Video Content
1. **Introduction and Context (00:00:01:16 – 00:01:13:16)**
– Introduction by Serapis Light.
– Significance of March 3rd, 2025.
– Reflection on the 5-year journey to align the Crown Chakra in the Himalayas.
2. **Overview of the Chakra Alignment Journey (00:01:13:20 – 00:02:21:47)**
– 2019 Heart Chakra work initiation in Glastonbury, England.
– Global travel for chakra alignment: Root Chakra (Mount Shasta, USA) to Crown Chakra (Himalayas).
3. **Chakra Locations and Challenges (00:02:21:47 – 00:03:04:39)**
– Detailed chakra locations and their symbolic importance.
– Difficulties faced during alignment.
4. **Connections to Egypt and Atlantis (00:03:04:43 – 00:04:46:10)**
– Link between Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, and spiritual energy.
– The significance of Egyptian obelisks and their placement.
5. **Crown Chakra and Eastern Mysticism (00:05:48:31 – 00:06:33:19)**
– Connection of the Crown Chakra with Buddhism and other spiritual traditions.
– Reflection on Avalon, Glastonbury, and its ancient spiritual lineage.
6. **Time, Space, and Their Interconnection (00:06:55:49 – 00:08:00:36)**
– Musings on the non-linear nature of time and space.
– Insights into spiritual significance.
7. **Completion of Chakra Alignment (00:08:00:40 – 00:10:19:10)**
– Vision of global changes in 2020.
– Final alignment of chakras and global spiritual connection.
8. **Reflections on 2020 and Its Aftermath (00:10:19:14 – 00:12:37:25)**
– Realizations during the global lockdowns of 2020.
– The impact of increased spiritual frequencies on humanity.
– Personal reflections on challenges and sacrifices during the journey.
9. **Global Consciousness and Polarization (00:12:50:24 – 00:14:14:41)**
– Activation of spiritual energies during the pandemic.
– Polarization between fear and courage, light and darkness.
10. **Reflections on Tyranny and Shadow Work (00:14:14:45 – 00:15:42:12)**
– Critique of global responses to the pandemic.
– Importance of self-awareness and shadow work.
11. **Vaccine Controversies and Social Polarization (00:15:42:16 – 00:19:13:08)**
– Reflections on vaccine adoption and its societal impact.
– Observations on polarization and loss of social connections.
12. **The End of a Cycle and New Beginnings (00:19:13:08 – 00:22:26:41)**
– Completion of a 5-year cycle.
– Reflections on global crises and the emergence of a new paradigm.
13. **Leadership and Global Shifts (00:22:26:45 – 00:25:37:28)**
– Observations on leadership in the USA and Europe.
– Reflections on societal unconsciousness and hope for the future.
14. **Spiritual Truths and Personal Responsibility (00:25:37:32 – 00:28:17:31)**
– Higher spiritual truths and the soul’s purpose.
– The distinction between ego and soul.
– Reflections on personal responsibility and collective ascension.
15. **Choices and Humanity’s Evolution (00:28:17:35 – 00:30:30:01)**
– The role of choices in shaping humanity’s future.
– Humanity’s reputation in the galaxy and its potential for growth.
16. **Generational Shifts and Ascension (00:30:30:01 – 00:31:38:43)**
– Differences in consciousness across generations.
– Reflections on ascension and the role of outliers in consciousness.
17. **The Beginning of a New Era (00:31:38:47 – 00:33:11:05)**
– Reflections on the significance of March 3rd, 2025.
– The emergence of a sixth-dimensional frequency on Earth.
18. **The Contrast of Suffering and Joy (00:33:11:09 – 00:34:33:02)**
– Insights on the value of suffering as a contrast to joy.
– Reflections on the fall of the Iron Curtain and its spiritual significance.
19. **The Power of Choice and Judgment (00:34:33:06 – 00:36:12:35)**
– The importance of choices and their impact on spiritual growth.
– Reflections on judgment and the role of karma.
