Like a Glossary or Dictionary, here you can find definitions of all important language/vocabulary on Serapis Light.
This Index is in alphabetical order and will be continuously expanded.
Ascension is the process of increasing one’s Consciousness to reach a higher level of Spiritual Evolution, infused with Love, Light, Truth & Divinity.
Ascension has been underway on Planet Earth since the Year 1980. Since then, the Consciousness of the Planet has been increasing with the goal of making Earth’s inhabitants aware of their true Origins. For the first time since the Days of Atlantis, Humanity remembers its Divinity.
I created a Roadmap of Consciousness here that enables you to track your Progress on your Ascension path.
Consciousness is Awareness. It defines what you perceive, what you your senses can take in and how you experience your Reality. The lower your Consciousness, the less you perceive and the more Fear-based your Creation and Existence.
The higher your Consciousness, the more you perceive and the more Love-based your Creation and Existence.
Everything in Existence has and is Consciousness – even a Rock or a Table. As limited as their Consciousness may seem, they still act and behave in a certain way – which means that the Energy imbued in them knows how to act and react according to its Nature.
Consciousness exists on an Infinite Spectrum, adapting and adjusting based on the circumstances and needs of the Reality created with, for and through it.
Once more, The 12 Dimensions article is a masterful Guide to different States of Consciousness.
Descension is the Process of lowering one’s Frequency to experience a denser, more physically-focused existence.
Based on the 12 Dimensions, going from 12D to 10D is a form of Descension. Much more obviously, going from 12D to 5D is a form of Descension that takes you from an Infinite Existence beyond Time, Space and Words (The Universal All) to a fully individualized experience with great limitations in comparison.
While Planet Earth densified itself into 5D and gave birth to the Civilizations of Lemuria & Atlantis, it has since fallen much, much lower in Consciousness and reached its lowest point during what we now call ‘The Dark Ages”.
Since 1980, Planet Earth as begun its Ascension from a 3D planetary construct to a higher plane of existence in earnest. Reaching 4D in 1999 and 5D in 2012, Earth now even has a 6D version of itself that is accessible to but a very select few who know how to get there.
Dogma describes a restrictive, exclusive and narrow-minded view of the world. In Psychology, the words Confirmation Bias and Cognitive Dissonance play a great role in getting at the essence of dogmatic belief systems.
Ultimately, dogma is based on Fear – the fear of one’s world view not being truthful, therefore having to discredit and shut out all other views, especially those that directly challenge and contradict the view held by another.
As humans, we are all susceptible to dogmatic belief systems and as such, it is of utmost importance to keep an open Mind and an open Heart to align ourselves with Truth, not with Fear-ridden Dogma.
The Ego is the false Self, an Identity derived from an unconscious human incarnational experience.
Since you have made the rather bold decision to participate in the Earth Game/Experiment, you have forgotten who you truly are, separated from your Soul (commonly called ‘The Veil’).
The Human Ego is in a constant battle for survival, vying for attention, appreciation, validation and ultimately: Love.
That which it cannot reach and cannot remember because as soon as 5D Consciousness is reached, the Ego disappears and gets annihilated by the Soul.
The Ego always knows best and can do no wrong. Or it is worthless and never does anything right.
Whichever version of the Human Ego you find yourself in, know this: You will never find Truth nor Love here.
As a Human, you have exactly 2 options to find Love & Truth:
1)through the usual procedure of Death and thus unconscious return to Source or
2) through Ascension – Ego Death through Choice and return to Source in the Human Form.
Enlightenment describes a State of Consciousness that lets the Human Aura shine with and conduct Light, mostly emanating from the Crown Chakra down to the Throat Chakra (7-5).
Coming from and having incarnated into a purely physical 3D Experience, Spiritual Masters like Allen Watts, David R. Hawkins, Sadhguru, Dolores Cannon, Eckhart Tolle and many others of much lesser “fame” have reached this State of Enlightenment to some degree.
I personally refer to this as “Old World Enlightenment”. An amazing feat of its time.
True Enlightenment is 6D as per the 12 Dimensions, integrated into a Universal Truth far beyond the 3D/4D Earth Game that ended only recently.
While 4D Enlightenment is the State of a Pure Mind, 6D Enlightenment is the State of the Soul in Full Embodiment. There truly is no comparison between these two states as the Frequency is exponentially higher.
Evil is Shadow in its pure form. If you imagine the worst things possible, then you are directly channeling your Shadow.
The Shadow is Fear manifest.
Evil is done based on Trauma-based, Karma-based, Fear-based beliefs that drive and motivate to take action towards Hatred, Separation and Destruction.
Seeing Evil in the ‘outside world’ by observing famous figures such as Adolf Hitler is merely an invitation to ask yourself:
Am I Evil? What is my Evil? How am I Evil? What to do about my Evil?
