The World of Plant Medicine is as vast as Nature itself.
For every disease, there is a natural remedy or adjuvant.
In this Guide, we are going to focus on what is known as Psychedelic Plant Medicine, also called Sacred Medicine, Master Plant Teachers and other names.
All Medicine in this guide I have extensive personal experience with, both healing myself as well as helping others heal by leveraging the Power of Mother Nature.
Frequently called ‘The God Molecule’ by those who experienced it, 5-MeO-DMT is hands-down the most direct route to experiencing Source/God Consciousness.
All you have to do is to surrender to the experience – and off you are.
While in Earth minutes, the experience will be over in about 25-45 minutes, you may need months or years to integrate the lessons you just learnt.
I like to look at 5-MeO-DMT as the Ultimate Ego Breaker.
Your sense of Self is completely removed so that you can experience something much greater and vaster than your Self.
There are 2 used modalities that are used as medicine: one is plant-, the other animal-derived.
Bufo Alvarius
Bufo Alvarius, in short simply called Bufo, is the secretion of a Sonora Desert Toad. It has glands that secrete 5-MeO-DMT.
Dried, it gets inhaled by lighting a fire to it, turning it into pure DMT Smoke.
You lose your current bodily-human consciousness immediately after you inhaled the smoke – some don’t even remember lying down after inhaling while seated.
The experience is EXTREMELY ACCELERATED, allowing you to experience many things in the shortest time-frame. Usually within 25 minutes, you will return to your bodily-physical consciousness. Either remembering some things or absolutely nothing.
Due to the nature of smoke and inhalation, Bufo is even more direct in its application than Yopo.
Yopo (Anadenanthera peregrina)
Having the powdered dried fruits of the yopo tree ready and waiting to be blown up someone’s nostril, taking Yopo is exactly like receiving Rapé.
Being blown right up your nose towards your Pineal Gland, the effects usually start within a minute or two.
Compared to Bufo, you have much more time to consciously navigate the experience, lie down and ease into it.
As the core ingredient is the same, the experience is 5-MeO-typically intense, short-lived and colorful.
I have personally found Yopo to be a better option for Ascension due to the kinder nature of the journey itself as well as the increased level of conscious experience, allowing you to remember more and thus work with & integrate more.
Di-Methyl-Triptamine, DMT, is a psychoactive substance that can be derived from nature in many various forms.
By many called ‘The Spirit Molecule’, it is associated with very strong visuals or so-called ‘hallucinations’.
Truer to the ancestral usage, DMT is often the first compound thought of when using the term ‘Entheogens’ – filled with God.
DMT can also be synthesized – a form that I cannot recommend due to the artificial creation process, needing energetic cleansing upon usage.
Until you are a fully 5-dimensional being, Natural Medicine is infinitely better and much easier to process for your body than any artificial substance could ever be.
Ayahuasca (Bansteriopsis Caapi + Chacruna)

DMT-containing leafs + Ayahuasca Root Vine make up the special Amazonian Brew called “Ayahuasca”.
Ayahuasca has gained so much fame in recent years that it has become somewhat synonymous with “Plant Medicine” or “Spiritual Healing/Awakening”.
At this time on Planet Earth, it is generally the by far most powerful and best healing option for Humanity.
The cleansing aspect that is often described as “The Purge” (La Purga) of Ayahuasca is very unique.
The Ayahuasca Vine itself is the entirely feminine, caring & loving Mother that often acts like an internal cleaning lady for those who need it most.
The DMT is the navigational Roadmap of Consciousness of a more masculine charge.
While DMT itself is incredibly quick-acting, the Ayahuasca basis acts as what is biochemically described as an MAO-Inhibitor.
This enables the DMT to act for several hours (2 cups drunk usually equate to a 6h Journey).
You can find a comprehensive Guide on Ayahuasca here.
Changa, like ayahuasca, is comprised of DMT, as-well as an MAO inhibiting plant.
In the case of changa, the DMT has been extracted and then infused into MAOi containing plant matter, so that when it is smoked, the effects of the DMT last noticeably longer.
Where as smoking pure DMT you can expect the effects to have mostly subsided within 20 minutes where as changa is likely to last about an hour in total, while being noticeably smoother ascent and descent.
Its important to note that smoking DMT is not nearly as intense as 5-MeO-DMT is. However, once again, due to the nature of inhalation and the quick dispersion in your central nervous system via your lungs, the trip does not last long as other methods of consumption such as ayahuasca.
Within a maximum of 1 hour and 20 minutes, you will have fully returned.
This is a great option for those who enjoy smoking and who want a to try lighter version of 5-MeO-DMT, while still opening up to an extremely profound experience.
Magic Mushrooms & Truffles