20. **Polarization and Visionary Leadership (00:36:12:39 – 00:37:13:05)**
– Reflections on polarization and the challenges of visionary leadership.
– Historical parallels and the role of visionaries in shaping the future.
21. **Courage and Legacy (00:37:13:05 – 00:38:22:13)**
– Reflections on historical courage and its impact on legacy.
– Lessons from past lives and the importance of living courageously.
22. **Reflections on Truth and Society (00:38:22:17 – 00:39:37:45)**
– The importance of honesty and the consequences of self-deception.
– Observations on unconscious societal behavior and personal growth.
23. **Closing Thoughts and Future Plans (00:39:37:49 – 00:40:26:29)**
– Encouragement to subscribe and explore further content.
– Highlights of unique resources available on the speaker’s website.
Video Transcript
00:00:01:16 – 00:01:13:16
And welcome back, dear souls. I’m Serapis Light. And today is a very special video in time for me. Truthfully, though, for the entire planet. Because I waited until midnight. Struck here for me. It is the 3rd of March 2025, which marks exactly five years on the day since me, since myself and a small group of interesting and interested individuals went with me to first India, Northern India, and then Nepal, energetically reaching into Tibet in the Himalayas and that is when the crown chakra, the seventh chakra was aligned, the seventh chakra as far as the original and bodily perception of chakras goes, I should say, because I also created the 12th chakra model.
00:01:13:20 – 00:01:46:15
But of course, usually people are familiar with the seven chakra model. And as far as the work that I did that I started in 2019, summer went starting Glassboro, England, with the heart chakra of the planet. I then completed a trip around the world over the entire planet. Barely sleeping and spending a lot of money.
00:01:46:19 – 00:02:21:47
And facing many, many difficulties along the way. Aligning seven chakras, root chakra, Mount Shasta, Northern California, USA, sacral chakra, Peru, Machu Picchu down to what is called the Sacred Valley. Third chakra solar plexus mount of the rock in the desert of Australia. Fourth chakra I just named that.
00:02:22:01 – 00:03:04:39
This last summer, England’s first chakra is the Giza Plateau, the Great Pyramid, the other pyramids down to Saqqara, Memphis or what used to be Memphis during the days of Cleopatra and before, sixth chakra, the the I people could call the third eye, but the eye of energetically of the planets. Who would have guessed it? Of course, India were also concerned and focused on enlightenment, or some version and form and usually illusion of it.
00:03:04:43 – 00:03:39:03
And then the final piece was the seventh chakra, the crown, the highest elevation and reaching point of earth. The Himalayas and that day, the 3rd of March 2020, I knew that my work was complete. I have connected all of this to Egypt and the Great Pyramids, which is the direct portal and gateway.
00:03:39:07 – 00:04:11:36
To a higher truth. Because most people have absolutely no access to Atlantis. Atlantis. To most people it’s just a fantasy, a mystery, a something that probably never existed. I think that’s, well, at least 70% of all people currently would probably still subscribe to that. Whereas Egypt, even in its pure physical form and its latest base and the very little understanding of what archeologists have these days are they are amazing people like Graham Hancock.
00:04:11:36 – 00:04:46:10
Right. And others who revealed much more. Of the spiritual and what they call mystical nature of Egypt and how a physical mind cannot understand what happened there, and everything that can be found in Egypt. And what has been found in Egypt is merely a physical manifestation of an energy that is much higher, which is to say, alien technology, humanity at a higher consciousness.
00:04:46:14 – 00:05:20:48
Ancient Egypt was a direct. Derivation a direct inheritance, so to say, of Atlantis. Which is why the Vatican placed the biggest obelisk, which was the obelisk, centrally placed. In front of the Great Pyramid. And there are a few others in Rome that, belong to Alexandria. Speaking of libraries, speaking of truth, speaking of trying to build your empire on someone else’s energy.
