The chakra system is an ancient concept integral to various spiritual and healing traditions, particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism.
While the traditional chakra system consists of seven chakras, the 12-chakra system expands this understanding to include additional energy centers that correspond to higher spiritual and cosmic consciousness.
In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the 12 Chakras, their locations, associated elements and colors (where applicable), their effects/purpose, what an imbalance means and finally how to balance them for Ascension.
12 Chakras
Indeed. For Reality on Earth has changed greatly in these past 24 years alone due to Ascension.
The days when the 7 Chakra system was invented dates back to the Vedic Days (before the Vatican), about 5.500 Years ago.
During those days, which coincide with the latter days of Ancient Egypt being in 4D Consciousness, there was no 5D or let alone 6D Consciousness.
On top of that, the system itself has been watered down and misunderstood by and through the interpretations of Yoga, some 2000 years ago.
Truthfully, there are infinite aspects of existence that can be described as Chakras (Containers for Energy).
In my most advanced teachings, I talk about 33 Chakras or even more.
I do that because it is a well-established and well-known system that many can use to have a functional starting point for my extensive teachings.
Yet the Truth is that the Chakra model, even in its expanded version as I present it here, quickly stops serving any purpose when we go from 5D to 6D .
Keeping it aligned with the number 12 representing Ascension & Spirituality itself, this is to expand your Mind, your Heart and make my point: You need to go much further than some outdated Yoga teachings of a 3-4D Consciousness to successfully ascend.
1. Chakra = Life
Location: ~6 feet / 2m below your physical body
Element: Ether
Color: Black
Effects: Life, Support, Cellular Nourishment
The Life Chakra is not located within the physical body but resides beneath the feet.
It contains the Energy of Pure Life Essence in its simplest form.
Based on the principle “as within, so without”, humans need to dig (deep) into the Earth to extract minerals.
Using this as a reference point, the same applies to how the human energy system works.
All that you need to sustain your life in a meaningful and sustainable way already resides within you.
Due to the Human Condition of Unconsciousness, you have to dig deep into yourself to find it.
Your life lacks meaning or purpose
You have a constant/lingering Fear of Death (because a part of you needs to die)
You do not feel nourished or supported
Give your Life Meaning by doing deeds that feel good
Learn to nourish and sustain other life forms (through organic gardening, baby-sitting, entrepreneurship, …)
Let Go of the Old
2nd Chakra = Earth
Location: Where your feet touch the Earth
Element: Earth
Color: Brown
Effects: Connection, Reality, Sustenance/Nourishment
The Earth Chakra is what Physics have described as “Gravitation”.
Just like every plant needs to have healthy roots, you need to stand on sound and balanced footing.
With your feet planted firmly and decisively on “Earth”, you can walk your path as a Spiritual Human Being without fear of falling or faltering at any point.
It is absolutely crucial for your Ascension that you have an extremely solid foundation, footing and grounding.
There is no tree that can hope to grow tall without being firmly rooted and intricately connected to Earth.
The very same applies to you.
Your life lacks meaning or purpose
You have a constant/lingering Fear of Death (because a part of you needs to die)
You do not feel nourished
You are not grounded in Reality, therefore living in an illusion
Give your Life Meaning by doing deeds that feel good and align you more with your innermost desires
Learn to nourish and sustain other life forms (through organic gardening, baby-sitting, entrepreneurship, …)
Let Go of the Old
Face your Fears of Reality
3rd Chakra = Root
Location: Base of the Spine
Element: Earth
Color: Red
Effects: Stability, Security, Grounding
The Root Chakra is the foundation of the traditional 7 chakra system.
It represents our basic survival needs, such as food, shelter, and safety. When this chakra is balanced, we feel secure, grounded, and connected to the physical world. An imbalance can lead to feelings of fear, anxiety, and insecurity.
Fear, anxiety, financial instability, feeling ungrounded.
Practice grounding exercises (e.g., walking barefoot on natural surfaces), use red crystals (e.g., Red Jasper, Garnet), meditate with affirmations (“I am safe and secure”), look for sustainable work and incorporate grounding foods (e.g., root vegetables) into your diet.
4th Chakra = Sacral
Location: Lower abdomen, below the navel (Uterus for Women, Prostate for Men)
Element: Water
Color: Orange
Effects: Creativity & Sexuality
The Sacral Chakra governs our emotions, creativity, and sexual energy.
It is the center of pleasure, joy, and emotional expression.
When balanced, we experience healthy relationships, creativity and sexual satisfaction.
An imbalance can manifest as creative blocks, sexual dysfunction and a sense of deep dissatisfaction.
Creative Blocks & Sexual Dysfunction/Dissatisfaction.
Engage in creative activities (e.g., painting, dancing), use orange crystals (e.g., Carnelian, Orange Calcite), meditate with affirmations (“I embrace my creativity and passion”) and find a way to sexually satisfy yourself (with or without a partner).
5th Chakra = Solar Plexus
Location: Upper abdomen, above the navel
Element: Fire
Color: Yellow
Effects: Personal power, Confidence, Willpower, Motivation
The Solar Plexus Chakra is the center of our personal power and self-esteem.