Psilocybin Mushrooms are a medicine which know a seemingly infinite variety.
While they all share the same essential psychoactive ingredient – psilocybin – and thus provide a very similar experience, all the different varieties have their own unique twist and experience on offer.
Fungi (FunGuy) are very playful, happy Spirits.
They love to teach via Joy, Laughter and being a bit crazy-silly.
Usually, especially to Humans from ‘The West’, Magic of Mushrooms are the easiest way to get started with Psychedelic Medicine.
Although they are often used as a Starter, to be followed up by Ayahuasca or another medicine, they can nonetheless be an incredibly powerful tool for working on your energy/light body and psyche.
If you struggle with Depression, feeling disconnected or having a stressed Central Nervous System, then Psilocybin is perfect for you. This is in part due to the mycelium structures sharing similar qualities with brain cell structures and the greater networks of light in the cosmos.
They are now widely known to have neuro-regenerative properties, which in function can liberate individuals from the human condition and their self-imposed slavery- mental and energetic structures are reforged in accordance with their divine templates.
San Pedro / Peyote / …
Mescaline is naturally derived from many species of Cacti, but most notably San Pedro (Huachuma) and Peyote (Hikuri).
It provides a very powerfully Sacred Masculine experience, hence the name Mescaline.
While it can manifest visually, the primary effects result in a greater embodiment of your spiritual essence brought into the flesh.
Working with Ayahuasca and Mescaline in succession (and in that order) provides an incredibly powerful unification of Energies – The Divine Feminine & The Sacred Masculine
If you choose to take a smaller quantity, it can even serve as a naturally-dervied and thus healthier version of MDMA.
If you choose to go with a large dose, what is known as a “Warrior’s Cup” amongst Tribes in the Andes, you may very well have signed yourself up for a 14-18h long journey.
In ceremonial quantities and for the purpose of truly working with this medicine, I would always make sure to have walkable terrain (ideally a bit hilly, even somewhat mountainous).
While Ayahuasca is feminine-passive-inward in nature, Mescaline is masculine-active-outward in nature.
So whichever way you choose to use San Pedro: Make sure to integrate it into an active, ideally daytime experience.
Peyote, the smaller of the 2, contains more mescaline per gram and therefore less in weight is needed.
The preparation is far simpler as you need only remove the spines and the rest of the plant is edible.
Experientially, a Peyote journey may be harsher and more intense, which is mirrored by the harshness of the desert where it originates from.
In higher doses it can have incredible and viscerally cleansing properties.
Between San Pedro of the mountains and Peyote of the desert, the two most commonly consumed mescaline cacti, Peyote is rightfully considered to be the more challenging to work with, yet equal in profundity.

Used by a great many and by now the most accepted substance previously labeled a ‘drug’, Marijuana has helped several Western Generations keep their sanity throughout hardship.
Cannabis comes in many forms, yet the effects are largely the same.
The greatest difference between the different application methods is the duration of the experience and the length of time taken for their onset- with edible methods of consumption lasting the most time and taking up to 2 hours to peak, and with the vaporized methods being the among the fastest acting.
Whether taken in the form of Hash Brownies, a rolled Joint, vaporized THC or just some CBD oil:
The Plant that carries an energetic imprinting of Mary Magdalene – often lovingly referred to as Mary Jane – provides a deep sense of Relaxation, Calmness and Serenity.
It eases the Mind and relieves Stress almost immediately.
A noticeable ‘Buzz’ is usually experienced for a short time, and can be extended by consecutively drawing in more, like an upward spiral, leading to the well-known HIGH.
Memory Loss, losing train of thought and getting easily carried away are other effects of the medicine, often considered undesirable.
Like with any natural substance: If you honor the inherent Spirit of the Plant, you can never abuse it.
Cannabis also has the capacity to greatly increase the rate at which you process and assimilate energy, which depending on your environment can be of great benefit or the a source of difficulty.
Using the medicine in a public space for an activated being may result in you having to process a greater amount of energy within the space and from others. It can be like sending up an antennae and thus, for better and worse, becoming more receptive and permeable to energies.
Due to its widespread use, it helps to be aware of the unconsciousness with which it is still used by most people. Through awareness of the misuse, seeing the human karma for what it is, you are granted access to the pure and unperturbed medicinal spirit of the plant – in all her Beauty.
Rapé / Hapé
The snuff tobacco from the Amazon knows a great many variants.
It is typically comprised of Mapacho Tobacco ground into a fine powder and combined with the ashes of various medicinal plants.
This creates substance that is similar in function to Spagyric extractions in western alchemy, only a dry version rather than in a tincture.
The Ashes contain within them the spirit of plant and the tobacco acts as a carrier, making it more accessible/absorbable to the user.
Like Yopo, it is administered through the nose, usually one nostril after the other, with a kuripe (self-applicator) or a tepé (used for serving others).
Due to the method of application the medicine travels directly into and thus functions on the pineal gland.
This causes a rapid expansion, an opening of psychic faculties and leads to an exogenous awakening, induced by the spirit of plant medicine.
The primary purpose of Rapé is to cleanse your [Energy](https://serapis-light.com/library/archives/the-7-levels-of-energy-aura-light-body/) Meridians and align your energetic blueprint with Spirit, though due to the numerous varieties each conductive of slightly different energies this can manifest in a range of experience.
Some types may be highly grounding while others elevating your consciousness towards the stars.
A purge is not uncommon, a deep sense of relief and lightening follows.
It is often used by those who feel they are in need of a purification or those who want to experience a deeper state of meditation.
Often served right before drinking Ayahuasca, it can help clear blockages to prepare for the journey itself.
Awesome, informative article. Thank you so much for sharing this truth about plant medicine.
Thank you! Happy to hear that you gained value from it ⭐