00:05:21:03 – 00:05:48:31
And then, inverting all that, the biggest known Egyptian obelisk stands in the middle of the Vatican. To make my point, one wonders why that is. And the Vatican looks like a keyhole if you look at it from above. Key into a keyhole. So anyway, so not really. Egypt is not really the full, as interesting as it is, is not the focus of this video.
00:05:48:31 – 00:06:33:19
Which brings me to the crown chakra and of course, Buddhism being one of the oldest known religions, there wasn’t always a religion. I should say it has been turned into one, just like Christ. Consciousness has been turned into a religion. Obviously, while Christianity and Islam is another interesting point here too. We talked about it another time. What happens in summer 2019 when I activated the Glastonbury tour to your, you know, know about that and do look it up, which is a direct portal to Avalon, which is something that is eight, nine, 10,000 years old.
00:06:33:28 – 00:06:55:49
It’s always difficult with time because time is non-linear. Time is not. Every year is the same. You know, this, you can even prove this from your own life. Every year has a different experience, provides a different experience and perception of time. Time is just a way to keep score. Time is a way to try and make sense of reality.
00:06:55:49 – 00:07:24:11
So space and these two are always deeply interlinked. As time changes, space changes is of course something that most people disagree with. They think that time has passed, but space is still the same, so a place will be the same even though time has moved on. That can inherently makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. And one would have thought that these days, someone would have scientifically proven that already.
00:07:24:15 – 00:08:00:36
But the point is. In 2019, when I started my work completely, consciously, knowingly what I’m doing and having unlocked these abilities to do so, opening first, the heart chakra came last opening first Avalon with the story of King Arthur, Excalibur, and so on and so forth, which, by the way, resides energetically both in Glastonbury, on that hill, as well as what’s called Arthur’s Seat in Edinburgh.
00:08:00:40 – 00:08:31:04
A very powerfully link. There’s other places in Ireland, of course, and Wales I personally haven’t been to what is known as Wales these days. I’ve been to all others. And when I did that, I knew overlooking from the Tor the actually the Glastonbury Festival. This was the last weekend of June after the summer solstice 2019. I had a vision of 2020 being the year when everything shuts down.
00:08:31:08 – 00:09:03:36
When the Olympic Games won’t happen, I won’t be able to travel and I’m on a time constraint to do my work and to. Complete this task of not only opening and activating and aligning the chakras of the planet, but also other portals of significance. Such as in Japan, Mount Fuji, and so on. Everything is connected. Everything powers each other.
00:09:03:40 – 00:09:28:08
There’s no such thing as an earthquake somewhere on the planet that’s not felt elsewhere, even though it might not have a direct, physically obvious effect, it still has an effect that is perceivable. The world since 2020, especially, has become completely and utterly intertwined and interconnected in a way that it’s inseparable. Which is why the so-called corona virus corona meaning crown.
00:09:28:08 – 00:09:36:05
By the way, speaking of the crown chakra,
00:09:36:09 – 00:10:06:18
Having been a a global phenomenon. And when I realized that in summer 2019, what is going to happen? I didn’t know it was going to be a virus. That was the human response to this, I should add here. I actually expected this to go a bit better. I was quite shocked to see how unconscious humanity really is. But hey, better to be disillusioned than to keep living in illusion that things are better than they are.
00:10:06:22 – 00:10:15:17
Truth is, truth always sets you free. Or the truth, I should say.
00:10:15:21 – 00:10:19:10
00:10:19:14 – 00:10:42:40
When I completed my work, and on the 3rd of March 2020, the crown chakra was aligned. I knew my work is done. My passport was pretty much completely full as an I cannot travel on what anymore because I can’t get a stamp in my passport anymore. My money was running out or had run out, but I still had a few reserves.
00:10:42:40 – 00:10:55:45
But effectively I was broke. I use all the money that I had that I made, in my business.
00:10:55:49 – 00:11:09:23
And I didn’t want to run numbers on this because it’s ridiculous. But anyway, it’s not really the point of this video.
