Liberate Yourself

Welcome to the single most shame-inducing topic in existence.


More specifically, Sex with YOURSELF.

Sex with another (at least in the context of marriage) has always been given a pass and somewhat accepted as a necessary Evil of the Human Experience.

However, when it comes to Masturbation, about every Religion told Humanity: Very bad, Devil’s Work, lots of Karma, Sinner.

Now there is what appears to be an entire nation of young people who are all about ‘semen retention’, abstinence, all the way to celibacy.

The Human Condition strikes once again.

It is also the most pervasively perverse topic for all age groups, cultures & generations.

Don’t talk about it at all – talk about it all the time.


When I held a lecture on Sacred Sexuality at the end of 2020, the circle of 15 people or so consisted of a wide spectrum of ages, adults from their late 20s to late 60s of various cultural-sociological backgrounds and evenly of both genders.

I immediately jumped in with the intention of catching everyone off guard about how open this conversation was going to be:

“Everyone who has ever had Sex, with someone else or with yourself, please raise your Hand”

Mine and 3 other hands went up – everyone else went into a defense state of somewhat being shocked or confused, shutting down emotionally, immediately reminded of their Trauma.

It was a great display of the shame that is inherent to Human Sexuality.

How to Heal Sexual Trauma & Karma

Now, where does all this shame come from?

Instead of playing victim like everyone else is, how about you ask YOURSELF?

Why do you have the beliefs that you have?

Even if someone held a gun to your head, trying to convince you of something such as ‘All Men are Rapists’, are you really going to believe the lie?

The Shame you experience around Sexuality is something inherent to the Human Condition.

Mythological-metaphorical stories of Adam & Eve are but one idea of how far back this goes – indeed to the origins of Humanity.

Without your sexuality in complete alignment, you will not be able to create what you want in life.

It is as simple as that.

Your Sexuality directly mirrors your Fertility and thus your Ability to create.

To Flow, To Be.

It is Pure Power.


Again, Intention is EVERYTHING.

Are you masturbating to avoid your problems – to make yourself feel better, seeking the high of an orgasm, while you know that your life is not right?

Anything that is done with that intent easily becomes an addiction.

Escaping your Reality means rejecting it.

Rejecting your Reality is to say “I am not the Creator of it, I don’t like my Reality and someone else should do it better for me” (this also leads us directly to Politics…).

Or are you masturbating to increase your Frequency, allowing yourself to feel the pleasures that you want, clearing negative energy and transforming Shame into Purity?

Those 2 are two different worlds.

They are indeed Hell vs. Heaven.


If you cannot bring yourself to an orgasm and somewhat enjoy your sexuality – why would you expect that to change when you are with a sexual partner?

If all you feel is but shame when you get naked, then how are you going to enjoy the Act of Sacred Sexuality by unifying your Energy with someone else’s?

You see, Love-Making only deserves the name if you are Loving your SELF already.

You cannot make Love to someone if your Heart is closed and you do not love yourself.

What will happen is that you will attract a partner of a matching energetic template – victimhood, fear, shame, loneliness, desperation, and so on.

When those Energies merge – you cannot expect anything good to come from it.


Learn to Love Your SELF.

It is a Practice like anything else.


Masturbating can easily be one of the most effective Tools to get there – when done with the Intention of Self-Love, Healing, Self-Acceptance & Self-Fulfillment.

If you do not learn to fulfill yourself, you will task someone else with it.

And that is the most selfish & narcissistic expectation there is.

The result of which? Both of you will be miserable.

Look at all those 3D Unconscious married couples who are lying their way through Life, waiting for it all to be over, looking left and right for alternatives.


Do not be a normal Human.

You can do much better than that.


Your Happiness, Sexual Fulfillment and Manifestation of Desires in Life are ENTIRELY YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.

And what about Pornography?

Here is the only thing that truly matters: HOW YOU USE IT.

Pornography, like everything else, is a Tool.

It can destroy you or it can add Joy to your Life.


While I will be the first one to say that I have always been somewhat disgusted by it due to the Consciousness of the Humans that are engaging in it, bursting with Trauma at the seams – Stepson this and Cheat on Wife that – it is a Great Tool for Learning.

What better way to find your Purity in a cesspool of Impurity?

All that is true, stays.

All that is not, goes.

Due to Higher Energy Templates becoming active, the Frequency Sharing and thus telepathic Abilities on Planet Earth have drastically increased.

Technological Accessibility and Sexual Activations of Humanity have brought us PornHub, 4 Vibrators per Woman on average, and a whole host of niche pornographic productions.

As long as you are aware of how Trauma-laden this space is, you become somewhat immune to the Trauma of those people you are watching having sex while giving you an opportunity to work on and heal your own Trauma around Sexuality.

Why do you have this kind of Fantasy?

Why do Women verifiably LOVE Rape Porn and Domination (Fifty Shades of Grey and all the other evidence there is)?

They are trying to accept themselves, forcibly so.

Sex with Force will always be Rape on some Level.

Soft Sex can be as forceful as Hard Sex.

If you are going against your True Self, Force is not measured in applied Strength but in Resistance exerted.

If you have experienced Sexual Violence and Humiliation (which everyone has, to varying degrees and perceptions), watching something along those lines will open up your stuck, traumatic Energy Blockages, allowing you to transform it and accept what happened.

REMEMBERING that it happened, why it happened, what did this teach you about yourself?

Nothing can be done against your FREE WILL.

This is Divine Law.

Concordantly, YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM.

Everything that ‘happens to’ you is a choice that you have made.

In agreement with another Soul, you have been done to – whatever that was.

The only way to reclaim your True Power and True Sexuality is to realize how you have abused it and how you have been abused.

Without that, you will NEVER be free while in the Human Form.

In other words: You shall not ascend.

Your only way out will be the old-fashioned exit: Death.

And that has become pretty lame at this point on Earth.

Choose Ascension, Remember your Divinity – and you can have everything you didn’t even know you wanted or existed.

The Choice, as always, is Yours to make.

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