It governs our sense of identity and motivation.
When balanced, we feel confident, assertive and highly motivated.
Low self-esteem, lack of willpower, feelings of helplessness.
Practice activities that boost confidence (e.g., public speaking, assertiveness training), use yellow crystals (e.g., Citrine, Yellow Jasper), meditate with affirmations (“I am confident and empowered”), and incorporate fiery foods (e.g., spices) into your diet.
6th Chakra = Heart
Location: Center of the chest
Element: Air
Color: Green
Effects: Love, Compassion, Forgiveness
The Heart Chakra is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras.
It is the center of love and emotional healing.
When balanced, we experience deep connections and empathy.
Jealousy, anger, emotional coldness.
Practice acts of kindness and compassion, use green crystals (e.g., Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine), meditate with affirmations (“I am open to giving and receiving love”), and incorporate heart-opening exercises (e.g., yoga poses that open the chest) into your routine.
7th Chakra = Throat
Location: Throat
Element: Ether
Color: Blue
Effects: Communication, self-expression, truth
The Throat Chakra governs our ability to communicate and express ourselves.
It is the center of truth and authentic expression.
When balanced, we can speak our truth with clarity.
Difficulties with communication, dishonesty, fear of speaking out.
Practice vocal exercises (e.g., singing, chanting), use blue crystals (e.g., Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine), meditate with affirmations (“I speak my truth with clarity and confidence”), and incorporate activities that encourage self-expression (e.g., journaling) into your routine.
8th Chakra = Third Eye / Mind
Location: Forehead, where your Brain Hemispheres meet
Element: Light
Color: Indigo
Key Themes: Intuition, insight, wisdom
The Third Eye Chakra is the center of intuition and wisdom/knowledge.
It represents the functions of your Mind. With open Eyes and Senses, we can see far beyond the physical.
When balanced, we experience clear intuition and spiritual awareness.
Confusion, lack of Clarity, lack of Intuition.
Practice meditation and mindfulness to enhance intuition, use indigo crystals (e.g., Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli), meditate with affirmations (“I trust my intuition and inner wisdom”), and incorporate activities that stimulate the mind (e.g., puzzles, learning new skills) into your routine.
9th Chakra = Crown
Location: Top of the Head
Color: Violet/Purple
Effects: Spirituality
The Crown Chakra is the highest chakra directly linked to and palpable from and within your physical body.
It represents the Center of your Spirituality as a Human.
It governs our connection to the divine and higher consciousness.
When balanced, we experience a deep sense of peace and spiritual fulfillment.
Feelings of disconnection, spiritual confusion, religious zealotry, lack of purpose.
Practice meditation and prayer to connect with the divine, use violet or white crystals (e.g., Selenite, Clear Quartz), meditate with affirmations (“I am connected to the divine and my higher self”), and incorporate activities that promote spiritual growth (e.g., read spiritual texts, practice channeling or divination, attend spiritual gatherings) into your routine.
10th Chakra = Star
6ft / 2m above your head
Galaxy, Aliens, Astrology, Universe
The Star Chakra is the reason for our fascination with “The Stars”.
The Stars in the Nightsky are a reflection of our innermost dreams and wishes, coupled with the reality of many other beings in the galaxy that are sending out their light to all those who dare to dream.
Feelings of disconnection from others/higher beings, spiritual confusion, religious zealotry, lack of purpose.
Practice meditation and prayer to connect with the your Spirit Guides, use violet or white crystals (e.g., Selenite, Clear Quartz), meditate with affirmations (“I am connected to the divine and my higher self”), and incorporate activities that promote spiritual growth (e.g., read spiritual texts, practice channeling or divination, attend spiritual gatherings) into your routine.
11th Chakra = Soul
Location: Far above & beyond your Body
Effects: Enlightenment
Many have wondered where the true Seat of the Soul is located.
While your Heart (not only as a Chakra but as a safe unification container for your entire existence) is the ultimate Gateway to your Soul, you can only truly reach the level of your Soul in full embodiment when you have mastered 6-dimensional Consciousness and thus have successfully brought your Soul into your Human Body.
Your Soul is all that you are. The Divine Aspect in you. The God in you. Your perfect Self.
It is only when you know your Soul that you truly know who you are.
To have this Chakra fully aligned, all other 10 Chakras need to be perfectly balanced and integrated in your existence.
12th Chakra = Source-Spirit-ZeroPoint
The 12th Chakra is your Ultimate Unification, Nexus, Gateway and Access Point.
Once you have reached Enlightenment by knowing your True Self (Your SOUL), you can now integrate into the Galactic-Universal All by becoming ONE with Source.
This is the Ultimate Spiritual Experience – for everything has become Spiritual.
Nothing exists outside of Love, Light & Consciousness.
This Chakra is as vast as Source/Spirit/The Infinite Universe itself.
In the Spirit of this article and the concept of 12 Chakras, you now hold the entire Universe within you.