Level 1. Basics

1-A: Introduction to Meditation
Learn the Truth, Power and Basics of what a Meditation is and why it is an absolutely essential Tool for any and every Lightworker
Introduction to Meditation
1-B: Visualization / Imagination
Learn how to connect with your Mind, open your Third Eye/Light Sight and create more consciously by navigating your Mind through focused Visualization
Visualization / Imagination
1-C: Breathing Life
Become aware of what Breathing is, how important an aspect of Life itself it represents and how to use your Breath for Health & Consciousness
Breathing Methods mentioned: Wim Hof Method, Pranayama & Kundalini Fire Breath (+ alternative video)
Breathing Life
1-D: Intuition / Inner Tuition
Activate and connect with your inner Tuition. Intuition (insight, direct or immediate cognition, spiritual perception) is the feminine path to Wisdom, leading through your “gut”, into your inner World.