00:11:09:27 – 00:11:37:12
When the contract, when the crown chakra was aligned, what happens immediately afterwards? Even in India, just a few days before going to Nepal in the in the late in the 20th of February and the mid late 20th of February, there was talk in northern India about corona. No, they didn’t even call the corona virus about a virus.
00:11:37:16 – 00:12:01:04
And so obviously, 2 or 3 weeks later, I remember distinctly the 14th, 15th, 16th of March was really the time when these so-called lockdowns happened and the lockdown was nothing else but shutting down the fear. And that’s when I knew, okay, my work had worked. However, I also, like I said, I was expected this to go a bit better.
00:12:01:08 – 00:12:37:25
And by this I do not mean to say that I cause coronavirus. It’s a very funny and ridiculous statement. What I do cause is a massive increase in frequency that would expose humanity’s fear and humanity’s shadows. So I massively amplified the what has happened with or without me or someone like me doing this kind of work, I should add here, I had to pick up the pieces from other people before me who didn’t really do their job as much as they should have.
00:12:37:29 – 00:12:50:20
It’s always nice having to do other people’s jobs and not getting paid for it. But,
00:12:50:24 – 00:13:27:37
That simply led to a permeation and penetration of consciousness across the planet that was felt everywhere, no matter which fricking island you lived on, no matter where you were in a so-called civilized first world country, or in a so-called uncivilized third world country and everything in between, the whole spectrum of human reality was affected. Everyone was affected by corona virus, which really was an activation of spiritual energies on this planet.
00:13:27:37 – 00:14:14:41
It wasn’t only the crown that was literally just the crown. On top of it all. It was a furrow activation. Through that activation, a massive purge happened and there was a very distinct polarization. Between fear and between courage, between light and darkness, between love and hatred. Which then manifested more and more with people not seeing the point of having to stay at home locked into the, prison, which then became the four walls.
00:14:14:45 – 00:14:47:49
And they wanted to go to the beach and enjoy themselves. And we all know how that turned out. People getting imprisoned for wanting to breathe fresh air. The amount of tyranny that has happened on this planet is completely unprecedented. Nazi Germany was nothing compared to what happened in 2020 and 2021, and it’s very clear to me that people most people don’t realize, what most people don’t want realize that because, again, if they have been put in the situation of being in Nazi Germany, they would have say, gung ho, let’s do it.
00:14:48:03 – 00:15:10:46
As Sean Peterson always says, if you cannot imagine yourself as being in the SS, well, my wording for that is you got some serious shadow work to do if you believe yourself to be so above it all, and to be so great, and such a righteous and virtuous, innocent person, all those people, all the worst.
00:15:11:00 – 00:15:42:12
Anyone who is halfway decently honest about their shadows, and about the evil that they potential that they have for perpetrating evil. Those are the people you want to be friends with, because those are the people who have some sense of self, some self-awareness, and who are worth mates, who’ve worked on themselves to such a degree that they know there’s something in me that isn’t so great, but I somehow I have to learn to live with that and deal with that.
00:15:42:16 – 00:15:59:32
The absolute worst are people who believe that they’re also holy and great. Those are the people who are going to end up as the biggest tyrants. So.
00:15:59:36 – 00:16:31:28
Then to the point of polarization mass and, two meters left, six for distance and, everyone’s dying and blah, blah, blah, again, the numbers, even just the numbers that anyone can look up based on yearly flu, the deaths, the fatality rate of the yearly flu compared to coronavirus. Speaks a very clear language. All other diseases and flus just stopped existing.
00:16:31:28 – 00:17:00:02
Only coronavirus existed. Of course. And then in 2021, I’ll never forget this. This on Cyprus at the time, which is visited by many Europeans or people or Europeans, was with some money, by property. They are. And most people, especially once they were like 50 plus and properly indoctrinated and living in fear for their lack of health.
