Chernobyl: The Story of my karmic Past Life 1959-1986, Self-Sacrifice & Dying a Hero.

Chernobyl: The Story of my karmic Past Life 1959-1986, Self-Sacrifice & Dying a Hero.

My Past Life & karmic Cleanse In late October of 2018, I finally was ready to visit Chernobyl & Pripyat for the first time after much anticipation since I first learnt of it when I was 10. Barely into the “Exclusion Zone”, visiting the first...
Making Love – Sacred Sexuality, Divine Nature & Organic Creation

Making Love – Sacred Sexuality, Divine Nature & Organic Creation

The Nature of Sex(uality) Everything in existence is sexual. Every thought you think is an act of creation. A thought is the seeding point of that which you want to create and manifest. Every feeling you feel accompanies the thought you have. Thoughts are Masculine,...

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