy levels, sleep and overall life experience – while also being able to have some sort of sex life again for the first time in many years.
Being mentored by one of the most vocal and leading proponents in the Hormone Replacement Space at that time who also had great initial spiritual training to offer to me, I felt confident in pushing my body further.
The results of it all you can see in the photos right below – Dominik as a fit, healthy & successful entrepreneur at the young age of 25.
And yet, I was not happy nor satisfied with myself.
I still constantly felt like I am not good enough. Unloved. Unworthy.
Having achieved all my dreams and a form of Freedom & Retirement at Age 25, I realized that I had reached the end of the line as far as my idea of living life on Earth went.
I was missing something fundamental. I had exhausted everything that I knew. And it was time that I spread my wings to discover what that was. Whatever that meant. Whatever that took.
On July 14, while visiting a Trance Music Festival in Prague with friends, I took my first Ecstasy Pill. Listening to one of my favorite DJs while reaching the peak of my ‘Ecstasy’, my good friend at the time asked me to join him in attending an Ayahuasca Retreat on Mallorca that was to happen in 3 weeks. He had already asked me a few weeks prior. Yet I was too scared to say yes at the time.
Bathing in the Bliss of a perfect summer day, I hesitated for a moment – once again feeling my fear of the experience – and then agreed to it. My friend
I first heard of Ayahuasca in December 2015 from a friend I met in Chiang Mai.
Once he mentioned the word ‘Ayahuasca’, I felt a deep vibration inside my body. Even though I had not heard the word ‘Soul shivers’ yet, that was an undeniable bodily response. What I first realized back then was now to become reality: There was no way around drinking Ayahuasca and facing my innermost Fears.
Yet here I was – ready to dive into the unknown as I knew that my old life was coming to an end. One way or another.
These photos were taken about 1 week before my 1st Ayahuasca and my Initiation on August 08.
Age 25, they represent my highest achievements as an unconscious human – fit, young, rich and good-looking.
Having achieved everything I dreamed of, I realized how unfulfilled my life still was.
It was time to achieve much greater feats and do the absolutely impossible…

Ascension & Lightwork
August 8, 2018 – March 04, 2020
Death, Rebirth & Full Awakening
2 Retreats for my Full Awakening & Activation into my Divine Purpose
On August 1, I was getting ready to leave to Valencia very early from Budapest.
Walking through the city for over 10km in an intense Heat for many hours, I felt unstoppable – with infinite Energy.
That Night, we went to an EDM Event on Ibiza. Not getting any effects from my 2CB Tablets, I tried liquid Mushrooms.
Next thing I know, all I can see is Demons & Darkness in the Club.
Experiencing an immense Psychic Activation, not only did I feel Fear – I saw Fear.
This was my first conscious encounter with the Darkness since I was a small child.
A few days later, I took a ferry to Mallorca – my 1st Ayahuasca Retreat was coming.
In the scorching Heat of an early August Spain, the first Medicine I tried was Kambo. I resisted the Frog Poison, not willing to show Weakness or Surrender to it. My Resistance and Strength Training had paid off – the Shaman has never seen someone do what I just did.
I would soon realize that my idea of Strength was my Ability to fight and resist – and it was getting me nowhere anymore.
The next Night, my first Ayahuasca Ceremony unlocked so many Doors for me, it took me until the End of the Year to unpack it all.
After an initial disappointment of the 1st Dosage not doing anything, once the 2nd came, I was gone within Minutes. While believing for a while that ‘Spirituality is just not for me’, once I drank my 2nd cup, leaving the yurt to go outside, the sky turned into a festival of lights that manifested as energy meridians, revealing the true nature of the universal night sky to me for the first time ever.
Seeing myself in Ancient Egypt, meeting and talking to the Soul of my 4 year-deceased Father, laughing like never before, accepting my own Insecurities and Fears on a level I never knew existed.
I had unlocked my 5-dimensional Template fully now. I even tapped into 6D Consciousness at times.
The 2nd Night was a Continuation and Integration of the 1st – I did not actually need it but it helped to cement and repeat the lessons learned on my 1st Night.
The next experience was neither planned nor offered – yet it was most crucial in my Awakening process and me choosing Ascension at all cost.
The Shaman offered 5-MeO-DMT in the form of Yopo. Within 5 Minutes of absorbing the snuff powder through my nose, I died.
For the first time, I experienced a complete disassociation of my human-physical bodily experience and went to meet Source – met by my Spirit Guides.
I was told that it is time to ACT NOW. A lot of cleanup has to happen and I was to have the leading role in this planetary process.
My Search was finally over, after almost 26 Years of looking everywhere, I finally had found it: This was my Destiny, what I came here for.
My Life finally had a Purpose – and my old Consciousness was done.
Dominik Grüneberg died on August 8, 2018.
Only 1 week after that, against my fearful hesitation and lingering fear of getting addicted to the medicine whose nature I still did not fully appreciate let alone understand yet, I booked my 2nd Retreat for mid-September.
What called me most was San Pedro / Mescaline as a Medicine.
I knew that my Testosterone Therapy was merely the masking of a symptom – not in any way a solution.
Also, I specifically asked to meet a spiritually-activated Woman soon while on my 1st Retreat. Little did I know that I would find my Twin Soul during my 2nd Retreat, along with the most challenging Journey I had ever undertaken until then.
After visiting Odessa 1 Year after my first extremely sickening visit, once more looking for Love, I realized that I was searching in the wrong place entirely.
I also would very soon learn why I got sick upon crossing the border the summer before and my obsessive fascination with Chernobyl 1986 since I was 10 years old.
Having my Mother visit me in Budapest and spending a good time together, I arrived at the Retreat once more on September 13.
I was ready for the next step.
The 2nd Night being filled with great Evil and a Demonic Exorcism, myself drinking 3 Full Cups, I unlocked Powers and a spiritual depth of being that I never knew existed within me.
I also recognized my Twin Flame at that Retreat.
When September 17 arrived, I was ready for my Initiation into my Sacred Masculinity – and my first Hero’s Journey into my Shadow, Karma & Destiny.
Once I returned to Budapest, I knew that my old life was forever over – and that after watching The 1st Matrix movie so many times, I had finally done it.
I broke out of the Matrix (4D), never to return.
When I met my Twin Flame again for 3 intense days of intimate bonding, Lovemaking and mutual Activations, everything happened very quickly.
We experienced a depth of Love that I never thought existed.
And for the first time ever, I truly felt that I had found what I had always been looking for: True Love.
October – My Shadow Work Begins
While she was about to leave her old life behind, leaving for Bali, I just returned to Budapest on October 9.
That evening, I booked my flight to Bali 1 month later.
That night, I met my first Shadow Entity/Demon face-to-face.
After having been haunted by what many call “Shadow People” (astral-demonic entities) and regularly having very dark nightly dream experiences that summer, I now finally got to face it with courage, rather than being at a loss for a response.
In the following weeks, I switched to a completely plant-based / vegan diet to cleanse myself of my old life (going from a bloated-muscular-painful 88kg to below 80 in just 2 weeks).
Remembering my Darkest Incarnation broke me – yet it made me resolved in what I had seen 1 month before during my San Pedro Sacred Masculinity Activation.
Shortly thereafter, visiting a Shaman for deeper Past Life Remembering & Shadow Work Activations, I went straight to Chernobyl – finally, I was about to find out why the 1986 event had fascinated and terrified me since I had first learned of it Age 10 or so.
Realizing my most recent Past Life in full Physical Reality shifted my Perception of myself and thus all Reality completely & forever.
Feeling a massive relief upon completion, I had about 10 Days to close my Old Life completely and leave for Bali.
Come early November, during one of my daily meditations, I fully realized my past life in Ancient Egypt.
This was congruent with what I had first experienced 1 year before while physically in Egypt, experiencing the full opening of my pineal gland (and thus permanent access to The Astral Realm) as well as my more recent Ayahuasca Experiences.
This time, though, due to the Shadow Work done, I realized how dark and low in Frequency that life’s experience truly was.
Seeing a Dark Sun, right above The Great Pyramid, I gained my first direct insight into true Human History and ultimately the Fall of Atlantis.
November – My karmic Past unravels
Once I arrived, meeting my Spiritual Partner / Twin Flame, the Shadow Work entered a completely different level, revealing infinitely more of my Darkness & Evil to me.
Upon leaving Budapest, for the first time ever, I missed my flight due to missing my actual flight’s takeoff by 1h as well as a huge traffic jam to the airport.
When I arrived, check-in was already closed.
I was purposefully slowed down to prepare me for the biggest Shadow Work Event yet to happen to me.
I booked another flight, leaving the next morning.
Arriving on Bali in the early morning on November 9, I stood at the luggage collection carousel.
All I could think while watching the carousel moving: “This better be worth it”.
When arriving at the welcome area, I simply could not see her.
Our Frequency was not matching so she was invisible to me.
This was a product of my extreme incease in Frequency – while she suppressed her Shadows more than ever.
Sitting in the taxi together, “the air” between us was very off.
