Ascension Mentoring

With Ascension Mentoring, I offer you the most direct route into activating and remembering your Soul’s Purpose.

With an unprecedented Value-for-Money proposition, you receive a ‘guaranteed no return’ passage into your 6D Soul’s Blueprint, aligning you with your Higher Self.

No matter where you are on your Ascension path – be it barely awakening from you deep human slumber or already fully 5D-embodied – I can help you reach the next level in a matter of hours.

It is my Honor & my Duty to teach the Star Seeds & the Lightworkers of Earth how to fulfill their divine promise to Spirit.

For that is what your Soul signed up for.

Time is running out for all those who continue being parasites on Earth – the choice for Ascension and for the Light needs to be made soon. Or else, this experiment will fail for the vast majority of those who signed up for it.

Having ascended from a 3D Incarnation in 1992 into a 12D Reality with an 8-10D focus in 2023, no one will be able to offer you better guidance than I can.