This is the corresponding Twin Flame Article to "Sacred Masculinity - The Powers of God". For Completion (from a 6D perspective) and the purpose of Ascension, there are articles on the Dark Masculine & Shadow Feminine ready and linked here as well.The Divine...
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Making Love – Sacred Sexuality, Divine Nature & Organic Creation
The Nature of Sex(uality)Everything in existence is sexual. Every thought you think is an act of creation. A thought is the seeding point of that which you want to create and manifest. Every feeling you feel accompanies the thought you have. Thoughts are Masculine,...
Masturbation & Pornography for Self-Love, Fulfillment & Healing
Liberate YourselfWelcome to the single most shame-inducing topic in existence. Sex. More specifically, Sex with YOURSELF. Sex with another (at least in the context of marriage) has always been given a pass and somewhat accepted as a necessary Evil of the Human...