Once we arrived at the Tree House in Ubud, nestled in the back of an Organic Farm, the first thing I remember is stepping into the Heart made of Flowers as I did not see it.
Immediately I knew that this does not bode well for what was coming next.
Extremely Karma-conscious at this point, I felt Guilt arising.
That night, we took a small dosis of San Pedro: The pain of losing my father in 2014, now filtering through 6D Templates of Divinity, defined as “The Father”, was cleared and released.
The next day, we continued with San Pedro-dosing.
When a tropical-torrential rain & thunderstorm arrived around noon, we just started remembering slaughtering and torturing each other in that Spain Lifetime I already uncovered.
Working through the Duality Template turned Polarity between Feminine & Masculine Energies for Humanity, she was the victim, I was the perpetrator.
While I asked for Forgiveness, being on my knees, I couldn’t believe that this story got even worse than what I had already uncovered the month prior.
She was guided to forgive – whole doing anything but that.
Through my Guilt, I was an easy target for any kind of manipulation in this moment – especially by her.
And so I found myself burning different parts of my body with incense – including my testicles.
I ate a spider (my Shadow Animal since childhood) and found myself going out into public, naked.
The Guilt & Shame was so great, I somehow had to absolve myself of it.
And embarrassing / humiliating myself in public seemed just the right thing to do.
Shortly thereafter, it was over.
While she was certainly very intent on continuing my torture, the process ended.
The Day thereafter was 11/11 – which carries many different energies, including judgment with it.
Once more, in an extremely unpleasant yet highly effective way, I found myself cleansed of my Guilt & karmic imprints within just 36h.
Not knowing if there was more to be revealed, we stayed together at other pre-booked locations across Ubud.
On the 20th, we separated into 2 different locations in Canggu, situated on the sea.
From here on out, I could continue my work without seeing much of her.
December – Ending my Karma
In early December, we attended a Leela game led by a Russian Man in his 40s, highly 4D-trained and -activated.
It wasn’t until the End of the Year that I started to realize: Setting an (un)precedent example by 5D (even 6D) blazing through my individual Human Karma in just 2 months, I was on a massively-accelerated path that would prepare me for what was next: Lightwork around the World.
It was also on the last day of December that I dissolved my UK Limited – and therefore ended my self-made gravy train of automated income.
The signs couldn’t have been more obvious: Even though I was fully stocked in both the American & European markets, I sold less than 1/3 of what I sold during the same time frame the year before.
I did not know what was to be next when it came to the reality of Money being needed in a Human World of inflated & greed-driven value exchange – but my guidance was very clear: You will never have to worry about money, ever again.
Considering the factual Truth of my feeling in late 2015, when I first started it all, that this is merely to set me free from the Job & Money Slavery Matrix and not to be truly fulfilling nor it being my purpose on Earth, I felt all the more confirmed in completely trusting the process.
I had absolute faith in my Spiritual Guidance – and started to have ultimate faith in myself.
2019, Part I
January – June
Dark Retreat, Shadow Work, Reaching 6D & Preparation
My 1st Dark Retreat – 6D Enlightenment
After an emotionally challenging start of the year, purging more of the pain of my life as Dominik as well as the death of my father and my attempted suicide at age 14, it was time to meet my Woman to go to Ko Phangan, Thailand, together.
While still on Bali in December, we booked a 9-Day Dark Retreat together.
Hearing of the opportunity instantly interested me and I knew I was ready for it.
Just like my intuitive insight with San Pedro months ago, I was certain that this was to be the next big step on my journey.
Shortly upon landing, I realized I was to be without Woman – she left straight for Bali.
Oh well – touché, little girl.
I was more determined than ever – hardened by that loss which also did not come as a surprise given the previous 2 months, yet it still struck me at my Core, in my Heart.
Thus it served as an opportunity to reassess who I am, how I feel and what Love is to me now.
And it made me realize very clearly, how much Love I now had for myself. It was overwhelming.
On January 26, it was finally time: My Dark Retreat began.
Just a few nights before, during Dreamtime, I realized that I would die in there.
I welcomed it with an open Heart – within 3 Days, I was in such a deep State that I began to realize: I am about to reach the DMT-induced state of consciousness from August 8.
Except this time, I did all by myself, without any external/exogenous means.
On Day 5/6, the breakthrough happened.
I learned how to use my Lightbody/Merkaba to travel across Galaxies and do Lightwork on a completely different level now.
Both on and off planet – at the same time.
What was once mere fantasy and imaginative had now become experiential reality.
While my communication to my Spirit Guides was very clear yet rudimentary and simplified before, now I met them face-to-face in there.
I could see their Pure Light Bodies sitting there with me. Right next to me – we were all gathered in a circle.
My Telepathy now reached a level at which I could have a full conversational exchange even with my eyes open and driving around – all I had to do was focus intently on my own being.
Within just 3-4 months, I had absolutely mastered Telepathy of a 6-dimensional Consciousness.
After all the Shadow Work of the Months past, I also got to sit with my own Luciferian Consciousness once more – to say goodbye forever.
At sunset on February 4th, I left the Dome.
I had reserved myself the option of doing 14 Days – on Day 8, I realized that there was nothing more for me to be gained by staying longer than 9 Days.
I had to resurface and recover from the depth of this experience. And there was an adventure to be had for me very soon.
When I exited the Dome, greeted by my great Host Santosh, everything was vibrating.
Looking up at the Stars, all I could see was Frequency & Light. Exactly like I experienced with Yopo on the Night of August 8 the year before.
That evening, stumbling around the Jungle for a walk, I saw my first Fireflies.
Like Pure Light Manifestations given animal form, I was fascinated by the leaves that now seemed to talk to me as well.
I could feel and see Frequency now.
What I did not know was if this state was about to last – or to disappear once more.
Either way, the fact of the matter was: I knew I had done what I set out to do 6 months before: “I need to reach this Frequency on my own.”
I had done a whole lot more than just that, as I was about to find out.
The next Day, once I had truly returned to my Earth-bound Body, I learned that the Woman that was supposed to have the Dark Retreat with me was about to go to India.
Something felt very off and alarming about the way she talked about it – yet I had to go and see for myself.
Having connected to the Energy of Shiva in the Dome, a guiding light for my own Sacred Masculinity, I was excited to meet him in his homeland, exploring the Vedic History layered underneath India.
After 5 days of deeply resting, sleeping and eating, having secured my visa to India, I decided to go to the local open air gym.
After all the excessive & high-intensity training I had done throughout the years, I never even came close to fainting.
This time, after just 20 minutes of physical exercise, I completely lost consciousness for about 5-10 seconds.
Another young man from Poland helped me get back on my feet.
This was my confirmation of the intensity of the Dark Retreat – and how my entire Body had changed at a cellular, DNA level.
While I trained with probably no more than 30% of the intensity that I used to just 4 months ago, my body had lightened and ascended so much that the dense physical energy I was trying to use now completely destroyed me.
India – Cultists, Vedas, False Enlightenment & Black Magic
From Bangkok, I flew to New Delhi – not being able to book any flights directly to Rishikesh, I took an 8h road trip to, over the bumpy and cow-ridden roads of India.
Once I arrived and settled in, I went to see Mooji – along with 1000s of his ardent supporters and loyal cultists of various worship ambitions.
It was an extremely enlightening experience – showing me the falsehood of Indian-derived Enlightenment, all built on the illusions of the Mind. It also exposed the “Conscious Community” like I had felt before – yet never realized with such clarity what it was all built upon.
Perhaps the most bizarre and yet entertaining aspect of all this was the fact that, even at an event in India, the majority of his followers were (White) Westerners.
Having rejected their own culture, they simply adopted another.
On February 14, I learned that the Woman that was still my Twin Flame was now with another man and about to come to Rishikesh with her new-found friends from a “spiritual group”.
Looking at it from my recently remembered experience, everything about it screamed Satanic Cult. The moment I learned of it and started thinking the latter, a thunderstorm came down in full force. I started to feel like I was in a Hollywood movie with Bollywood features. But it was about to get much better yet.
Once I met her, saw her and attended their Cult meetings, all I could see was Reptilian-Draconian manipulation.
The leaders of the group were a Canadian couple, using the energies of a temple on the Ganga River to do their dark deeds.
The empty philosophical blabla, coupled with Indian/Vedic Black Magic, massively amplified the effects.
From Shapeshifting to Dark Spell casting and the entrapment of the Soul in a grid of false Love & delusional Community belonging “we are like a family” – it was all designed to siphon Energy, twist the Mind and manipulate Feelings.
In short: It was Old World Evil. Old World Methods were employed to siphon New World Energies. Dozens of people of various backgrounds and age groups were part of this cult. They all looked much older than they were – a manifestation of the energy-consuming nature of their community.
All I did was observe and decipher what is happening and how exactly it works from a purely energetic point of view.
By the end of Day 2, it was time to break this utterly lost & arrogant girl out of it.
Once she realized what happened and I explained it all to her – she went right back to what she did best: Run.