00:17:00:06 – 00:17:38:35
We’re very, very much looking forward to getting the vaccine shots. And I said to them, well, you can have mine too. And how that all turned out with people who triple boosted themselves and what consequences that had. We’ve all seen that too. For anyone who paid attention, that is, we can still see it to this day. Because if you inject something that alters your DNA, you are being altered at a DNA level and you are allowing it to happen based on who’s consciousness, based on who’s choices, the government and big pharma.
00:17:38:39 – 00:18:07:09
Need I say more? There was a way to take these vaccines and to not let. There was a way to take these vaccines, to not let it have any adverse effects. But that requires everything consciousness, knowing how to detox itself and knowing how to be immune. Truly. If I would have been required and asked to travel in 2021, yeah, I would have taken that nonsense because I knew it would have had no effect on me.
00:18:07:13 – 00:18:44:10
But people running to that thing like it’s Jesus and the Savior and you are basically, the worst person in the world. If you don’t take this stuff, you don’t poison yourself. Who’s? Well, I know for a fact that many people lost friends and contact with family and, their so-called social circle became a lot smaller, in the wake of that, because people showed themselves and this polarization became very, very clear.
00:18:44:14 – 00:19:13:08
Now, five years later, I am happy to say that this cycle has been complete. I’ve been waiting for this for quite a while. I wasn’t sure in 20, 22, three years ago, I felt that this corona things going out of the window, which obviously it did and then was quickly replaced with, the next crisis and the next conflict and the next catastrophe, and that’s live all in fear and fear and fear and fear, the daily fear porn that people are so addicted to because that’s all they know.
00:19:13:08 – 00:19:49:40
That’s all they are. And, it’s a direct, manipulative leverage and lever that, people of interest in power over others, are using to manipulate people based on their trauma and their fear. And they’re absolutely lack of spine and courage. So if any of this triggers you, you’re very welcome, by the way, or offends you. So five years later, here we are.
00:19:49:44 – 00:20:14:10
Recently, I mean, there’s many things we talked about that have happened in the more recent, in the last 12, 14 months or so. But that’s not really the point of this video. I really wanted to for the first time. I mean, I have I wrote it on my website, but I guess it’s it’s been kind of just been kind of hidden.
00:20:14:14 – 00:20:40:11
I wasn’t really interested in making this public knowledge, especially not in 2022. And even in 2023, I didn’t feel like this is in any way in my interest to make this public knowledge of what I did five years ago. But let’s just say it’s been very interesting. It’s been very interesting in the in the preemptive energy of what it’s called Covid 19.
00:20:40:11 – 00:21:21:00
Right? It’s not Covid 20 1819 as in 2019. So this energy started in 2019. And when I traveled the planet and again after having visited already so many, so many countries and having this in so many different places in succession, within a week I covered two continents, different countries in it, seeing people being able to assess where humanity is before that, during that and after that, namely 2022.
00:21:21:04 – 00:21:56:05
And a little bit of 2023, I guess, there was already a different energy really. And we are at the precipice of a completely new paradigm, an era 2025 and 2026 are going to be together. 2027, bigger than anything we’ve ever experienced before. And right now is the beginning of that time. March 2025 is something that has been shown to me since late, I believe October or November, actually.
00:21:56:05 – 00:22:26:41
September, September, Equinox 2023 I was made aware of the significance of March 25th. There’s always milestones with the seasons, and there’s always milestones with an increase in consciousness that has massive effects and significance to humanity, or truly to all beings living on this planet and the planet, the planetary body and the planetary consciousness itself. And.
00:22:26:45 – 00:22:53:28
This is going to be by far the greatest time to be alive ever. It’s also by far going to be the hardest time ever for those who still live in fear and who’ve done absolutely nothing to better themselves, some who have done absolutely nothing to align themselves with love, with light, with truth, with their soul. I see so many people flocking to religion more than before.
00:22:53:32 – 00:23:17:41
Especially here in the United States of America. Obviously, many interesting things are happening now with this new administration. Or rather a leadership, a governmental body and a leadership of the people here at the same time. Make no mistake, the USA is the leader of the world for better and worse in the past, a lot more worse than better now.