Shadow Work will enlighten you like nothing else (until you reach 5D completely).
Once you start to understand and conquer your own Evil, you will truly know Enlightenment through your Inner Light.
God / Goddess Complex
The Human Ego’s idea of Divinity & Spirituality. While still active and alive in 3D/4D, infused with the idea that ‘I AM GOD!’, the Human Ego reaches its absolute peak form.
There is nothing more dangerous than an unconscious Being that proclaims and considers itself God. Next in line are those who claim to talk to and receive the word of God, it being the only right and just way and the only true God – all else being blasphemy and heresy. Does that sound familiar? It should because Humanity has played this game for Millenia and called it Religion.
I have seen the God (or Goddess) Complex in action more times than I care to remember.
Deeply traumatized people in Fear of Inferiority thinking that they can rise above that Fear by declaring themselves ‘above it all’.
The downfall from this is the hardest there can be.
The God(dess) Complex can be witnessed by living in Spiritual Communities where both Men and Women consider themselves Gurus, Gods, Goddesses, Priestesses and so on and so forth.
It is the most toxic of all choices and I highly prefer any unscrupulous Investment Banker over those ‘enlightened’ by their Ego.
Talk about accumulating Karma in this lifetime when really, they should be dissolving it.
Good luck to all of you – you know who you are.
Health is the natural State for a fully 5-dimensional Being. Living in Harmony with Nature and fully conscious of one’s physiological, mental and emotional needs, the Cellular Regeneration Process works to constantly and continuously adapt and rewrite DNA and cellular Memory to accommodate life circumstances.
Effectively, this means that one does not age. At least not in the sense that Humans so far have come to know it (since the Days of Altantis have been over). Aging does not equate getting slower, more diseased, with the body breaking down more and more.
The time stamp of Youth is removed and Eternal Youth (even when looking ‘wise and old’) is achieved.
This is what True Healthcare should look like.
Current Healthcare is Sickcare, treating one symptom after another to never address the root cause, thereby merely holding off the inevitable while subjecting people to suffering via medication, surgery etc.
Healing describes the Process of Releasing Trauma, transforming Shadows into Light, Resentment/Hatred into Love.
It is the Transformation from 3D/4D into 5D. 5D is the Dimension of Healing as it is the first Frequency in which Love can truly flow, unobstructed by the Human Ego. In order to stabilize in a baseline of 5-dimensional Frequency, let alone ascend higher, one has to become an adept at different modalities of Healing.
Light is the purest form of any Energy manifest.
Light is the fabric of Sacred Geometry, creating Life Patterns, Structure and Order of anything that it permeates and penetrates.
Light is 6D Consciousness and therefore a higher expression of Energy than Love (5D). The Ultimate Goal of Human Evolution is to become 6-dimensional: Pure Light.
Light Work
Light Work is the Act of bringing positively-polarized Frequency to Planet Earth.
There are infinite pathways to performing Light Work – however, they are always intertwined with your own Ascension. The more you raise your Frequency, the more powerful and capable you become to do Light Work.
For any Human starting out on their Path towards Enlightenment from a 3-4D Consciousness, Light Work will first and foremost be Shadow Work – ridding themselves of Negativity, finding ways to heal and embody more and more Love & Light.
Once you reach 6D, the State of an Ascended Master and an eternally Light-conscious Being, everything you do becomes Light Work – because all you are is Light itself. Every breath you take is a blessing upon the Planet you chose to inhabit.
Light Worker
A Light Worker is an individual doing Light Work, bringing a Higher Consciousness and Frequency to the Planet.
Anyone who focuses on becoming a better Human, intentionally doing good, holding themselves responsible and accountable while developing their gifts and following their Soul’s calling is a Light Worker.
Love is at the very core of the Universe and Existence itself.
It permeates all. It creates all. It is all.
Love itself is an Allowing. It manifests in the pure Flow of Energy. of who you truly are as your innermost Self.
Plant Medicine
Plant Medicine, more specifically Psychedelic Plant Medicine, is one of the most powerful Agents for Ascension, Spiritual Awakening, Development and Enlightenment available to Humanity at this time.
The States of Consciousness that can be reached by surrendering to the Spirit of the Plant and getting one’s Intentions aligned can be exponentially (easily perceived as infinitely) higher, offering a look into the future and clear guidance on where to go and what to do. Plant Medicine opens a door that you did not know existed and/or that you have been looking for your entire life.
A dogmatic belief system that closes your connection to your Soul and makes you spiritually unaware. True Spirituality gets replaced by False Spirituality to fill the void of emptiness experienced due to lack of meaning in one’s existence.
Since their Fall from Atlantis and thus a spiritually-aware 5D Consciousness, Humanity has made many assumptions about the nature of Divinity. God, Allah, Shiva, Yahweh, Science, Money Buddhism, …
They have forgotten to look where all answers truly reside: Within.