It was then that started to realize: she was doing all this on purpose. Whatever she had to do to keep herself in the dark, she would.
Lies, Deceit & Manipulation worked so well on her and she was so well-versed in it all because that is all she knew from her previous lifetimes.
Karma did indeed show its most ugly side in India.
And yet that was exactly what was so enlightening.
During my 3 weeks in India, I realized how free I was to do whatever I chose. And how incredibly powerful I had become.
I could control and direct the minds of 1000s through my sheer presence and telepathic abilities.
Untouchable by the Darkness, immune to it all as I had removed all its leverage on me in just a few months by going deep within and conquering my own Darkness completely.
I was now on a Spiritual Mission of planetary correction and alignment. And the next few months were to serve as the final preparation for exactly that.

Final Resolution & the 2nd Dark Retreat
Come March, I found myself on Bali – with her in more denial than ever, all we could agree on was to do a Dark Retreat together as was originally planned – March 31 to April 5.
I started to wonder why I am wasting my time with her.
But I knew it wasn’t over. Not quite yet.
Emerging from the Darkness once more after 5 Days, it became even more obvious how we had lost any and all resonance with each other.
Trying to humiliate and embarrass me, her jealousy was mere confirmation of the fact that she had made all the wrong choices.
Even the Sex that was once the greatest experience and expression of Love for me now slowly became an arduous task of Energy Transformation for me – having to deal with her unresolved Shadow Trauma while I was ascending into a pure Form of Light.
Feeling quite elevated coming out of this 2nd Dark Retreat, I also felt a completely new level of Energy & Aura coursing through me, surrounding my being.
I had now started reaching in to 7D Consciousness in a much more reliable way. My 5D Baseline was fully supported by my 6D Embodiment.
Just a few days after leaving my 2nd inner Enlightenment experience, the Galactic Council contacted me to tell me that there was “a lot of work” waiting for me.
I was filled with excitement – and yet again was met with Fear & Jealousy by my Twin Flame.
We spent almost 2 weeks together on Ko Phangan after the Dark Retreat ended.
All signs were pointing towards a final breakup that would leave me free to do my work. No longer being dragged down by her negativity and lack of understanding for anything Ascension.
On one of our last days, we went to a hidden bay on the other side of the island where there was a “Conscious/Ecstatic Dance” to take place at night.
Taking Psilocybin while there, I once more saw the “Conscious Community” in action.
As always, I was far less than impressed.
Also, my expectation of her trying to publicly embarrass and emasculate me was correct – offering herself up to dance with others in a sexual manner.
Once we made it back to the pier with a boat, while driving the scooter, it just hit me: This is over. And there is no going back.
While shedding tears of both relief and pain, I almost missed the curve in the road on my scooter.
Just like with my father’s 5 years of slow death, despite the grief and the confusion, it is a huge relief when the suffering and pain finally comes to an end.
Realizing that this was over, I left for Bali mid-April.
“You are the Leader of Ascension”
I barely arrived in my House in the Rice Fields of Ubud, my final stage of spiritual self-acceptance began.
Now freed from the Shadows of my now former Twin Flame, I had more than enough Energy, Time & Space to think clearly – knowing that I had given it my all to do right by her, love her, guide her and help her on her path.
A few days into my 2 weeks of being there, I was told “You are the Leader of Ascension” – and thus to be Spiritual Leader of Earth.
Even though this is exactly what I was given and While I first rejected it, suggesting someone else must be it or that I could be one of the leaders but not the leader, I eventually gave up my fight and surrendered to it. Fully so during my last 2 days & nights on Bali which I used to do a Mushroom Ceremony for myself for the Full Moon.
I left Bali on May 20, visiting Budapest and a few old friends for the first time since I left it all behind 6 months prior.
Around the same time, my old Flame reached out to me – vowing to make right what she had wronged. We had booked a trip to Italy together 1 month before. We left to go to Naples on June 1.
At this point, the only reason I agreed to going on this trip with her was my Spiritual Guidance asking me to do so. And soon, it would all come to an end – one way or another.
Twin Flame Split, dissolving the Vatican, The Birth of Serapis Light
Since she was so bound by her karmic imprints of having lived her life for money and the illusion of wealth as superiority & comfort for a lack of Soul (literally selling her Soul for Money, many times over), going to Italy on an expensive trip was just perfect to bring all that to the fore.
Starting in Napoli, The final destination was the Amalfi Coast.
Already knowing quite a few details about my past life as a (gay) fashion designer of the post-Renaissance time in Italy, I was excited to see what else may surface for me.
While she did not make any, the decision of where this was going was truly reached while being on Capri.
Amplified by the energies of this very karmically-loaded island (with Atlantean imprints underneath) and the absurd of money spent on our hotel (700€ per night), I then mentioned that I had dried mushrooms that I grew myself just before leaving Budapest the year prior.
Since she brought up the idea of doing a ceremony, I mentioned the extra items in my luggage.
The moment I did, she became very fearful.
Once again, all I could feel was projection of her own rejected and therefore Shadow aspects – just like always before.
After we checked out a shoemaker, making typically Caprese shoes, and me being interested in the red or green version of it, she remarked how that is once again “The Elites, the Vatican” and my Dark Past.
Having integrated all of it at that point, I simply told her: “I wasn’t the one having 1000€ dinners just a year ago on someone else’s dime – I was working my ass off, building my own business while living in South East Asia on 600€ a month.”
Well, that did it.
Being faced with reflecting upon her Past, she once again closed herself off and that was the end of it.
Once we left Capri, the finale was about to happen.
We reached the Amalfi Coast.
Staying at various places, we reached our final destination: A Spa Hotel, right on the ocean.
On our 2nd last night, from June 8 to 9, we took the dried mushrooms (Golden Teacher) in the evening.
The last thing I heard before I laid down to get into my quickly-developing process was “I don’t know why I can’t trust you”.
I told her that that was a choice that she kept making.
While first slaying some demons of my darkest past, getting to a much deeper level than I had ever experienced before, I then found myself – fully within my Lightbody – at the entrance of the Vatican, then standing right in front of the Egyptian Obelisk.
When looking at the Vatican from above, you can see how the Vatican itself is shaped like a keyhole – and the Obelisk is the key that powers it.
Having received and integrated all my wisdom from Ancient Egypt, I recognized the energetic signature being used here – which was then very easy to break for me.
This effectively reclaimed all the stolen Energies by the Vatican, reclaiming them for the Light.
Once my process was done, I was resting in peace.
Making a move on her, I could see how – once again – I was the devil and that she had to protect her perfect & innocent Self from me.
Shortly thereafter, feeling a disturbance of energy and awakening from my rest, I saw her on top of me, putting her hand on my heart.
All I could feel was evil intent, seeing that she was holding an energetic dagger, with the target being my Heart.
I immediately put up an energetic barrier to protect myself.
Next thing I know: She is screaming in pain.
And there she did it: She closed her Heart off, permanently locking away her 5-dimensional Self.
The next day, she was crying and pretended like she didn’t know what happened.
When it was time to say goodbye, I felt the finality.
I needed to rest and decided to go visit my mother’s far up north (I was in Frankfurt). Just having missed the fast train going there, I decided to rent a powerful Audi A6. I was flying over the Autobahn. I felt like celebrating – I felt free.
While on the road, collecting several speeding tickets, I felt the freedom & relief – like never before.
About 1 week later, the final messages were exchanged.
According to her shaman, I had now lost my Soul and was beyond saving.
I now knew for sure: She is going to go ahead and be herself, seeing it through until the bitter end and its logical conclusion.
Freed from the dragging energies of an unwilling Feminine Counterpart, I was now free to begin my Lightwork Journey around the world.
This should have been a Journey of Two – The Masculine & The Feminine united in 5D Love to bring 6D Light – yet now, I had to do all of it by myself.
I was about to face the by far greatest challenge of my existence so far.

2019, Part II
June – December
Planetary Lightwork, Facing Evil & Ending the Illuminati
Upon resting and integrating what had just happened, determining that it was indeed over with finality, I decided to go to my old home Berlin to clear old energies.
Gifting my oldest brother with overdue spiritual activations and dissolving old wounds between us, I then cleared out all my old stuff from my Grandmother’s basement.
With the Summer Solstice coming to pass, I also decided to face and dissolve all old energies to retrieve lost soul fragments in the area of my upbringing.
Between visiting my old home, the place of death of my father and many other places of emotional significance for me in the area, it was then time to go to London and Glastonbury.
The Heart Chakra of the Planet was calling me – upon destroying the energetic stronghold that the Vatican held upon the planet, it was time to fully open the planetary Heart so that the templates of True Love can be fully restored.
While I originally planned on doing all this by myself, I then quickly realized that I would be leading a group of 5. Half of them I knew already.
Once I informed them of the challenge and potential danger that my mission in Glastonbury presented, I also mentioned that I will complete my mission no matter what happens. And that they were welcome to come along or stay away.
