
Welcome to The NeXus

The Index to

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Serapis Light

Everything there is to know about me.

Read about myself as an unconscious Human for 25 Years, my hyper-accelerated Ascension, my Past Lives and my Galactic Origins.

Serapis Eye


Learn the Basics of Spirituality (your true Nature) & Ascension (your purpose on Earth) – then activate your Soul Blueprint (6D) to consciously choose your Journey towards Divine Remembering.

This is by far the most powerful Spiritual Activation you could ever hope to find.



The Akash = the Sacred Library of Serapis Light.

All teachings you can find here are of an at least 6-dimensional, usually 7D Frequency. 

A 5D Consciousness, an open Heart with an open Mind, is required to understand anything at all.

All this is freely and readily available for your own Teachings & Learnings.

As every Library should be.

Light Currency


I am at your Service.

Choose from a wide range of Light-Full, Ascension-focused Services that I from many Years of Earthly-Galactic Experience.

Praying Hands


Like reaching out to your Higher Self in Meditation, you can contact me.

Getting Started

To understand the Foundation of my work and to help accelerate your own Ascension, read, study  & learn the following articles in the order presented here.

Universal Mind 12D Consciousness

The 12 Dimensions

Understand the 12 Universal States of Consciousness

Polarity YinYang

Duality, Polarity & Unity

Different States of Energy

Shadow Fear

Shadow Work

What you Fear, you shall Become

7 Energy Levels

The 7 Levels of Mastering Energy

Different Stages of Energy Level Mastery


The Dark Masculine

Learn the Archetypes of the Dark Masculine

Dark Witch Woman Baphomet

The Shadow Feminine

Learn the Archetypes of the Shadow Feminine


The (Re)Incarnation Process

How the Soul comes into the Body

Divine Femininity

The Divine Feminine

Love, Beauty & Nurture

Masculinity Cactus Testicles Penis

The Sacred Masculine

Strength, Power & Honor