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Ascension is the process of increasing one’s Consciousness to reach a higher level of Spiritual Evolution, infused with Love, Light, Truth & Divinity. I created a roadmap of Consciousness here that allows you to track your Progress.
Spirituality is the conscious Awareness of your Soul and Spiritual Nature. The more you practice your Spirituality, the more conscious you will become, the more you will ascend and the more connected to your divine nature you will be. The expression of your Spirituality is unique to your Soul.
Love is an Allowing of who you truly are as your innermost Self. Love begins with yourSELF. You cannot love another if you don’t love yourSelf. The way you give and receive Love is a unique expression of your Soul. To Love and to be Loved is the most powerful of all Human desires and motivations (until 5D Consciousness is reached and mastered).
Light is the purest form of any Energy manifest. Light is the fabric of Sacred Geometry, creating Life Patterns, Structure and Order of anything that it permeates and penetrates. Light is 6D Consciousness and therefore a higher expression of Energy than Love (5D). The Ultimate Goal of Human Evolution is to become 6-dimensional, Pure Light.
Truth begins in 4.5D. The Mind has to be sufficiently merged and fused with the Heart (HeartMind). Anything below this level of Consciousness is fiction and illusion as any ascending individual that reaches this level (and beyond) will come to realize. Truth exists beyond Belief. Truth is unchangeable and ever-lasting. Truth is the very definition of steadfastness. Once Truth reaches from 5D to 6D, it becomes Ultimate Truth. Pure, unquestionable Truth beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Your conscious Awareness of your Soul and Spiritual Nature. The more you practice your Spirituality, the more conscious you will become, the more you will ascend and the more connected to your divine nature you will be. The expression of your Spirituality is unique to your Soul.
The Divine Essence that is You (6D Consciousness). This is the densest expression of Spirit manifesting through you as an individual. In the absence of the Human Ego, this is who you truly are. God-Goddess in full embodiment. The more you align yourself with Love, Light & Truth, the more Soul-Full your Life will be. As the Soul is eternal and ever young & wise, it cannot be destroyed, captured or hurt. Embodying your Soul equals 6D Frequency Life – which is eternal. As an Ascended Human, you will never know Death or Disease which were mere learning tools in the unconscious Human Experience.
A dogmatic belief system that closes your connection to your Soul and makes you spiritually unaware. Since their Fall from Atlantis and thus a spiritually-aware 5D Consciousness, Humanity has made many assumptions about the nature of Divinity. God, Allah, Shiva, Yahweh, Science, Money Buddhism, …
A dogmatic belief system that closes your connection to your Soul and makes you spiritually unaware. Science, Christianity, Buddhism, … In order to ascend and become an at least 5-dimensional being, you have to forego and release all religious beliefs.
A dogmatic belief system that closes your connection to your Soul and makes you spiritually unaware. Science, Christianity, Buddhism, … In order to ascend and become an at least 5-dimensional being, you have to forego and release all religious beliefs.
A dogmatic belief system that closes your connection to your Soul and makes you spiritually unaware. Science, Christianity, Buddhism, … In order to ascend and become an at least 5-dimensional being, you have to forego and release all religious beliefs.