While doing Lightwork in London just a few days prior, I went to the Egyptian Obelisk positioned at the very center between the governmental and the financial district (Cleopatra’s Needle). Aptly placed next to ‘Temple’.
Facing both Sphinx and the Obelisk, I started speaking a language that I had never spoken before.
The words just flowed, they all made sense to me even though the literal meaning of them was still hidden from me.
I interpreted this as an Integration of 6D Light Language with Egyptian Language encoded as “Hieroglyphs”.
This marked the moment of my conscious application of higher Magic without the use of any Plant Medicine as an aid.
When the time came to go through the Glastonbury Tor, I chose to enlist the group for Magic Mushrooms as an enhancement and accelerant to the experience. It was past sunset and getting closer to Midnight.
Once we had ingested the Mushrooms, I walked around the Tor to find out how exactly to activate it.
After all, this was about opening the Portal to Avalon after about 10.000 Years of closure.
I spoke an incantation and then walked through, stopping at the center to connect the Ley Lines.
Once everyone had passed through, we went down the hill from the Tor to then find our way to wherever the Heart Chakra was located.
While passing through the forest, many dark beings such as dark fairies howed themselves on the Astral Plane.
While first clearing the Third Eye Energies, which were blocking the 5D Templates of Planetary Awakening and thus Spirituality, once we made our way to the Planetary Heart Chakra, the group started falling apart.
As everyone’s Shadow got triggered like never before, I quickly realized that I might have to end up doing it by myself after all.
Pushing the group to walk the last 100m or so, I could feel that I was close to finding what I was looking for.
Right in between the transition of Darkness and Light, all but one decided to leave right then and there.
Fortunately for me, it was a Woman who chose to come along with me. As I was about to find out, I would not have been able to complete my task without her.
Somewhat impressed by how wrong this went once again, upon taking just a few more steps, I found myself looking at a metal gate.
I had seen this gate in a vision before – during my San Pedro Experience on Mallorca in September 2018, just before I died, I had seen a fence through which I could not pass, no matter what I did.
Having to jump over it and knowing that many traps were awaiting me, I assessed the situation and decided to take the girl who decided to stay with me.
Once on the meadow, there were many dark fields that I had to defuse. You can imagine these like physical land mines – except they are spells that get triggered once you step into their field of action.
Making our way into the middle of the meadow, I then sat down with her, grabbing her hand.
Just like I did in Italy earlier that month when I destroyed the Vatican, I merged Sacred Geometry together, realizing that I held the key to it all.
Having feminine support on a human level helped me as it provided me with the creational templates of the Divine Feminine to bring Sacred Masculinity into the Heart of Earth, merging them as One.
Had it not been for her being there, it would have been impossible for that to happen. I was grateful to realize that my going alone would not have been sufficient.
Still basking in the energies of the Summer Solstice, I received a very clear vision of what was to come in 2020. I saw the World closing down, travel becoming impossible, the Olympic Games being canceled. I knew this would happen between March-June 2020.
I also knew that I had A LOT to complete until then.
The by far greatest mission of my life so far was awaiting me. And it would take absolutely everything I had and am to succeed. And much, much more than that.
I had to do the impossible.
And all I had was infinite Trust & Faith into my Soul, Spirit and my many Guides/Helpers in the Light.
Preparing the 2020 Shift: Traveling the Planet, opening Portals & aligning Chakras
Once I was done in Glastonbury, I finished up my work in London while planning on going North to Edinburgh. For the second time in my life, after my missed flight to Bali in November 2018, I missed this flight as well.
July was to be a month of extreme karmic clearing.
As it was clear that I was destined to go elsewhere, I realized that it was time to go to Barcelona to face my darkest past incarnation in the flesh.
As soon as I landed in Barcelona, the energy spoke volumes as to how afraid I was.
When I was done, boarding a plane to Edinburgh to attend a friend’s wedding, I felt immense relief and accomplishment.
Without going into too much detail, I had faced my greatest evil and brought it into light.
Attending the wedding and walking through Edinburgh thereafter, I realized how deeply rooted Freemasonry was here (Blue Lodge/Scottish Rite).
After opening the Heart Chakra in Glastonbury/England, I found the energetic manifestation Excalibur in Arthur’s Seat (a huge hill and rock). The sword of Truth from Avalon had been returned to the Light.
After finishing my work in Rosslyn (Rose-Line) just South of Edinburgh, reconnecting ancient energy lines that carry Rose-Magdalene energy, I had to close an old chapter of mine completely.
Traveling to Mallorca where my Retreats happened the year prior, I completed a Lunar Eclipse Ritual and traveled to the exact location of my Ayahuasca & San Pedro Hero’s Journey after Midnight. Realizing what had happened there also gave me closure for the deeply traumatizing events that happened since then with my former Twin Flame.
I then travelled to Ibiza to face the Dark Shaman from my previous ceremonies. In order to fully understand what had happened the year before, I now used my abilities to both witness and bring this dark field of consciousness into the Light.
While initially signing up for a 3-Night Ayahuasca Retreat, my work was complete after the 1st Night.
I had humbled and soundly defeated him while all participants witnessed what happened.
I then rested for a week to then travel to Egypt – for the first time since my Awakening there in 2017.
Gaining incredible activations and powers there, I realized how big my job for the rest of the year. I was told to complete the year 2019 in the Great Pyramid on the Winter Solstice.
Drawing upon the funds of my inheritance (an apartment that my father bought in the 90s), I traveled to France (Paris Obelisk) England, Ireland (Ancient Avalon) to then tackle my biggest challenge yet: The USA.
I started in New York (Manhattan / Obelisk), then traveled to Washington D.C., Atlanta (Georgia Guidestones), Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Utah, Mount Yellowstone, Mt. Shasta, Silicon Valley, Hawaii (Maui).
I experienced the true Native America while also seeing the Corporate structure that has destroyed and bankrupted (keyword DEBT) the land in so many ways.
Wherever I went, I aligned the energies with their true template, practicing 6D Lightwork everywhere. On top of Mount Shasta, I reached a Consciousness so high, I became the entire planet for a few moments without any resistance. This was my first experience in an 8-dimensional field of consciousness (unification far beyond individualization).
From Hawaii (which I identified quickly as an energetic counterpart to Bali), I took to Japan. As I had spent multiple lifetimes here, the work I did was both rewarding and eye-opening.
As I originally booked an 11 Day Dark Retreat for September with my former Twin Flame, I traveled to Ko Phangan to close what began for me in January of that year.
When I arrived, I confronted her face-to-face with the Truth that I had learned.
As there was nothing but denial and even greater evil in her after she had been to Egypt for all the wrong reasons, I was asked to take away all her keys/activations which I gladly did.
After 5 days in my small Dome, I was done.
I then traveled to Bali for the next 2 months to recover, rejuvenate and integrate all the experience and activations I had gathered thus far.
It was not without sadness or utter hatred that I found myself on the same island with the woman who was supposed to do all this work with me as per her original promise.
I realized how Ascension on Planet Earth had become my sole responsibility and task to complete.
Having opened and aligned the Heart and Root Chakra so far, I had a lot more work to do.
Come mid-November, I left Bali for New Zealand. Then aligning the Solar Plexus Chakra in Australia (Mt. Uluru), I boarded a plane to Chile, onward to Cusco, Peru. Being in the homeland of the Incas, the most ancient civilization of “Latin America”, I drew upon the powers of Macchu Picchu while traveling down to Lake Titicaca. This was the Sacral/Sexual Chakra of the Planet and it felt like a birth canal (Sacred Valley).
As this greater region was also the energetic source of Ayahuasca (Amazon), I got to clear and cleanse the energy of this medicine while facing some more demons of the human past.
Traveling from Brazil to Portugal, I then went to to board a plane to South Africa, Cape Town.
Traveling to the Cape of Good Hope, I released immense negativity and desperation. When I boarded my plane to Istanbul, I was ready for the final chapter: Egypt.
Visiting the city that had a deep impact on me in late 2013 upon my first visit (and gifting me with shadow activations from my past life as an Arab back then), I stayed at a hotel right next to the Egyptian Obelisk.
Flying into Luxor, I met my two brothers and good friend.
They had all agreed to join me for a most special activation trip through Egypt starting at 12/12, 6 AM at the entrance of Luxor Temple (an Ascension Temple).
Traveling across Egypt, we all experienced profoundly changing activations, leading to the grand finale in the place that started it all for me: The Great Pyramid.
Just like back then, we got to spend 2h on our own in this Ancient structure that once served as an Initiation Rite into Higher Consciousness by the Priesthood of Egypt (a remnant of Ancient Atlantis and their divine practice).
When I was lying in the so-called sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber, I connected all the Chakras, Portals and Gateways that I had worked with into one singular field of consciousness.
Even though the 6th and 7th Chakra were still missing, energetically and from a difficulty standpoint, this meant that 98% of my work was done.
2019 marked the last year of an unascended planet. Or rather frequency bands on and within the planetary field that were not aligned with Ascension.
As the last days of the year happened, I felt a tremendous relief of sadness and pain.
