
These are all Spiritual Teachers of a 4.5D or higher Frequency that I strongly recommend from my HeartMind to yours.

David R. Hawkins 🙏🏼 2012

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David R. Hawkins was an Ascended Master of his time.

His work on Kinesiology to gauge Consciousness, as well as the Map of Consciousness derived from it has re-defined “New Age Spirituality”.

This is a man who dedicated his life to furthering his and human consciousness.

His Soul has my utmost Gratitude and Praise for the work he has rendered, helping me break through the last layers of my unawakened consciousness in 2018.

Eckhart Tolle

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Eckhart Tolle is a well-known and highly regarded public figure specifically for the “Enlightenment” movement. While most of his teachings are of a higher 4-dimensional Consciousness and very much focused on and from the Human Mind, he speaks with an open Heart while channeling galactic Energy of this true origins.

He is an ideal teacher for all those transitioning from the Old World to the New World.

From an Unconscious Existence into a more Conscious Life.

Dolores Cannon 🙏🏼 2014

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Dolores Cannon was an amazing teacher and motherly figure of her time.

Her channeling & earthly invention of QHHT provided a groundbreaking tool for awakening Starseeds & Lightworkers.

Having had a 3D grounding with 4D Activations in the Old World, then transitioning to a 5D Consciousness around 2000, staying around past 2012, makes her an extremely knowledgable being of both Old and New World.

Her Work created a most necessary bridge between that which was, is and that which will / must be.

While there are much more effective ways to tap into the subconscious and reveal Past Lives now, studying her work allows one to understand the Shift of Consciousness on Planet Earth.

Mooji aka Moojibaba. He embodies the Sacred Father to many who have enjoyed his presence.

While I saw a lot of Orion Mind Control in early 2019 as well as very heavy Energies in his Aura, he has successfully upgraded his being to 5D.

He speaks of the Human Mind with an open Heart.

Having reached a 5-dimensional Consciousness while coming from a 3D World is a most impressive feat that few so far have achieved.

Coming from an Old World perspective, Mooji has rightfully earned the title “Ascended Master”.

He is a great teacher for all those who seek to transcend their Human Conditioning and who have their Mind set – while their Heart is still closed.

Magenta Pixie

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Magenta Pixie has been a powerful channel for the collective that has been trained since her childhood.

Her channelings reach all the way into 6D – which is a frequency that only the most trained of individuals on the Planet are able to channel.

The gap between her Human embodied Consciousness and the Teachings that she channels has narrowed more recently after it became obvious to me in late 2019 that she had a lot of unascended Energies to deal with.

Having reached a 4D Baseline with a very strong 5D Motherly Template, her Channelings of past and present are more relevant than ever, providing a reference guide for all those consciously ascending.

Jordan B. Peterson

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Jordan B. Peterson has become the voice of reason in a quickly degenerating & spiraling-into-insanity Western World.

His Consciousness oscillates between Highest 4D (Peak Intellectualism) and lower to even mid 5D (especially when his daughter is present).

He embodies the good Father and the honorable-wise Man of Integrity.

As much as he credits Carl Gustav Jung and many others, he now only begins to realize that he has far surpassed all of his teachers & idols already.

His near-physical-death-experience in 2019/2020 marked his Shift into a 5D Consciousness that is now complete.

Apart from Human Psychology, History & Self-Development, there is a lot that can be learnt from how he deals with the most vile and antagonistic people that see him as ‘the enemy’.

Courage, Fortitude & Integrity are at the Core of his Being.

Teal Swan

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Teal Swan is a great example of a 5D Female Lightworker that fully integrated her 4D Shadows (since ~2022).

I highly recommend her work especially to and for Women.

She is a role model for being a highly psychically gifted Woman of great Spiritual Prowess & Integrity.

Speaking as a Man, I find her compassionate Honesty & feminine Leadership Qualities very attractive.

Kryon (Lee Carroll)

Lee Carroll, very much like Magenta Pixie, had been trained as a channel for decades. His galactic roots integrated into a human experience allow him to very clearly, powerfully and accurately channel higher-dimensional information (mostly 6D into 5D at this point) that he then directs specifically to Lightworkers – all Souls with an incarnational Blueprint for Ascension and at least 5D Templats on Earth.

His Channelings are positive, hopeful, empowering and encouraging.

Since he has been publishing his Channelings for 2 Decades now, it is very interesting to study the changes in Frequeny, Predictions and Callings made towards the Collective of Lightworkers on Earth throughout time.

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