2-0-2-0 Galactic Node Point
The Earth Year 2020 marked the beginning of a New Era.
The “Age of Aquarius” is a Western-Judaic interpretation of just that.
This New Era would bring an unprecedented Frequency Shift.
One that would upend all Old Systems to install the New Galactic Earth Grid.
I personally have prepared this process through my global travel in the latter part of 2019.
At the time, I called it Energetic Grid (Light) Work.
Now I would simply refer to it as a Galactic Node Point Integration of our Planet, readying it for the Process of Planetary Integration into our Galactic System.
Since the 2020 Shift, phasing in and out of this Reality on Earth has become entirely possible.
A much more conscious creation has been birthed by clearly separating those who chose Fear from those who chose Love and a higher Consciousness.
Jumping Dimensions from 3D to 4D, 5D and even to 6D has become possible.
The Opening to our Galactic Brothers & Sisters (manifesting through the opening of the Ozone Layer, the melting of the Poles, Polar Lights etc.) has happened already.
Earth’s Planetary Shift of 2020
When I was doing Lightwork in Glastonbury for the Summer Solstice 2019, I stood atop the activated Tor Hill, seeing what would unfold in 2020 between March to June:
A global shift that would affect every single human on the planet – no matter where they were.
While I did not know that it would primarly manifest through a Virus, I knew that big Events such as the Olympic Games would be canceled, travel would be near impossible and the whole planet would experience an awakening like never before.
The World would contract in Fear upon being shone Light upon.
Because of that, I knew that my time to do Planetary Grid Energy Alignment Work, necessitating my physical presence around the Planet, was well-defined and very limited. What should have been a 2 year-long job with lots of help (as per the divine plan laid out in 2017) became an extremely challenging, taxing and lonely 8 months journey around the world in which I had to exhaust all my funds and my health. It was only at the very end and upon its completion that I had positive support.
While opening the first and by far the most important Planetary Chakras in Glastonbury that summer (Heart = hEart = Earth), I foresaw the finale of that year’s work: The Great Pyramid in Egypt for the Winter Solstice – which also marked the End & Completion of the 7-year 5D Ascension Cycle since 2012.
Then, on 03/03/2020 while Opening the Crown Chakra of the World (Latin “Corona”) in the Himalayas, I knew that my work was done and the job was successfully completed.
Now, what was next? For me, resting and doing nothing but to reflect and integrate, learning to enjoy a more humane experience by coming down and lowering my consciousness again.
When 5D Consciousness met Humanity
Due to the Great Dissonance between 5D Frequency already firmly rooted in Earth’s Planetary Reality and the currenct Consciousness of Humanity, all Hell broke loose. Literally.
There was not a single human unaffected by this.
And even I had trouble coming to terms with how incredibly unconscious Humanity was.
I knew it was bad – but not even remotely how bad it actually ended up being in its actual Fear-Full Manifestation.
The Energetic Templates of Telepathy had been unlocked for Humanity.
That is why those who chose Fear & Evil over Love and Light needed a hazmat suit, masks and a 2m(ile?) distance from one another.
Everything and everyone was hostile to their existence.
A basic lesson in Consciousness: If you see/project the problem in everyone else, then you are the genesis of that problem.
And the Government served its willing subjects all too well: Let’s force this on everyone.
Fear, Death & Disease is our Mantra and we shall convince everyone of it. Trust Science because Science, Experts and smart stuff. Very smart stuff. You don’t understand unless you have a PhD in microbiological Imbecility.
Polarization: The Split of Worlds
2021 saw the decision-making of all those who live in Fear: Take the Vaccine, blame those who don’t
And then there was everyone else.
While there were indeed some who took the vaccine for the right, Ascension-aligned reasons (usually Compassion or Ascension-related travels), 98% of those who took the vaccine did so out of pure fear and stupidity, subjugating themselves to a tyrannical system that they then perpetuated.
In almost all cases, resisting the vaccine represented a choice for Freedom, Choice itself and against Fear.
Society and Humanity itself had never been so divided and polarized.
Taking the Vaccine separated those living in Fear and going with the same Old World Narrative from those who ventured in to a New World, choosing a Higher Consciousness.
They stood up for what they felt and knew was right.
The individual reasons and reasoning may vary vastly – yet the bottom line result is simply that:
Freedom or Prison.
Consciousness or Unconsciousness.
Self-Government (True Authority) or External Government (False Authority).
The greatest social experiment on Earth so far has come and passed. And the effects are felt to this day on both sides.