00:23:17:41 – 00:23:52:42
Fortunately, a lot more better than worse. Someone always has to lead Germany where originally incarnated and when originally from truly has the leadership role in Europe. Germany has had no spine and no balls and no nothing for 20 years now. The last good chancellor Germany had. That was 20 years ago. And, even that is debatable. So the 90s were a really great time in Germany, actually.
00:23:52:46 – 00:24:42:47
Really, really great time. And then months 2000 came 2001, 2002 things. Things were very obviously not going in a great direction. And There’s always someone who has to lead because most people, everyone can lead in their own right and in their own way and the smallest ways and the biggest ways. But whoever is the most competent and the most experienced and the of the, one of the most integrity and the most honorable and the most loving and the most compassionate and whatever other objectives and qualities of character you’ll want to use now, that’s the one who leads.
00:24:43:01 – 00:25:06:33
And I’m very happy to say that things are going in a much better direction now. But these last five years and especially 2020 2021 and 2022 were pretty bleak. May we include 2023, that were.
00:25:06:37 – 00:25:37:28
Were simply a display of unconsciousness and of how those who have absolutely no power are vying for it the most, for the most manipulative and the most tyrannical means possible and wreak the most havoc and destroy everything in their wake. Just for this little bit of of attention.
00:25:37:32 – 00:25:55:43
People who feel unappreciated and unloved because they were never able to appreciate themselves and never realize that they have work to do on themselves and that then are victims. So they came here.
00:25:55:47 – 00:26:30:45
With a purpose, something to do you want to put here by some entity against the will or whatever. And I do realize that this is this is a higher spiritual truth of varying degrees and levels. Ultimately, as a six dimensional truth, when you fully realize that you as a soul chose to incarnate here, and you remember how you did that and you remember why you did it, and you remember every single aspect and facet of it and what makes you, you and why, who you truly are and who you are not.
00:26:30:49 – 00:26:47:38
The distinction between your soul and your ego, your human ego, your identity as a human based on fear and unconsciousness. Your soul, your true identity based on being pure light, being pure love, being pure spirit.
00:26:47:42 – 00:27:15:49
And so I would say to those who have made the right choices these last years, well played and well done, because there’s a lot more work to do. And for all those who consider themselves lightworkers or Starseeds or I don’t know what other words people use these days. Conscious humans. We have a lot more work to do.
00:27:16:02 – 00:27:38:05
This is this was all just the preparation. Everything happens in stages. This was all just the preparation for something much greater and something much bigger. There is no such thing as climate change in a way that it’s going to destroy humanity. Well, it’s going to destroy the unconscious part of humanity, because they’ve been doing that since always anyways.
00:27:38:05 – 00:28:03:13
And since ascension happened on this planet some 45 years ago, though, those people who make absolutely no effort to better themselves and to stop the most ridiculous of habits. People always have a lot of money and a lot of time to poison themselves with alcohol, smoking, pornography, drugs. I don’t know what people do. Well, I do know what people do.
00:28:03:18 – 00:28:17:31
I really don’t care. But when it comes to healing and doing something good for yourself, then all of a sudden there is no time, motivation, will, or money for it.
00:28:17:35 – 00:28:56:03
So it is a choice. Everything is a choice, and every single moment you make a choice, even when you don’t make a choice. That’s especially when you make a choice. Because when you don’t make a choice, you are telling someone else. Make the choice. For me and I will be made for you. That’s ultimately why this current form of government speaking on a planetary current meaning really the past, I should say, this, this form of government that humanity has known for so long, let’s put it that way, has existed like that because the vast, vast, vast majority of people was an absolute fringe group who said otherwise?
00:28:56:15 – 00:29:29:41
The 98% of humanity, or 95% of many or whatever, who said, I have no idea, and someone else probably knows better, and then let’s go vote for someone to rule us. King, Queen, president, Prime minister, dictator, tyrant, savior, whatever you want to call it. It’s always the same story. And as long as people do not take responsibility into their own hands to the degree that they need, this will always continue to happen.
