For the first time in Human History, the Lion’s Gate Portal is being felt and witnessed by the majority of Humanity.
Representing an important date for more conscious and astrologically-attuned humans in the past, with the Energies of this Lion’s Gate aligning with 8/8/8 as well as the Planet having shifted into a fully 4-dimensional template in November 2023, it has energetic resonance and significance with and for everyone on Planet Earth – even if only serving as a timeline point to create an exit from Planet Earth (choosing a lighter form of what was previously known as Death).
Since March 2024, we have been collectively in a new chapter that will see its completion in September of 2024.
The 6D Shift of Earth is still undergoing and will continue for the years to come (completion in 2027).
Everything 6-dimensional filters down automatically to its lowest possible point of frequency resonance which is 4D.
In order to do so, all the energy gets channeled through 5D – The Open Heart of Humanity & The Planet.
Time, Space, Money, Ideas, Thought, Everything.
An Abundance of Energy has now become manifest on the Planet that has never been available to Humanity before.
This translates to a much greater enjoyment of Life while simultaneously working less, stressing less and relaxing more (a State of Surrender).
Trusting the Universe to provide for you as a Lightworker in training or already actively practicing while creating a completely new form of Government, Financial Systems, ecologically integrated Grids (Power, Sewage, Internet etc.) is one of the most exciting endeavors that you could choose to participate in.
Dear Light Workers
Your Time has now come.
If you have been wondering about your purpose on Earth – why you have been struggling, why you have been rejected, why you needed to be patient – then rest assured that now is the time for you to shine bright.
In order to shine your Light and bring your Love into this World, you have to focus on developing and honing your Gifts.
If you have already been doing that for years or even decades now, then now is the time for you to apply it and teach them to others in a way hitherto impossible.
With the 2012 Shift finding its energetic completion in 2024 (12 Year cycle), we are entering a completely new chapter on this Planet.
The Old World dies – The New World thrives
While the Old World has fought valiantly to stay alive despite all signs pointing towards Change, Ascension and integrating into higher templates of existence, their efforts have failed with definitive action now.
Come late 2024, moving into 2025 as of 11/11, the separation of Old & New shall be completed.
This means that merging old with new energies shall be impossible, thus rendering all efforts of the Old useless and futile.
In other words: That which makes you unhappy and brings you worry, sorrow and despair will block you in such a glaringly obvious manner that you cannot move forward at all unless you surrender to the change that is already given to you.
While those choosing a conscious Life of Love, Peace, Light, Honesty, Truth & Fulfillment will thrive in an unprecedented way, those choosing to resist the very reason they incarnated here for (to experience Ascension on Earth) will suffer in a way that will break their Egos and no longer allow them to continue treading along their old and known ways.
Prepare for the greatest change ever seen – 2020 has been nothing compared to what is coming next.