Everything I had worked for was now to bear fruit. Fruit that was undeniably obvious and would change reality on Earth forever.

A New World
The Year that changed everything for Humanity, The Planet & Ascension.
While I was resting after the Energies of Old had been purged, I was preparing the grand finale: Activating the Crown Chakra in the Himalayas which would mark the End of my Journey, set for 03/03/2020.
With the shift into 2020, I knew that the days of the Old World were over. A completely new paradigm was presenting itself.
I used January to close old stories and timelines while traveling to significant places like Jerusalem, Malta and Sicily. In late January of 2020, I organized a ‘Shadow Work’ Journey to Barcelona.
This time, I led a group of 6 through the energies of the Dark Ages, helping them become intimately aware of their innermost Fears while giving them tools to deal with those Fears.
It was all about Teamwork and Trust. It worked out really well for everyone who had the courage and curiosity to come.

Come February, I started planning the final leg of my Global Lightwork Mission: India & Nepal. I knew that time was running out and that the Great Shift towards Consciousness & Ascension would soon be completed. On or before the March Equinox of 2020.
Once again accompanied by my two brothers and my good friend, we went to Rishikesh to immerse ourselves in Vedic energy while I tought them about cult dynamics and false enlightenment by example of Mooji, John de Ruiter and a local female Indian ‘Guru’. While attending one of the Mooji Cult Meetings, there was talk of a flu that is spreading around several parts of the planet. I could feel the general fear and concern during the announcement.
Gaining access to and aligning the 6th Chakra in India, we then traveled to Kathmandu (fondly reminding me of the immense activation I received in late 2016 by watching Doctor Strange which had an even bigger impact on me than the original Matrix movie).
Making our way to Pokhara, traveling through the peaceful & powerful Himalayan mountains, we reached the final destination of my 7 Chakra Activation & Alignment Mission. Just before reaching Pokhara, the tips of several 8.000m peaks were enveloped in sunlight.
I knew then that my work was finally coming to an end. I didn’t even know how to feel about that yet.
Right after the work was done and completed, a massive hail storm ensued that, according to locals, was most uncommon. We also saw a giant snake that was passive and peaceful.
The morning after, March 4th of 2020, the following picture was taken of me:

Rest. Integration. Planning.
We then continued our travels to Thailand and Cambodia (Angkor Wat). As my passport was full and my ongoing travels to Vietnam as planned were denied, I realized that it was time to end this journey.
The others continued, I traveled to Germany on March 14.
In the subsequent 2 months, I reflected and integrated all my experience while staying with my mother.
I then traveled to London to meet my friend, then living in Edinburgh/Scotland for the next 3 months.
At this point, I had little money left and given up any and all of my possessions.
On May 22, I received clarity as to my continued existence on Earth.
At this point, also realizing how far behind humanity at large is in their Ascension and Process of Consciousness , I was not sure if I had any other role to play on Earth.
I was ready to leave. Since I have experienced painless states of Death before by shifting my conscious focus entirely away from my human form, I was going to put myself to the test and see what happens.
Finding myself in Glastonbury once more, overwhelmed by the loving energy and Grace of Earth’s Heart Chakra, I realized that my journey was far from over. It was merely a chapter that had been completed in March. Yet this was all just the beginning.
After way too little rest and far too much work in the 2nd half of 2019, I now could finally recover. 14h of sleep a day was normal for me for several weeks.
Come August/September, equipped with a new passport, I traveled to a few familiar places in Europe, realizing how much reality had changed. Realizing how much Fear the general population had of something that merely represented an activation of their innermost spiritual Truth.
It came to be known as ‘a virus’. Yet it was a profound global activation on a DNA level. Coupled with templates for a higher consciousness and telepathic abilities, the frequency shared amongst humanity became indeed infectious.
Those living in utter Fear stood in direct polarization to those choosing Light, Health and Freedom. Never before had Consciousness made itself so obviously known amongst Humanity since the Days of Atlantis.
For the September Equinox, I organized a Psilocybin Retreat in the countryside of Portugal.
Right after, I traveled to Cyprus with the intention of staying for a while.
Just a few days after my arrival, I found myself at ‘Aphrodite Rock’, remembering my Atlantis Past Life as a Priest & Guardian of Light & Wisdom.
As this was where the energies of Ancient Egypt, Old Jerusalem, Babylon and Ancient Greece converged for those with the ability to access it, it only seemed natural that this gem of a remembering was withheld from me until this perfect moment presented itself.
Attending a weekly circle of spiritually interested to initiated individuals in which a certain topic was discussed and presented (other than talking about the current insanity humanity found itself in), I took a turn speaking about Ascension. While I previously chose to observe rather than actively participate in discussions, I now did not hold back.
Over the course of 1 1/2 hours, I explained the current process humanity and the planet found themselves in, the purpose of which and where it all led.
By the end of it, the frequency of the group was so high, it was visible that everyone was excited and overjoyed upon hearing such a positive message founded in truthfulness, let alone direct experience. This served as a test for myself as to how I articulate myself and my message in public while already having found some comfort amongst previous strangers. Some of them already had become dear friends at this point.
I closed the Year 2020 with Clarity, a sense of calm and achievement as well as a lady friend turned lover with whom I moved in shortly before the year ended. Even though she was 17 years my senior, we made a great couple and were able to help each other at this strange time on Earth.
As the spiritual circle was led by someone who rather talked than acted out of integrity, I chose to speak him the Truth that many in that group wanted to speak but did not dare to – and thus I ended my involvement in it.
Just moments after that, I started to feel sick. A huge purge of this year was imminent – gum inflammation and a high fever enabled an intense purging and was complete by January 1.
After seeing the tyranny of the average unconscious human given form through their ‘governments’ in 2020 via all sorts of insane methods, little did I know how much worse 2021 would be in revealing the extreme insanity that humanity had in store. It was equally inspiring to see how many chose Freedom, Truth & Courage in the wake of this Insanity.
However, it would also present a new opportunity for living a life aligned with Truth, emerging Courage and Light as a new Paradigm.

My Enlightenment
2021 – 2024
New Directions
Recovering from my recent purge, I had to get used to living with my girlfriend – an experience I had not had before.
While I was used to a great deal of solitude and freedom in my comings and goings, now, living with my partner of choice, taught me the value of honest communication and compassion more than anything before.
Combining our skills and interests, we started a healing practice together.
The year barely started yet I knew what I had to do: Reassess my past Twin Flame relationship and forgive so that I could be free of the pain that still lingered and that was now triggered by having committed to another woman.
Come April, I managed to break free of old resentment and hatred.
At the same time, my best friend at the time decided to go against everything I had tried to teach him about Spirituality, Enlightenment, Shadow Work and Karma. He drank Ayahusaca again for the first time since his horrifically awakening journey in September 2018 for which I was fully present (drinking 3 full cups to go as deep as necessary at the time).
Instead of facing his Fears and realizing his karmic baggage, he let his Shadow take his Ego for a ride. A good year later, I would see the result of it all. For now, after receiving a ridiculously embarrassing and insulting video for the Summer Solstice, I had to say goodbye and farewell to him.
A distinct pattern had emerged that I have recognized with him specifically – yet not exclusively just him.
Whenever he was faced with having to realize his Darkness, he would fully succumb to it and turn it against me as I was the one illuminating that very Darkness due to my integrated Shadow and Lightwork well done. Like Judas vs. Jesus, backstabbing had become an emergent pattern that I was highly aware of. Yet unlike Jesus (at least as per the Bible’s false story), I was not too keen on being betrayed (again) and I knew to protect myself.
As the summer reached its peak on Cyprus with extreme heat and humidity, I realized that it would be time to leave at the end of the year.
As my partner had gotten very stuck in her ways having lived on the island for 14 years and as I was following the Flow of my Soul wherever it took me, something else was on the horizon that I did not anticipate at all.
As the year progressed and the vaccines became normality for most of the sheeple, I enjoyed empty beaches (due to lockdowns and overall tourism being low) and faked negative test results to be able to do grocery shopping. My resentment and even hatred for all those sick humans that chose Fear and perpetuated it reached new heights at this time. Evil had never been more obvious on Planet Earth and my compassion was going more and more towards Zero due to what I saw on a daily basis while knowing full well that the Frequency of the Planet allowed, supported and demanded a shift towards Truth, Health & Honesty.
At the same time, I was overwhelmingly grateful that I got to spend this insane time away from any place that was densely populated and left a lot of room for freedom when chosen and wanted. Had I lived in a European city at the time, I would have probably gotten quite sick by being enveloped in the Low Frequency of average Humanity living door-to-door.
Being on Cyprus enabled me to go swimming at hidden, almost private beaches while having access to some of the best fruits & vegetables Europe had to offer. All being very affordable. It really was the ideal place for me at the time.
From August through November, I brewed Ayahuasca tea which we drank together multiple times. For the September Equinox, we chose to stay in a Mongolian Yurt in the mountains of Cyprus (reminding me of my first Ayahuasca experiences in a Mongolian Yurt). Once again, we drank Ayahuasca and I experienced a profound shift in Consciousness.