00:29:29:41 – 00:30:01:30
Well, if it wasn’t for Ascension, I would continue to happen because you, Manatee, let me tell you this one humanity is very, very famous in the universe, so let’s just call it our galaxy for now. It’s very famous in the galaxy. In our galaxy. I called the Milky Way. By the way, for being incredibly lazy and for being incredibly unable to change and to go with the flow and to give up the ego and the resistance.
00:30:01:34 – 00:30:30:01
We actually, as a species, should be much further ahead in our ascension. Now, as a collective, they are complete outliers. Like myself. I’m a very extreme example, obviously, but as many more like myself who are complete outliers in consciousness, who have done amazing work and who have seen through all the nonsense gradually or from the beginning, depending on where and when they incarnated.
00:30:30:01 – 00:31:15:13
Of course, it has a lot to do with it. The kids, those who incarnated after thousands, came into a very different energy, came into a very four dimensional energy. And I don’t really know physicality anymore as the generations born around 1960 do, or let alone before that, even though it’s a bit different. So I’m going to there’s so much more to talk about, but I’m just going to say well done for and to all those who deserve it and to all those who don’t and who have done, nothing to better themselves and to better participate in the ascension of this planet, all I have to say to you is it’s all
00:31:15:13 – 00:31:38:43
going to get better for you. The pain and suffering will be your teacher. And, this is what you chose, and you’re going to complain about it, and you’re going to play victim about it, or you finally make the right choice and you take it in your own hands, and you humbly humble yourself and humbly ask for help from those who are clearly more conscious, more intelligent, and more qualified than you are.
00:31:38:47 – 00:32:11:06
And, only good things will happen. So. Well, quite a lot. So I’m going to post this, very shortly on the 3rd of March three three, 2025. And this marks the beginning of a new era, which, I’m sure in three months from now about the summer solstice, we are already going to be able to see, let alone September equinox.
00:32:11:06 – 00:32:36:11
We are already going to be able to see very clearly what that means, what that is, the new opportunities that there are, especially now with a even six dimensional frequency available to us on this planet, is completely unprecedented. Not even Atlantis had a sixth dimensional frequency available. So this is this is by far the most exciting time to be alive and, to be here.
00:32:36:15 – 00:33:11:05
And it is a privilege to be on planet Earth as difficult as it can be at times, but always keep the bigger picture in mind that at heart, knowing that you, your soul, made absolutely no mistakes and coming here and planning this and this has been planned, always plotted, this has been strategized and planned and created a long, long time ago, way before Earth ever existed.
00:33:11:09 – 00:33:35:32
So once you start thinking about, let me put it to you this way. This is what I was told, especially at my second doc retreat in April of 2019. What is one year of suffering compared to an infinity of joy?
00:33:35:36 – 00:34:01:46
Makes the suffering actually enjoyable because you have such an amazing contrast, you will only be able to truly appreciate love and peace when you have known the opposite. When you have known the polar opposite, we don’t live in to have anymore. The fourth dimension is already so advanced now that duality truly does not exist anymore on this planet.
00:34:01:46 – 00:34:33:02
This is a process started around 1989, which was when the wall came down in Germany, which is when the Iron Curtain fell, and the east and the west and Russia and America stopped being polarized to such a degree, was not the right way to say it. They weren’t polarized. They were simply cut off from each other. They were separated very obviously, with the construction of a physical wall.
00:34:33:06 – 00:35:02:25
And since then, no matter how many fences people put up and how whatever they used to wall themselves in is protecting yourself and those who you love from from a place of power, from a place of light, from a pulse, from place of necessary protection. And then there’s protecting yourself out of fear. Those two have nothing in common with each other.
00:35:02:28 – 00:35:25:07
And as I always like to say, you can use a kitchen knife to cook the most amazing meal. Or you can go around killing people and stabbing them. It’s still a knife, but so how you use the abilities, the money, the tools, the whatever you have available, your gifts is entirely up to you. And, how you will be judged.
