Numerology – Decoding The Power of Numbers, Synchronicity & Spiritual Transmissions

Numerology – Decoding The Power of Numbers, Synchronicity & Spiritual Transmissions

Those experiencing Number Synchronicities such as “11:11” on their Clock repeatedly or receiving different bills with similar numbers on the same day already know of the amazing Power that Frequency Alignment holds.

Noticing a certain number Sequence while experiencing “Soul Shivers” is a sign of spiritual alignment that you can feel through your nervous system (Energy Meridians becoming active and firing with High Frequency Plasma).

Chernobyl: The Story of my karmic Past Life 1959-1986, Self-Sacrifice & Dying a Hero.

Chernobyl: The Story of my karmic Past Life 1959-1986, Self-Sacrifice & Dying a Hero.

My Past Life & karmic Cleanse In late October of 2018, I finally was ready to visit Chernobyl & Pripyat for the first time after much anticipation since I first learnt of it when I was 10. Barely into the “Exclusion Zone”, visiting the first...
The Apple Branding & The Forbidden Fruit: Feminine Greed, Sin & Guilt

The Apple Branding & The Forbidden Fruit: Feminine Greed, Sin & Guilt

A Sin so Sweet… The original Story of Human Sin as per the Bible equally portrays Eva & Adam as the perpetrators of eating God’s Forbidden Fruit. That is not truthful. While the Masculine betrayed the Light (and thus God) first, the Feminine betrayed...