I could feel that huge change was coming. And I was told that ‘Coronavirus’ as a planetary reality and purging concept was coming to an end with 2022.
As romantic as this getaway was supposed to be, as revealing it turned out to be.
I had asked nicely, pleaded all the way to demanded with anger that she starts an honest assessment of her past and realizes that she’s not all good. It was the same story I had seen and heard from almost any woman so far. They are innocent and can never do wrong.
I also knew that between Spring and Summer of 2022, she would have to face her Fears that she was suppressing so much.
I also warned her that, unless she soon chose to trust me a lot more deeply, she would turn all that against me.
How I would come to resent being right with my predictions all the time.
During my last Ayahuasca Ceremony on Cyprus on November 22, I realized the negativity that my family was holding towards me. Due to my telepathic abilities and overall energetic sensitivity continuously rising and improving, I could no longer entertain that kind of energy as it was holding me back, preventing me from feeling ready for what’s next.
On December 31st, we traveled to Mallorca, Spain.
Service & Community
Due to my very powerful experiences on Mallorca throughout my life, I was very happy to move here.
With just a few thousand Euros saved up, the plan was for me to create an online video course on Ascension while she got to relax, reflect and decide what she wants to do next.
Working 10-12h every day for 5 weeks, by the end of it, I realized that I did not have enough time nor money left to advertise my course.
I also realized that what I had to teach was still far too advanced for people to comprehend or being willing to understand.
With the remaining fear from ‘COVID’ dissipating from the planet, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine (a symbolic conflict of interest rooted in its karmic past and West vs. East polarization) emerged and smoothly replaced the fear-mongering that most people had grown so fond of, apparently.
As we shared a house with someone else, once again connected to the ‘Conscious Community’ that I already witnessed on Bali, Ko Phangan, India and elsewhere, this was a confirmation of what I had already seen. Everyone talks about how positive, loving and High Vibration they are while the smallest bit of Light coming their way triggers them so profoundly that they cease to function in a meaningful way.
While I was highly aware of how easily I could trigger others by bringing my Light to them, I very strategically showed and expressed myself before once again retreating and keeping to myself. I always focused on 5D as a Frequency – no higher than that.
With early March coming up and our money running out, we chose to participate in a WorkAway program. I had never heard of it before but it presented itself as the obvious choice.
We were to stay with a family of 4 – a mother of 2 girls living with her mother – on the Eastern part of the island.
We barely had arrived and we already talked about all the healing work that needed to be done. An initial 2 weeks turned into 2 months.
Since I was the only male in a household of 5 females, I got to witness and reflect upon many interesting dynamics. Both girls were not happy as they had to grow up without their father (or a fatherly figure).
The Mother was clearly frustrated with her own Mother and felt both controlled and undermined.
All these unresolved problems, coupled with the fact that there was no masculine authority or role model, led to a deeply toxic family dynamic.
Performing various tasks in the garden, I also had daily coaching sessions with the Mother to talk about Forgiveness, her past relationship, what needs to be corrected in dealing with her Mother and other things weighing on her Heart.
While both the accommodation as well as the food were very satisfying, once the 2nd month began with April, the sentiment of the Grandmother towards me turned noticeably negative.
As my work was exposing her nonsense more and more, she feared that she would lose control and actually have to face the reality of what she was doing and creating.
Since the Human Ego is what it is, being of greater age and ‘owning’ the place makes you right whenever it is inconvenient for you not to be.
Once you understand the very essence of Human Ego, there will never be a question again as to why people repeat the same bullshit for 100s of generations and why Human History was what it was.
In the wake of all this, my girlfriend saw herself reminded of her own childhood trauma that she still hadn’t dealt with (despite my sincerest offers and guidelines).
Playing victim and projecting it onto whoever is the easiest target – in the traditional dynamic of women are innocent and men are guilty – while having group support (women are community builders & weavers) led to the same situation I was already used to for most of my life.
Quickly, I found myself backed into a corner by my own partner from which the only exit seemed to be leaving.
While that did not happen and some degree of reconciliation was found, it set a precedent for what I had predicted 6 months earlier.
I finished the experience by wishing the Mother well who was very receptive of my help and we moved on to another experience on the island.
It lasted about 2 weeks, then it was time to move to Mexico and accept the invitation of my friend I had trained and traveled in 2019/2020 with. It was the same friend that I had broken ties with in the summer before. While I was highly aware of his Shadows, I was willing to extend my help as yet another token of goodwill. Since I set out to start a Retreat Center on Mallorca before we left Cyprus in late 2021, I was happy to accept this offer of running a Retreat Center somewhere else.
While I never had any plans for moving to Mexico (or Latin America, for that matter), I once again went with the Flow and what felt right.
In the 5 days before our departure, we spent our time in the forest just behind one of the most famous beaches on Mallorca.
This was to be a barebones experience of living in the woods, triggering innermost Fears and survival anxiety.
As I was fully surrendered in Trust, my partner did not take it so well. Not at all. All her talk of courage and bravery while rejecting money as something evil her entire life became illuminated for what it really was.
Oh well, it was over sooner than it started and quickly, we found ourselves on a plane to Madrid, continuing to Cancun.
Once we arrived in Tulum, I realized how important it was for me to overcome some of my deepest and lingering fears. My existential doubt, meaning that Love/Light/Spirit are neither true nor real but just a fabrication of my own making.
I also recognized how my friend’s Shadow-fueled Ego parade had left him sicker than before.
This was one of the main reasons he asked me for help and taking over the Retreat: He became rather ill.
Finding myself in the situation of money irresponsibly spent by others, the next 3 weeks leading up to the Summer Solstice would reveal a level of Truth that I had neither expected nor desired at this time.
Instead of making the right choice and finally facing his Fears, my friend chose to succumb to them completely, blaming me for everything and leading to my leaving.
I paid hommage to him and the lessons learned with my Judas Archetype article.
He became the embodiment of his Fears, effectively becoming the Luciferian Consciousness he was first made aware of in 2018.
What had been a demonic purge experience back then had now taken a complete hold on him.
Rather than working on them and following my guidance, he ran from it all. The results were in. And they weren’t pretty.
At the same time, in the wake of 2 Ayahuasca ceremonies and a Bufo ceremony (I always hated smoking) over the course of those 3+ weeks, my girlfriend completely turned on me.
Naturally, all her problems and lack of willingness to be honest with herself were now entirely my fault.
What I had predicted in September 2021 now had come to pass in full.
Within a week of leaving the madman’s place, our relationship had come to its logical conclusion: The End.
While she expected me to apologize and grovel, I simply knew it was over come July 1st.
She did not leave without becoming violent. She knew that I had never chosen to be in a physical fight while she had plenty of experience in the same.
And so I found myself in a situation that I never envisioned myself being in: Striking a Woman.
Walking away was not an option this time and her insults and provocations of all kinds over days and weeks added up.
I tried to talk to her many times.
All she wanted was conflict.
And conflict is what she got.
I also realized that this option now had to be part of my energetic makeup. I will defend myself, what I am and what I stand for. In any and all ways necessary.
After my stint in Playa del Carmen doing Organic Gardening for 10 weeks (it taught me a lot about Nature and the very essence of how Creation works), it was time to move on to a ‘Conscious Community’.
Since Tulum, just like Bali and Ko Phangan, was a place considered ideal for those who chose a more conscious existence and since it was long after 2020, I was guided to see and assess the situation within such a community.
The owner whom I’ve met during my Gardening experience was building and finishing a Spiritual Retreat Center.
Barely there, I was given the task of being the Leader of the whole place. I hadn’t wanted it nor asked for it. Yet my natural leadership qualities always put me in a position of leading others, one way or another.
The day after I had arrived, more and more people in their 20s and 30s from Europe and Latin America arrived to participate in a Volunteer experience – trade your work for accommodation.
What initially seemed very promising as far as intentions and the people involved would soon reveal itself as an emergence of very dark Shadows from both the masculine and feminine side.
On that occasion, while lying in my open-air cabin that was covered in mosquito net, I saw a mid-sized tarantula climbing the side of my roofing.
Having lived with the most intense Fear for spiders my entire life, I now finally got to see where I really stood after having lived in or close to the jungle for a few months now.
After a few interesting events and people met that offered various ceremonies, the owner described me as an angel that was sent to him when talking to someone else in my presence.
It was almost immediately thereafter that multiple young women brought their accusations of sexual abuse forth against the owner of the place. He was in his early 60s, quirky and a die-hard Yogi. Since I’ve met these types before and as I can read anyone’s Aura with ease, I knew that there was Truth to what they said.
It was not that he tried to abuse anyone in that communtiy but that he had a history of doing so elsewhere. And this Shadow of his now came to haunt him as one disgruntled young woman he told me about had taken her strife with him online and across Tulum.
As I was all-too-aware of the polygamous nature of these people, living in their illusion that they are free-flowing Love without attachment or jealousy, I knew exactly what was going on.