All religious books are as much fantasy and allegory as Harry Potter. Being a religious zealot no longer serves any purpose on Earth other than confirming everyone on a Spiritual Path.
Science used to be a necessary breakaway from Religion and narrow-minded, unchangeable belief systems.
Science allowed Humanity to move forward by focusing on ‘evidence & facts’ rather than the imaginary fictions of religious zealots.
Unbeknownst to the Scientist, he was empowered to look for Truth without dogma and thus brought him closer to Divinity, presuming himself to be God more so than the one proclaimed in religious works.
This approach exceeded its peak of usefulness in the 1980s.
Since then, due to Ascension, Science has more and more become a replacement forThe Years of 2020/2021 have shown with great clarity how truthful and productive modern science has become.
Ultimately, Modern Science has taken the place of traditional religion and formed a modern version with deeply entrenched dogma and sect-like belief structures. As everyone in this field has to proclaim their atheism to fit in, thereby rejecting any notion of Spirituality or Divinity and simultaneously acknowleding it.
Why or how talk about something that does not exist? Why is there a number 0 in Mathematics if it does not exist? Or isn’t 0 rather the genesis of all Mathematics? Just like Source (Zero Point) is the genesis of all in existence.
Self Love
For you as an individual, Love begins with yourSELF. You cannot love another if you don’t love yourSelf.
Almost all Humans try to please others in an attempt to receive Love from them. This behavioral approach is reciprocated by others, leading everyone to participate in a game of Conditional Love in which a false idea of Love is weaponized and used as a form of Manipulation to get what you want.
Together with the God Complex, the Human Ego loves nothing more than to use Love as an excuse to further its Agenda.
True Love can only come from an open Heart, thus leading directly to Spirituality (in times of Ascension).
The way you give and receive Love is a unique expression of your Soul.
To Love and to be Loved is the most powerful of all Human desires and motivations (until 5D Consciousness is reached and mastered, then Love becomes something else).
Love is the absolute Master of the Human Ascension Experience. The Heart opened and thus allowing the Flow of Love is the Key to your Soul.
The Shadow is the Identity based entirely on and rooted in Fear.
Everything you are afraid and that you are unwilling to face, accept and bring into Light constitutes your Shadow. From an unconscious perspective, The Shadow and the Ego seem entirely identical.
However, there are significant differences that must be understood for Ascension and thus an Enlightenment of Self to occur. The greatest Shadow Work is the transformation done from Shadow to Light.
Shadow Work; working on your Shadow and transforming it with Love, Acceptance, Light and Consciousness into the very same is the most powerful Lightwork you can do – until you have fully reached 6D and your Shadow no longer exists.
Shadow Work
Shadow Work is the conscious and intentional work on your Fears.
Shadow Work consists of becoming consciously aware and developing effective techniques to dissolve your Karma, heal your Trauma and face your Fears.
Shadow Work is the prerequisite and primary necessity to do Light Work.
There are many paths to dissolving your Shadow, yet the most effective are through Forgiveness, Responsibility, Compassion, Honesty, Self-Love and Service to Others.
The Divine Essence that is You (6D Consciousness). This is the densest expression of Spirit manifesting through you as an individual. In the absence of the Human Ego, this is who you truly are. God-Goddess in full embodiment.
The more you align yourself with Love, Light & Truth, the more Soul-Full your Life will be. As the Soul is eternal and ever young & wise, it cannot be destroyed, captured or hurt.
Embodying your Soul equals 6D Frequency Life – which is eternal. As an Ascended Human, you will never know Death or Disease which were mere learning tools in the unconscious Human Experience.
Spirituality is the conscious Awareness of your Soul and Spiritual Nature.
The more you practice your Spirituality, the more conscious you will become, the more you will ascend and the more connected to your divine nature you will be.
The expression of your Spirituality is unique to your Soul.
Truth begins in 4.5D, i.e. when transitioning from a 4-dimensional into a 5-dimensional Consciousness. The Mind has to be sufficiently merged and fused with the Heart that is opening (creating the Heart-Mind).
Anything below this level of Consciousness is fiction and illusion as any ascending individual that reaches this level (and beyond) will come to realize.
Truth exists beyond Belief. Truth is unchangeable and ever-lasting. Truth is the very definition of steadfastness. Once Truth reaches from 5D to 6D, it becomes Ultimate Truth. Pure, unquestionable Truth beyond the shadow of a doubt.
5D stands for 5-Dimensional and describes a Consciousness that is rooted in True Love. 5D is the Heart and the first expression of your Soul through your Human Form.
True Love cannot exist below 5D and therefore, 5D represents the first experience of True Spirituality (finding God/Goddess within).