Let it be known: Serapis Light is retiring from Earth
Upon filming this conclusive video, I have quickly come to the realization of what must happen next for me:
I hereby declare myself free from any and all Light Work on Earth.
My purpose has been served and my promises have been fulfilled – many times over, above and beyond the Call of Duty.
This has been the by far most challenging yet strangely fulfilling experience of any lifetime I ever had on Earth.
In Light of recent realizations and decisions, I have come to the conclusion that being Serapis Light no longer serves any purpose and must therefore be allowed to retire.
I shall leave this website online for all those who may seek its wisdom and perhaps, in time, realize the immensity of its significance and how far ahead of its time it truly is.
It is time for me, Dominik, to move on to much greater things and work as I no longer find any fulfillment in being Serapis Light.
I give and hold Gratitude in my Heart for everything that I experienced and did as Serapis Light – a Consciousness that I created in late 2018 and started embodying fully in summer 2019.
I wish all of you all the best on your journey.
My work is done. All I have and leave you with is Gratitude and a divine purpose full-filled.
Much Light to You all!
Serapis Light 🌟