While it was true that most men took advantage of their authoritative position all too often, it was equally true that most women were looking to be wowed and tried to be as competitive as possible amongst each other to gain the attention of the highest-ranking men. Basic Human Biology (3D) was just as real to the ‘conscious people’ as it was to the Average Joe & Jane.
They were just a lot more dishonest and ignorant about it.
Which also effectively meant: They were not ascending. They were just perpetuating the same shit all over again, calling it ‘spiritual’.
The accusations brought forth against him reflected in the overall energy of the people living there.
The vast majority of participants were female. Yet they all found themselves in that situation. And since this guy clearly had a reputation for surrounding himself with much younger women, literally posting obvious pictures online advertising his place with young women smiling in his arms, there really was no excuse.
I removed myself more and more from the situation as things got worse very quickly.
I tried talking to the owner about the problem at hand. Yet of course, I then became the problem for addressing the Shadows of someone else.
The entire Year of 2022, all I had experienced could be summed up as follows: People were never willing to admit their own fault but all too willing to blame someone else and project their Shadows onto them.
While this is basic human behavior, one would think that the ‘conscious’ community would do better. Well, they didn’t. If anything, they were even worse than the average human as they pretended to be of such superior knowledge & wisdom. Yet most people simply failed at living a life o f basic honesty and integrity.
Come Equinox September, I left the place and moved in with someone I had met and done some work for in recent weeks.
This was to be the last station of my learning as far as the Human Shadow/Ego and my dissolving of Karma was concerned.
We quickly got to know each other and I realized why everyone was so afraid of this guy: He had a military background while being deeply traumatized from childhood on with distinct psychopathic tendencies.
He had chosen an alternative identity as the used to work for the US government as a spy and ended up being a whistleblower.
He tried to cover his story by saying that his previous life/self was his brother. But since both my intuition as well as my memory was impeccable, I quickly put together the true story after a few weeks of listening to alcohol-fueled storytelling.
While I was not exactly sure how and why I found myself in this situation, I also realized that there was nowhere else for me to go at the time.
I had no contact to my family or previous friends and the agreement made was to establish a Healing Retreat in a famous cenote/jungle location just outside of Tulum which he practically owned.
The prospect sounded interesting, the practical implementation was in question.
I was hopeful that he would be able to make leaps and eventually became an example of successful healing.
Due to the involvement of his biological mother, both financially and emotionally, who was not allowed to address him as her son, as well as the much younger Mexican wife of his, things had a very complicated and perverse dynamic.
Add to that the so-called ‘PTSD’ which is simply the karmic effect of taking life for the wrong reasons and a distinct lack of empathy or honesty, the ‘Casa Machiavelli’ comment he made when I asked about a name for his place was more accurate than he would ever know.
I mediated between all individuals while always offering Light Support and Counsel.
98% of the time, it was not wanted.
When death threats were made and exchanged between mother and son, I observed the whole thing falling apart quickly.
The original idea of a somewhat peaceful family home became nothing more than a fancy dream. The funds that were burned in the process were astronomical. Spending multiple 5 figures on mostly useless nonsense and fueling addictions was a sight I had not witnessed to that degree.
On the 30th of November, I found myself in handcuffs and admitted to the local Tulum jail for 36h.
Supposedly, I had stolen goods at the local grocery store because I carried groceries purchased elsewhere into the store. Upon leaving, I was stopped by the very important security detail of the store.
I never kept receipts. And your local fruit store does not exactly issue a VAT invoice for your Quickbooks.
I was told that they had camera footage of my theft. I asked them to produce that. Then I dumped out the content of my bag and told him to keep everything. He kept holding onto me.
For a moment, I thought about knocking the guy out cold and making a run for it.
Then, I simply relaxed and surrendered to the situation.
Shortly thereafter, the local police arrives with a team of 2, armed with automatic assault rifles, bullet-proof and with many extra magazines in their pouches.
With them came the stench of corruption that I had become so familiar with since I landed in Mexico.
One guy sneered at me. He looked like he won the Mexican lottery. An opportunity for extortion makes these people salivate. I smiled back.
In front of several hundred people, most of them Western tourists, I was given the option to pay for it all. I declined.
Then, I received a pair of shiny bracelets clicking together around my wrists. Naturally, they never asked the store to produce the evidence that never existed in the first place. What a wonderful place of Consciousness and Harmony this was. Later on, I learned that the average Mexican despises the police and they got extorted all the same. Just not nearly as much.
While being pushed towards the police car, I audibly commented on them putting up a really good show. He told me to be silent. Clearly, I had showed them up too much already.
Because I kept my Light up and never engaged with their Fear – the very essence of their existence – the one guy that sneered at me didn’t want to take my handcuffs off upon arrival at jail. At this point, he seemed frightened and no longer had a smile on his face.
Surrounded by a dozen armed police individuals, he considered me too dangerous to take my handcuffs off. All I did was smile. For me, the comedy had just begun.
Once they realized that I was not going to pay their extortion fee of 750 USD or so, they looked at each other surprised and taken aback. After moments of silence and confusion, they realized that they had to proceed with me like they would with their average fellow Mexican.
They proceeded by taking my backpack things off me and letting me enter my cell.
While there was a cell of 5 Mexicans to the left, I was sent to the rest of the jail block.
I immediately thought of being my Dome/Dark Retreat in 2019.
What they thought was punishment to me just made me laugh.
The Light had infiltrated the construct and I was now to dissolve different concepts energetically – both within myself as well as on a planetary level.
Since the toilet was overflowing with human excrement, I chose to fast for the next 36h.
I realized that the feeling that I had when I was much younger and clearly clashing with authority- ‘one day, I will go to prison’ – had now become reality.
When I was released in the morning of my 36th hour, I felt relieved and grateful. Ecstatic even. I felt exactly like I had just completed a Dark Retreat.
The cash that I had in my bag, around 25 USD, magically disappeared, of course. When they hauled me off to jail, one guy told me that theft was a very serious crime in Mexico. You don’t say, Señor Officer, Sir.
I processed what had just happened: I had been admitted to the very manifestation of ‘No Freedom’ on Earth while feeling completely free.
Imprisonment, just like everything else, is merely a belief.
Most people lived their lives in a prison of their own making. Metal Bars, Security Fences, Armored Cars, Security Detail. They were all the same.
Shortly after my time in Jail, I was invited by a Swiss Woman to join her on a trip to Holbox that she already booked.
We met through the guy I was living with at the time. Let’s call him Patient K or simply K from here on to keep it simple as I will be referring to him quite a lot all the way until Lion’s Gate of 2024.
I told the lady about what I do and we ended up talking about Ayahuasca and her interest in healing.
She was married for over 2 decades and had rather recently got a divorce. Now, she was searching for something.
After we had a good conversation, a day on the beach together and as I had taken care of her dog for a day or two, she asked me if I wanted to come along on her trip. I agreed.
We stopped to pick up some Ayahausca at my former friend’s house whom I had left in summer. I had met him on 11/11 for several hours to talk everything that happened and it was a very positive and understanding conversation. He was clearly humbled and grateful that I had reached out to him shortly before. Since he will be mentioned many times soon, let’s call him Patient L or simply L from here on.
Writing this, I have to laugh out loud as it starts to sound like I had been running an asylum. Truthfully, it may as well have been considering the growing insanity of the people I worked with. The more Light they received, the more they rejected me. This could be observed en masse in the wake of 2020/2021, by the way.
If you want an entertaining yet relatable take on this, watch Shutter Island (2010). It’s about a mentally ill individual who does not accept reality as he cannot deal with what he did and what was done to him. No matter how much everyone tried to help him heal and come back to reality, he always reverted back to his insanity. That sums up the situation I found myself in repeatedly since 2019.
Anyway, as I was on the way to Holbox, something occurred to me: I was about to have somewhat of a Holiday and some time off. For the first time in 7 months.
As we took a private boat to the island and settled into our hotel, it was clear how awkward the situation was for her.
I enjoyed the flirtation and the good conversation while having a beachfront hotel with great breakfast every day for the next 3 days.
A week later, after talking to Patient L. about his Shadows and the Shadow Work that he had yet to do (as I had told and asked of him since 2019) and him being fairly receptive as his former partner and girlfriend had left to go home, we met up for an Ayahuasca Ceremony at his place.
It went well and while we were talking about various things, we realized that it was time to do what I had originally come to Mexico for: Run a Spiritual Retreat Center.
The next day, I left Patient K to move in with Patient L. Patient K had not displayed any desire or effort to heal and as such, my presence there became a waste of time.
Moving in days before Christmas, there were 2 ceremonies coming up.
I realized quickly that it was my job now to find and establish a methodology that could be replicated.
In essence, I was to infuse a ceremonial setting with a template that can be replicated by anyone who wishes to learn it and is gifted enough to do so (being a Healer/Lightworker). Turning higher-dimensional Frequency Healing via Plant Medicine into a Franchise.