00:35:25:07 – 00:35:49:16
Well, your soul will do the judging for you, together with some other very, very advanced and powerful beings. You can call them the Masters of karma, or they’ve been called that before. I don’t entirely agree with that wording anymore, but that’s a different story for different time. How you will be evaluated and how you how your soul will evaluate your life.
00:35:49:20 – 00:36:12:35
That is based on the choices you make here. Let me tell you this, being a coward and standing for nothing and living in fear, survival is not going to get you what you want. That much I can promise you. So, this was quite serious. I hope the next video is going to be a bit more lighter.
00:36:12:39 – 00:36:46:18
As far as she often goes. But I. I know and truly believe that. Which is why I have been a proponent of Donald Trump for almost for a decade now. Actually, it’s a 2015. And I called his election in a time in 2016, and I bet money on it at a time when people laughed at me. I wasn’t even, I’m still not an American citizen to this day, but my American friends laughed at me for that.
00:36:46:22 – 00:37:13:05
Then they kind of stop laughing when the election was over because they didn’t see the bigger picture, that I didn’t know what I knew already about the world at the time. And being a visionary and doing what’s right will always lead to polarization in our world. If you’re Nikola Tesla and you know how to invent the radio in 1800, you’re going to be called a witch doctor and burn them at the stake.
00:37:13:05 – 00:37:32:16
And he’s going to bring about you state the devil’s agent and blah and blah blah, the usual shit that humans do in their unconsciousness. But if you’re Nikola Tesla and you can do it, then you’re going to do it because you know this is going to be a legacy and live on and help people way after you’ve departed here.
00:37:32:20 – 00:37:53:25
And that takes a lot of courage. That has taken a lot of courage for a lot of people. For history, you can use bigger known names like Da Vinci, like Galileo, like seafarers. So, this explored the seven seas, at great risk to themselves. Be a disease or death or mutiny or getting eaten by white sharks or whatever.
00:37:53:29 – 00:38:22:13
Courage. You will never even in the moment of your death, which I have a lot of experience now because I died consciously many times, and I remember all the times that I died from my past lives, every single time when I died and I lived my life correctly and honestly and courageously, I never regretted anything. I never regretted dying.
00:38:22:17 – 00:38:47:17
But as, many people say, and there’s books written on this, the top 100 regrets of the dying, I believe, is the most famous one on that. You will most definitely regret everything that you didn’t do out of courage. Everything that you did, that you did do out of cowardice. All the lies you told yourself and others. Always remember, every lie you tell is ultimately the betrayal of yourself.
00:38:47:21 – 00:39:11:35
You lie to yourself first, and then you try to convince others of your lies so they can mirror back this lie to you very much. Explain society at large, unconscious society. I should say you. So, friends, I’m going to leave it at that. This has been fun. This has been intense. I’m interested to see how this video will be received.
00:39:11:39 – 00:39:37:45
Especially for our time. And I’m looking forward to talking to you and seeing you in one of my next videos. If you’re not subscribed, please do subscribe. I believe there should be on my on your left. On my right, there should be a subscribe button with my logo. Probably on my left. On your right, there’s a video suggestion for something else, that I posted.
00:39:37:49 – 00:40:26:29
So please do like and subscribe this video. If you don’t know my website yet, then please have a look at the video description. It’s A therapist minus, which was a funny way of saying it. Where you can find a lot of free information, free meditations, 20,000 words on me and my story, over 60,000 words and written blog articles and blog posts which have absolutely seminal unique value because, for example, my 12 dimensions article laying out the different levels of universal consciousness doesn’t exist like this has never existed like this before.
00:40:26:33 – 00:40:55:23
So this is a concept that I created for everyone to understand different levels of consciousness and thereby understanding themselves and their consciousness and their ascension and their progress and their awakening. So, that’s it from me. I’m Serapis Light, Much Love to you all, and I’ll see you soon.