I communicated all that to L. He was exhilarated by the idea. As I had met a very promising Lightworker born in 2001 (the new guard of Lightworkers that incarnated since around 2002) in September at that curious place in the jungle I spoke in depth of earlier, I invited him to come live with us and learn. He was accompanied by his Flame and so it was an ideal learning opportunity for a young Lightworker couple to learn and apply this new method. Like a test pilot.
As the year 2022 came to a close, I started whipping up a new web presence that reflected the beginning of a new Retreat Center with a completely new setting and offering for 2023.
What should have started 7 months prior, I now had to create in earnest.
I reached out to my recent romantic encounter to see if she wanted to meet up again and how she was doing. No answer was the answer. For all the talk women always gave about Love, they sure were not willing to show up for it when it presented itself. Oh well, I had more important things to do now anyway.

Training & Ascension Complete
With the first ceremony set to begin on January 10, I had some time to finalize the first version of the new Retreat Website in the first days of the year. Around that time, the new website went live. With previous traffic established towards the domain and Google ranking it for Keywords such as ‘Ayahuasca Tulum’ already, more requests for ceremonies came in quickly. Being able to convert 100% of all leads was uplifting – considering the high-ticket pricing and the difficult nature of Ayahuasca as a product, with the word alone triggering utmost Fear, especially in Beginners.
The guests and the various settings we had allowed me greater insight into what humanity most needs healing and help with as the themes were recurring. Childhood Trauma, Relationship issues, Addictions, Depression and an overall lack of purpose thus interest in life.
Seeing the depth of the transformation happening within just a typical ceremony cycle (6h or so) was phenomenal.
The daytime setting which L. had chosen allowed beginners to relax and trust more as, naturally, nighttime would trigger people’s fears more.
It also became clear that Nighttime Ceremony would be the way for a deeper and more profound experience, allowing for greater healing and surrender to take place.
The training of the young couple went well, bookings were made, future plans and strategies for expansion discussed and exposure gained.
Come mid-March, however, I started to see how Patient L. was drifting into his psychotic states of Hubris and Ego once more. And he wasn’t getting any better nor accepting of anyone’s help.
This time, I chose to leave peacefully and without second thought. This was done and I had learned everything I needed to know. Due to my well-developed gifts, all my experience and intuition at this point, just a few months of ceremony work gave me all the insight I needed to move forward.
Just minutes after my departure, he kicked out the young couple that I had trained to do ceremony work for the foreseeable future so that I could focus on other tasks such as growing & building a team as well as digital course creation.
What was a Joint Business Venture with almost 0 work on his end so far he now wanted to take over completely. That was especially funny yet hurtful to me because had it not been for me, he would never even have left his corporate career and done something else with his life.
As I knew that he could not work my Frequency (everything I created) or remotely understood what I was doing, I let him do his thing.
Some people really only learn the hard way. And they will spend an entire lifetime at it. Never learning anything of true value until it’s all over. But Earth seems to be a place in which Contrast provides great Learning – you first know and have to learn what is wrong before you learn what is right.
This guy was so intent on punishing himself and riddled with guilt covered up by megalomania and bravado, there was nothing to be done about it anymore. He had made his choice. And I had made mine.
As Patient K. had been rather humble since I had left and as he was willing to do an Ayahuasca Ceremony with me, I had agreed to give it another try – finishing the project as construction was incomplete as well as establishing a Retreat Center to whichever degree.
Having to mediate between him and his Mother, I found myself doing the whole spectrum of tasks: I was maid, cook, counselor, friend, psychologist, healer, builder, connector, mediator and ultimately, head of household.
Rather than focusing all my energy on starting up another Retreat Center that I would potentially have to give up because of yet another madman, I realized that I had other work to do: Completing my Ascension.
What started with my humble and honest intention to learn my true purpose on Earth back in 2017/2018 had soon turned into ‘I want to know everything’. Having the ability to tap into universal knowledge beyond time and space can be as intriguing as it can be dangerous. Often, I would find myself overwhelmed by all the information, even losing track of what I was doing or the situation I found myself in.
After a few months of intense fasting and meditation to shed the old, I started writing on the website you are reading right now as your eyes follow these words.
My intention was to build a library of knowledge that is both unique and universal. Creating a Foundation for all my work to come.
I had been given a rough timeframe and I was to create an Online University with Courses, multiple Books published and a good Library of Knowledge by the End of 2026.
Having always had a gift for writing, I started writing articles on various topics (as you can see also helped me ease my Mind and offload so much of what I had leaned, giving it a structured form. Since this was much more than just my personal blabla, held to an extremely high (6D Frequency) standard, I gave it the daring name ‘Akash’. A Universal Library of Wisdom.
I never did well with not working on, learning or doing something I considered valuable. Holidays are only good for me if they are short-term. I can lie on the beach, dress up, party and eat meals only for so long. Let alone sit around people who were going nowhere in life due to their laziness, having given up on life itself.
For the September Equinox, there was a special Ceremony with 2 couples for 2 Days.
I was leading it by myself which was as gratifying as it was intense. Many doors opened and I had many realizations about what needs to happen next.
The Solstices and Equinoxes had always been incredibly powerful Portals for me.
Come my birthday, October 14, there was a Total Solar Eclipse.
I chose that night to drink Ayahuasca by myself.
All I experienced was immense Gratitude , Bliss & Contentment.
When November ended, I realized that I had completed my Ascension. That is to say: I was no longer to seek Higher States of Consciousness, rather, I had to focus on integrating everything that happened to move forward in the right direction. While I had a hard time imagining myself giving up focus on Ascension, I felt a distinct shift into 2024. It felt like completion. Like I had done what I came here to do for my own Soul’s Evolution.
Just before the year ended, I got bitten into the wrist by one of K’s dogs as I tried to break up a fight between it and another dog. As my hand swole up and became completely immobile for 2 weeks, I vowed to never help anyone anymore at my own expense and without being valued and thus paid for it.
There is no free lunch, they say? Well, there definitely is no free healing.
I could never understand how someone, if competent help was offered, could refuse that hand and stay where they are, suffering. Then again, a lot of people apparently come here to play the victim game and perpetually wait for their savior – and when he actually appears, they will tell him what a loser he is.
Nothing is impossible on Earth, that much I had learned and accepted by now.
Making the choice to ascend requires humility. It requires honesty. It requires an open Heart. It requires admitting one’s own faults. It requires everything the Human Ego is not.
For the first time in years, I felt a sense of Peace. I accepted that there will always be those who want to wage war on themselves and then on each other. No Light, Love or Peace wanted. Only Hatred for themselves that they will exchange with those of similar beliefs. And I wanted nothing to do with any of it, ever again.
The End of The Old
The New Year started with 3 Ceremonies which were all very successful. The repeated and predictable success confirmed what I had accepted already: I created a formula for effective & profound healing without the drama or demonic outbursts that I had witnessed elsewhere while purging those exact energies (and much more).
Through my ceremonial work, I had befriended a lady living in Austin, TX. She was almost my mother’s age and we got along very well. We spent some time together in Tulum, including a party on the beach in mid-January. January is the absolute peak of the Season for this part of Mexico while Tulum is receiving people mostly in their 20s-40s who are eager to party, consume too many substances and lay in too many beds. Seeing how people dressed up and how Tulum has established itself as a place of so-called ‘Consciousness’, everyone wanted a piece of that ‘Shaman/Guru’ or ‘Goddess/Fairy’ illusion. The charade of getting checked for drugs at the entrance while the whole event and business model of such places was based on the presence and consumption of the very same was not new to me.
Last week of January, I traveled to Austin with my friend to help her with her family situation. Renewing my visa on that occasion came in handy as well as seeing the US for the first time since my work there, prior to 2020. After what felt much longer than 20 months in Mexico, it was a great reminder of what a 1st World Country was like and all the conveniences that I knew from growing up in Germany. And how far away Mexico was from all that. I started to have a feeling that I would find myself in the 1st World again sooner rather than later.
When I returned, we finished some more construction projects while I prepared to welcome my student and friend whom I had trained for well over a year now. We created a content, action and marketing plan for Retreats. I knew that my role was to teach more than anything so I was looking to hand over presence-requiring duties to him and then others.
Come March Equinox, we got together with my friend from Austin to spend some days in Tulum and do a Psilocybin Ceremony. As there was a Lunar Eclipse, an Equinox and an upcoming Total Solar Eclipse, the energies were incredibly powerful.
It effected a huge change in all participants while once more confirming to me that I would not gain much if anything from working with Plant Medicine anymore. Once you reach a certain level in your Ascension, it no longer allows you profoundly new insights. It’s a fun take on what you know while teaching you a thing or two here and there.
It is called Plant Medicine for a reason. The Medicine stops serving any purpose when the underlying ailment or illness has been cured. People who need to keep taking their Medicine forever and are not evolving the purpose of that Medicine (taking it for the same reason/s) are proving that they are not healing, therefore not ascending.
Come April and with the Solar Eclipse happening, I knew that things would soon go in a different direction. With Patient K not having made any progress in recent months and rather regressing into the ‘same old, same old’, my patience was running out.